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Posts posted by Cards13

  1. Awesome work guys. Sitting in dreary, friggin cold old London town at my desk for 12 hour days in the office the best way to relax a little is to jump on here and see these reports and pics.

    Hearing some of the most recent updates on players gets you a little excited for the coming season, I would love to be back for.

    Davey and Aussie look a picture! Aussie especially he has lost that little tire he had round the midriff from early on and would love to see him high kicking it with the fans after bags of goals.

    Also it is interesting to see how dry the hill is around the ground compares to the grass. You forget how dry it still is back home compared to over here were it rains so often.

  2. I am very anxious that MFC announce a sponsor now that the "Silly Season" is nearly over. Amongst other handicaps, the Club has not released any 2009 merchandise, which is a small "earner". If a sponsor is not available in the current financial climate, I have had a lateral thought following the success of the McGrath Foundation ventures at the Third Test. The National Basketball Association (NBA) in the States has a community-assistance program called "NBA cares". Could the AFL "chip in" extra to the MFC (I know that we've already received extra from the AFL & MCC) and the Club become the vehicle for community-outreach events on behalf of the AFL? Under a banner like "AFL is us"? The MFC already has a history in this area with our involvement in the Pink-Lady game. Instead of going to sponsor functions, players would attend community events. Games could be given themes to assist various community programs. This campaign would give MFC more community links. God knows the AFL needs to improve its public image, and to assist MFC after the draw and other imposts that we've been handed. Just a thought??

    ND that is really interesting idea, partner it with Jimmys Reach program maybe.... have you sent it along to the ideas email address? [email protected]

    That is left field thinking. Issue I would see is the AFL puckered up tight enough when we went to them for $2m to keep us afloat, would be almost impossible to get them to offer more monies to us. They also have there current community cup and each club does there own grass roots events.

    I sent another one along recently to try and lift our exposure. HBO in the USA do a program called "hard Knocks" every NFL preseason, they follow around an NFL team during there training camp. Something like 6-8 half hour episodes that focus on the players and coaches and what they are doing. it might be a hard sell for MFC compared to a collingwood going to a network and trying to sell this insiders guide to a preseason but one Martin Cox from the Marketing Dept got back to me saying they will look into.

    if we could get a network have uson a program like that, lifts our exposure and a sponsors too...

  3. Does anyone else liken this to two parents fighting obsessively whilst their neglected child watches on? The only problem is, rather than looking at the child and seeing sense, the 'parents' will look at us and think what an ugly duckling we are, with no obvious signs of blossoming into the proverbial swan. We can be fairly confident that there are those in the AFL that would like to see us boned, but I doubt the MCC is any better.

    They will most likely come through for us this time around, but if things haven't improved dramatically in the next 12 months, and we are in a similar position next year, the situation will be a very hairy one for this club. Which is not to be taken lightly, given that the position we are currently in isn't particularly savoury.

    Was surprised when Schwabb said that thus far we haven't had a business plan to make us financially viable. I hope he is speaking in relative terms, otherwise previous administrations should be fustigated. And I'm not talking about your standard, bread and butter, 'win footy games and you'll build membership and make money' strategy - that is a given. I'm talking about a proper business model to support the club's 'football business'.

    We are a 150yr old child who has got only itself to blame for our current mess, we need our parents help getting out of it. One parent has agreed in principle whilst the "father" is being hard nosed business instead of a family. I hope Stephen Gough and his ilk do not live to regret not helping when the helping is needed most.

  4. What a lot of people have to understand is that for people from remote regions of the NT and WA, English can be a fourth or fifth language.

    I hope some cross-cultural training is provided for all in this scenario.

    It is true that a huge part of the mob from Yuendumu will now follow the Dees, they are football mad in this region, will do my best to recruit a few new members!

    Fork you from up that way? 4th or 5th language is astounding! I would have thought 2nd or 3rd at most.

    Great to hear some new supporters coming onboard, especially over the filth. Maybe a few of the heartland memberships can end up in the hands of some of the little fellas now hopefully following Jurrah and the dees along with a few jumpers or twenty!

  5. Fantastic idea and initiative to have it up and running already!

    People would not realise how big this would be for some children. They barely have enough money for food let alone going to football games at the G. Makes me very very proud of our football club.

    My old man joined up with Big Brothers/Big Sisters program where he mentored a little boy from a very sad family background. He had never been to a local footy game let alone the G. The look on his face when we went to the G something I will never forget.

    Maybe supporters/cheer squad can also get amongst the kids each week to make them feel even more welcome and part of the club?

    Maybe it could be extended a little further and some supporter apparel can be given to them too. A flag or a scarf to take home.

  6. Fair enough comment but those great teams had the Bruce types as well as the hard men like Ron and Noel. Ones to come to mind are Tunbridge, Ridley, McKenzie, Dixon, Melville, McLean and quite a few others. These players were the SKILL supply complementing the tough guys. Add Mithen and Laidlaw to your tough man list. You must have BALANCE and looking at the teams of the 50's most were ball players. So maybe we don't need a team full of thugs to win a premiership.

    Here here Bob!!! Besides his shocking comb-over Bruce is a true blue, red & blue champion in every sense!

    Is he captain? Personally I'd go with a Green/Brock combo. Unfortunately for Peter (Brock) he needs to show he can stay on the field.

  7. ......"Hawthorn also showed interest in Melbourne's Brad Green, but the Demons say the utility is close to signing a new contract."

