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Go the Biff

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Everything posted by Go the Biff

  1. Same here. Somewhere I think I have a videotape of Melbourne game where K O'D was BoG. Connolly might have been playing as well. ABC coverage I think with the Doug Heywood post-match interview. Not making myself feel any younger. Now I'm waiting for one of the Blu-Ray generation to ask "what's a videotape ?"
  2. And that was about it for Ferg. What a false dawn that turned out to be. In fact in all the time he's been here there are only two games that have caused me to wonder whether he had a future. His first appearance you mentioned in a pre-season cup game when he did an excellent negating job on Richo and the Broadbridge game against Essendon when the footy just kept on finding him. Ferg is courageous but his skills are moderate, his strength in contests inadequate and he loses his feet far too often. He is an excellent footballer at his level and that level is not the AFL.
  3. If you go to BigFooty here (hope this works) : Meesen you'll find that some Crow-supporting chap has kindly put some pics of our new recruit in action playing for Norwood. He looks a big unit. The Crow / Norwood supporter is a Meesen fan - he appears to be very much in the minority among Crow supporters but I guess that's to expected. Everyone instantly becomes a hack when they leave your club.
  4. D'you reckon that'll help you get drafted ?
  5. Vanlo, Warnock's contracted for next year. More importantly, his "little" brother comes out of contract next year. Matthew's possibly got an additional advantage if there's a long term plan to try to prise Robbie away from Freo. Jamar - correct, just signed a 2 year deal. Ferg I think is out of contract & of your three, will likely have the biggest battle to stay on the list. He would have been quietly hoping that someone had put in a bid for Carroll when he was declared available
  6. Have another read NW. I think you'll find he was referring to Woewodin in that part of his post.
  7. Trevor Chappell ? Dean Waugh ? Zeppo Marx ?
  8. Shaw at his best is not a bad player. I actually admire him for the way he got his career going again after the GF incident & the knee. He doesn't add anything to our squad that we don't already have though and his kicking is questionable. Even with Brown, Ward & Godfrey gone, we still have too many players who are crap kicks. No way known should we be getting another one. If we are to lose Johnstone, which appears likely, let it be for a player who adds to the skill level of the group. Otherwise we are cutting our nose to spite our face.
  9. I don't. The interview to me seemed to smack of a bloke making excuses. While I'd love to see him do well, being a son of a player I greatly admired, I can't see it happening. He's shown nothing.
  10. I would like to select Jaded's "get over it" option. Failing that, a "sod off Clint Bizket" option would do. Why is it when learned posters try to engage you in meaningful discussion you refuse to take the blinkers off. Perhaps Daniher should have instituted a plan of simply bombing it long to Clint Bizzell in the goalsquare. Would that have made you happy ?
  11. You know what else gave me the shits ? I am 95% sure that Grant is a goat-rooter (Essendon supporter) and he failed to even acknowledge that they got the arse as well. Very selective. It was that rather than his cheap shot at Melbourne that [censored] me off.
  12. Wouldn't touch either of them. I thought the idea of trading was to improve your list. Jude Bolton has been a very good player but his best is past. Great worker, courageous but has lost a yard of whatever pace he had & his kicking skills are Godfrey-like. He won't shirk an issue but he won't win you a game either. Playfair, unlike Bolton, has never been a very good player nor will he be. Who's next - Leigh Brown ? Kepler Bradley ? Just because players become available doesn't mean we should make a play for them. I swear there are posters on this site who would give up a first round draft pick for Barry Norsworthy if he was declared to be "on the table".
  13. Only on Melbourne message boards
  14. Giving the old leopardskins yet another workout YM ?
  15. Disagree WJ. If it was all about cold, hard cash he wouldn't be leaving WA. I'd suspect he had an exit strategy planned when he signed his last contract and that the events of the last year have convinced him to implement it. I also suspect that clubs can wave cash, players & draft picks in the Eagles face until the cows come home. Won't matter. Judd will decide where he wants to go & will tell the Eagles to strike the best deal they can. Just hope it's us.
  16. Holy snapping duckshit..get rid of that picture & hope he never sees it. He looks like an alien. Are you trying to drive him to Carlton ??
  17. Agreed - we are in no position to slag anyone off. Even the toothless Tigers beat us. Besides, Friday is not about the despised 'Pies anyway. They will take their unwashed masses & flourishing balance sheet into September & bugger it up again. Why should we bother hauling out some tired banner to state the bleeding obvious. F*%k 'em. Besides, if I was to stuff a banner into my Gladstone bag, there'd be no room for my red & blue tartan travel rug & my thermos. Certainly couldn't conceal one beneath my tweed jacket. If your heart beats red & blue Friday is about Neita - the other mob are just there because someone has to be. Go Number 9 !!!!
  18. Correct Rhino. It's a popular myth that Neita started his career as a defender. He was a forward until circumstance sent him into defence.
  19. Jaded I'd be hoping that Essendon do that for us. After that I'd like to win them all - finish off the year with a bit of momentum. Might be useful when punters are deciding whether to renew memberships in 2008. It might be the light in that long tunnel that convinces members that there is cause for optimism & that they want to put their hands in their pockets & be a part of it. Might also be useful if we do end up in the trade market - we need anything we can get to make us look an attractive destination.
  20. You may well get a top 10 draft pick for him. For all we know that top 10 pick may well turn out to be Luke Molan Mk 2. Or Luke Ball who despite his class looks completely stuffed. They are not all guns & precious few of them are ready made players. I can't recall too many sides being successful by trading their best players to improve their lot. Even Hawthorn, the model that the media would have us all adopt, only gave away dead wood. Rawlings, whose knee was buggered, Hay, whose head was buggered & Thompson who was not without his issues. What a seller's market that was. Didn't see them offering Crawford up though.
  21. The PJ non-selection was mystifying. CJ on the other hand has more than earned every demotion he's received. Buckley is interesting - would like to see him get a bit more game time so we can assess whether he has the ability to get plenty of the footy given the opportunity. Has some skills, has a nice Bate-like side-step. Not convinced that he has clean hands though.
  22. or 5) he wants to learn the caper as an assistant to Sheedy at Melbourne, succeeding the old coot when he passes McHale's record. Bollocks I know but I thought I'd get a few on here salivating !
  23. Your comments on the other three have some varying degrees of merit but this is just fantasyland stuff. Exciting prospect ! Awesome ! Ferg has at no stage been awesome. In fact in all the time he's been here there are only two games that have caused me to wonder whether he had a future. His first appearance in a pre-season cup game when he did an excellent negating job on Richo and the Broadbridge game against Essendon when the footy just kept on finding him. Ferg is courageous but his skills are moderate, his strength in contests inadequate and he loses his feet far too often. He is an excellent footballer at his level and that level is not the AFL.
  24. The leopard prints must be in a sorry state now YM
  25. You'd have to find him first. Apparently he's buggered off up the coast & they're not expecting him back anytime soon.
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