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Real Demon

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Everything posted by Real Demon

  1. Cannot agree.........Ward makes mistakes........but his are no more frequent or worse than Wheatley, Brown, Bruce, Green, or anyone else for that matter who misses targets during a game. Ward, like all the other players, performs much better when the team is playing with confidence, and playing well. You make it sound like he turns the ball over on every possession! I think Ward should be kept for another year.........we struggle for run from half back as it is........Petterd isn't the answer......not yet anyway, and neither is Bartram. Wheatley and Ward IMO should be kept!
  2. Interesting poll........the mood of the meeting seems to have turned in favour of Sheeds!
  3. He is still a kid, and has a lot of work to do, but he has potential. He gets bumped off the ball way too easily, and just doesn't work anywhere near hard enough defensively. Good to see him getting a taste of it though.....he will be better for the experience.
  4. You're right......he would make a great trainer!
  5. Interesting to hear that Daniher thinks Sheedy would be a good option as our next coach: http://www.afl.com.au/Season2007/News/News...px?newsId=48300
  6. Bazza.......try laying down some serious reasons why you think there needs to be a spill.......doing it just for something to do isn't really being serious is it? Because YOU are not happy with how things are going, and because you think the club is reactive really doesn't hold any water!
  7. He is still pretty green, but the potential is undoubted! He did some nice things last night........I think he will develop into a damn good player...........just going to take some time.
  8. I'm not 100% convinced that Sheedy is the coach to go for, but what I do agree with is that he has squeezed every bit out of the Bombers anyone could hope to. Do I think he could get more than we are currently getting from our team.....absolutely!
  9. I have to say I'm a Holland fan! You won't find too many blokes at the club in better physical shape than him, and I don't ever recall a time when I haven't seen him try or compete.
  10. Agree.......I don't think we can read much into Riley as a coach watching the last few weeks. You are right......he is finding out exactly where players are at. It's an impossible task he has taken on, and I think he is doing the best he can for the club long term. I certainly don't feel any anger at the way he is going about it............it's all about 2008 now!
  11. I hope we did send him an SMS......that means he isn't being taken seriously, and won't get the job!
  12. Absolutely agree........if we are looking for someone who demands a successful culture, Sheedy is our man!
  13. Absolutely spot on!!!!! What else do we expect at this time of the year anyway......the season was shot to pieces weeks ago......try something different, and test different players! There is only 22 spots available each week........some players have to make way! There is no point going in with 3 ruckmen to test Jamar.......and keeping Bizzell, Carroll, Ferguson, and Holland all in the same team is crazy as well. Let's not get too hysterical about the changes. And can people stop suggesting that players get games to improve their trade value.........that is the biggest crock I have ever heard! By that rationale, you would stop playing good players you wanted to keep for the following season to stop their value going up! Please be serious!
  14. I don't see that they have any choice......that is the process they have outlined that candidates need to go through to get the job, and to be honest I would be a little disappointed if they didn't do the proper due diligence in appointing a new coach.....and that includes Sheedy.
  15. I don't think the club would appoint Sheedy. I can't see him being prepared to jump through the necessary hoops to get the MFC job anyway. The more I think about it, the more I keep coming up with one name that I think will end up as the MFC coach for next year. My prediction is....... JOHN LONGMIRE !
  16. I've previously stated on Demonland that I don't want Sheedy to ever coach us, and think I labeled him senile, but I have changed my mind. Not that he is my preferred option, but if he got the job I wouldn't mind, and think he could bring a lot to the club.
  17. I don't want anymore problem childs running around for the MFC!
  18. I would too.......I was just making the point that when the Cats weren't travelling that well last year, Ling was too slow, and wasn't effective, but this year he is back and in AA contention. It's amazing what 12 months can do!
  19. It's easy to pick holes in the list when things aren't going well. Let's face it.....Geelong last year we would have canned their ruckmen.......King...aging dud, Ottens....was doing nothing........Blake......who???? Ling.......too slow, not damaging enough. When the whole team is up an firing, and playing with purpose and direction, it's a different kettle of fish. I'm not saying we don't have deficiencies......we do........but they look a hell of a lot worse when we get a belting, and play unaccountable sloppy football, and the team is going through the motions. The challenge for all the players next year is to take the next step in their careers and development........if they can't, move them on.
  20. Deano.....spot on !!!!!!! We won't truly appreciate him until he is gone..........very few players at any club can take hangers as regularly as Robbo.....we have been spoilt for highlights having Robbo at the MFC! He should be given the same nickname as Dominique Wilkins from the NBA........"The Human Highlight Film!" Well done on 200 games Robbo.......you are a true MFC champion !!!!!!!!!!
  21. I thought Newton did what he was expected to do as a leading forward.......lead hard, took a few grabs, and kicked a few goals. Still has a fair bit of work to do IMO.........but looks promising!
  22. -Is everybody over this season? Over the poor performances, but not the season.....still want to watch us play, and hopefully win a few games. -Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday? Yes - never want to see us lose......successful clubs don't embrace losing cultures.......if supporters think this, then what are the players going to think. If members don't demand success, then who will? -Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible? No........if we lose because we aren't good enough, then the silver lining is better draft picks, but we should never embrace losing! -Will you be upset if we lose? Hell yes! Upset as well that the young kids come in experiencing defeat....they need to learn how to win! -Are you going? For sure! -Crowd? 40,000
  23. Agreed.........Wheatley has been very good since coming back into the team, and shouldn't be dropped on form!
  24. I thought he looked pretty good last night as well...........great to see him sprinting and moving freely for a change. Let's hope his injury problems are behind him!
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