    From The Age

    I must say I am disappointed by this. I think he has had a career year for us and showed what kind of leader he is but he iwll not play in the flag for us so get the best pick you can for him and hopefully get a player who will be playing in a flag for us.

  8. Yeah I have read that.

    My point is though, that, a young talented ruckman like Warnock, I would have thought, would be alot more interested in a club like Carlton than Melbourne at this stage. I certianly hope I am wrong.

    We have first pick, but hes under no obligation to come to Melb.

    Spot on RK. He has said he wants to leave but is hoping to be traded. I think Carltank will throw a lot more at Freo than we will as the MFC footy dept have stated they will not give up draft picks.

  9. why ?? what clash are you addresing ?

    I think we have identified there are virtually no clashes for the MFC the issue is the AFL. Every piece of corro from the club to members who have sent ideas for a red clash jumper the responses posted on here have been the same... the AFL require a predominately white jumper. The only issue I have seen so far is the back of the jumpers looking similar...

  10. what about the back of a red jumper having a large white hoop around the bottom half under the number. It will not look great but potentially appease the AFL whislt keeping the red front on the jumper. Some of the desings on here have been fantastic!!!

    Fingers crossed on the red jumper!!!

  11. The fact that someone had to help him into a taxi, indicates to me that he was behaving inappropriately and drinking way more than he should. Mad Monday or not, excessive consumption of alcohol amongst professional MFC footballers should not be tolerated. Especially when said footballer is struggling for a spot in the team and is already treading a very fine line.

    Besides, it's no coincidence that Mr.Carroll always finds himself in trouble... it's because he is trouble. It's a miracle that nothing more serious has ever come to the media's attention. We've been very lucky thus far.

    By the way, the club probably knows the truth (whatever it may be). What Holland told the media is his choice, as he is no longer an employee of the MFC.

    I have to disagree with you there J. It has been one of the worst seasons ever let them blow off the season with a blow out. They have had basically approx 8 months fairly well not drinking they should be allowed to do what ever the hell they want. There obligation to the playing season is done and dusted.

    Carroll obviously has a few issues with drinking and agression, I have seen it first hand bumping into him and his mates in St Kilda. Angry young fella but if he is unfailry slandered then that is a media beat up and the Hun is well known for it.

  12. That is only my opinion on the two options.

    That said, why are we forced to choose a white clash strip? I don't understand why teams like Essendon can get away with their design and we have to come up with something like that (yes, yes a constitution you say). Do the AFL bully the MFC? What other decisions (perhaps recent) have the AFL hand their hand in? I don't know. I can only speculate. Yes, I am sceptical of our relations with the AFL.

    The filth don't take any [censored] from the AFL...the scum that is Esssendon don't take any [censored] from the AFL. It is the MFC that shouldn't be taking [censored] from ANYBODY. But, I digress... the MFC have their reasons. The board knows more about our circumstances that anyone us. Maybe we are forced to cut our loses and loose this battle (and a few more to come). I understand that. As long as we win the war.

    How much does the AFL pay to keep us afloat each season? I think that is why we will be wearing a white clash jumper..

    It is so far from who we are it is disheartening. I voted B none the less.

  13. Hope Benny puts in a pearler.

    I hope the Old Dirty B@stard (Grimes) gathers the ball from back pocket, one bounces, blind turns Richo, delivers to White in the middle who takes a huge hanger over Simmonds in the centre sq, White then handballs off to cale who handballs to OOOOZZZZEEEE who drills (....) a pass to Dutchy. Dutchy then calmly slots the winning goal after the siren!!

  14. How bout we get behind the club and support it. What are YOU doing for the club? Did you apply for the role?

    The new board led by J Stynes is trying to steer us to safety doing things they feel are right to help us survive. I for one, even if I might like the appointment, will back them all the way. Only time will tell if it is a success or a failure but these people will not die wondering and with what if's. They are getting in there making calls that they see are for the greater good of our club, not just to get all there so called mates back. One minute people are pissing and moaning about not enough Melb people being involved the next it's a "jobs for mates" place.

    We want Melb people at the Melb footy club. You negative people amaze me.... "they are not doing enough, what they are doing is wrong.." we have seen ever since the failed merger our club go backwards off the field. This is our last throw of the dice and we have one of the most seasoned football administrators now running things. I for one will support the club and offer any assitance to them.

  15. What happened to Schwabby.

    he has said on numerous occasions he has not even thought about the MFC job and wants to take time out to think of a job he can do for the next ten years.

  16. Bazza, thanks for all of the updates this year, will be good seeing you doing the Scorpians from next year......

    Is there injuires in the Sandy side or have Tom Mac and Spencer earned 1's games?

    Great to see Grimes named, lot of faith been placed in some young MFC listed players for this must win game!!!

  17. What's more interesting is that it seems that Bailey will change the leader selection process. If he's picking the captain then it's obviously not up to the player group, what happens if the playing group don't vote either McDonald or Bruce in?

    Jarks I was wondering how long it would take for someone to raise that little between the lines bit.... 1 post.

  18. http://news.theage.com.au/sport/fundraiser...80807-3rl9.html

    I'm sure this will go down like a concrete block in a few cereal bowls:

    Meanwhile Bailey said it was likely James McDonald or Cameron Bruce would lead the team next season, following the retirement of David Neitz.

    "I think James McDonald and Cameron Bruce have done a fantastic job.

    "Who or how we set up for next year, we'll determine that at the end of the year but James and Cameron have done a pretty good job in the absence of those blokes," he said.

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