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Everything posted by ding

  1. Liar, there are no likes on my post.......
  2. We obviously wont be in the market next year for a high priced free agent as we have too many young players of quality who need to be re-signed (on bigger contracts) before they get poached. IMO the only club to have been a success in luring top line talent for unders is The Hawks. This is who we need to emulate. Their list management has been excellent for a long time. If we want to be a long term success, with 60k members, fleeting one-off success wont get us there. It needs to be sustained for a long period or we end up back where we started 5 years ago in no time. While the bath water is currently tasting like Krug, it can turn to vinegar quickly. The same people who write these articles now, will be belting us from pillar to post if we dont produce what they themselves have predicted. Nice to read if you support the Dees, but it doesnt mean much.
  3. https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/afl-star-injured-in-bolte-bridge-incident-20181218-p50mvb.html Poor bloke sounds like he has some personal troubles. Good luck Majak.
  4. Dunno bout the rest of you, but i cant wait to see the clash strips.
  5. I hope if any of our players are roped into this farce, they jog around half assed and dont risk injury. This sort of thing has no actual football value for the clubs. The AFL is the only likely winner from this as they have more TV games to sell in the off season. I mean, dont they even care about their already shredded reputation any more? And they want teams to get out of pokies ffs. Money-spinning farce. Because AFL.
  6. The more on-field success we have, the easier this becomes. Win a flag or 2 and watch our membership skyrocket. Then we need to avoid becoming a basket case again to hold onto those new members. For many, winning IS everything. Pinch a flag next year and watch our number go through the roof. We win a flag next year and every Cat, Dog, Ferret and Goldfish in my family is getting a membership for Christmas.
  7. To save some of the smartass replies if i post in a thread (yes i know i have been guilty in the past), what is your opinion on H.Petty? I know the recruiting team was very happy to snag him when they did, but we have heard very little about him other than the 1 game he played.

    I rate the guy but have no reason to as I have not seen him play live. Cant explain it as its just a gut feeling.

    Without any sugar-coating, will he make it?

    My fingers are crossed.

    Thanks for the training reports.

  8. I am so pumped for next season i can barely contain myself. Thanks to everyone who posts a Pic, Prognostication, Projection or Pisstake. Im busy formulating my 2019 prediction to win back the crown from @Skuit , who we all know got lucky last year to win the title. Any information posted in the training thread makes my job easier. GOO DEES !!
  9. Lens needs more Vaseline. Or run them through photoshop first. Filter> Noise> Add noise> Move slider to about 30%> Select "Monochromatic" You could then add some Motion Blur if you want. Save as "Demonland proofs" Share to Demonland. They should look much more like the images we are used to seeing from training.
  10. I am personally much more interested in the list of free agents next year. We shouldn't have an early first-round draft pick unless one or more of our better players is traded, and I can't see that happening tbh. We must start to lure some top-shelf free agents while we are in the window. That's if any are available ofc. Hopefully though at the end of next season, if things go our way, we wont care very much.
  11. I guess this means the Yarra Park idea is dead in the water. I can see us homeless for another few years, before announcing a poor second best option, with a far inferior building than we planned over the railway tracks. Was hoping that we had secured political support by dumping our poker machines. Guess not. Oh well, at least i wont have to vote Labor now.
  12. Not a volume problem. I refreshed multiple times and only got a constant "loading" indication on the podcast. Gave up. NVM i just did a 2 second download and its now working on Itunes thanks.
  13. Not working for me... have tried and tried and i get nothing. Oh well, i cbf'd listening for over an hr anyway. Back to Scotch, Netflix,.Redtube Definitely the Scotch.
  14. He was totally overhyped by the media very early in his career, and that wasnt his fault..... UNTIL he made the comment that he wanted to be a hall-of-famer. Confidence in your own ability is one thing, but it has to be backed up. His confidence seemed to disappear this season, especially in front of goal. Way too many attempts at dinky little underground passes inside 50, when a confident player would have taken the shot. Trac can stand up in a tackle better than anyone i remember in my time following footy, but other than that, he doesnt actually have a huge bag of tricks to dip into. Currently a poor set shot, average endurance and his field kicking is not exceptional. He also holds the ball in front of his face before having a snap shot. One of the highest ball-raises i can remember. That particularly is something he has to work on. I would really love to see him play ANGRY. He has the physical tools, but he doesnt have enough [censored] about him. "Do you remember that great handball he shot out of the pack in that final"?................................. Surely he is better than that. He is a long way from being a champion player, but i still believe he can be one if he makes the choice to be his absolute best. Many talented players before him have failed to make the most of their natural talent. Heres hoping Trac doesnt become another one to join that list.
  15. This story mentions "Chaos" so this sport HAS to be what he is studying doesnt it? (Did anyone else get sick of Fathead commentators always talking about "Chaos" ball late in the season during our games?)
  16. Ever considered changing your name to "PICKET FENCE !!!!!"? I can imagine saying it in Bruce Gushaveneys growly voice...........
  17. I cant read this article because paywall, but the headline alone is another positive reinforcement of our recruiting team, and how we are staying ahead of the competition. "Alarming shortage of ready-made big men" Im sure plenty of other clubs were into Preuss. We got him to sign, even though we already have Max, which makes it harder for Preuss to get first-ruck time. MFC were not the most active club during the trade period, but NOBODY will slap the "scattergun" label on us this time. Need = Targets = Trades completed. Big tick MFC. Fug im pumped for the next few years. How bout the rest of youse? (My best Jeff Fenech)
  18. I almost spat my chips when i read that, mainly because it could so easily have happened if it went the way some of our supporters suggested it could/should. Yeah, a few on his board would have been happy to use Angus as trade currency at the end of last year. We might have got a mid-late first rounder for him if we were lucky perhaps? How cranky would we all have felt if we sold him for pick 10-15 and he immediately had a season like this one, but playing for another club. Wouldnt it be epic if KK turns out to be as good as Brayshaw, considering he was essentially the steak-knives in the Hogan-May saga. We may end up being very very happy with this deal, or it could be less than great if Hogan goes ape for Freo, and May/KK are just so-so. Only time will tell but im really confident our people knew exactly what they wanted, and made the best of Hogan asking to go home.
  19. LOOK AT OUR PATHETIC PERCENTAGE ???? Anyone who says we dont miss Jesse is an idiot..
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