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Everything posted by Demonstone

  1. Played in U/15 flag from my specialist position of 20th man and got on for the last 10 minutes. Career cruelly cut short by a tragic lack of talent and courage.
  2. In addition to changing your password on this site, I think it is prudent to also change your active email address on Demonology (I just used a bogus one) to prevent any unwanted contact from those grubs.
  3. I think the appropriate Latin expression is "Illegitimi non carborundum".
  4. I'd disagree with those saying we're in for a long year. I expect it'll all be over by the end of August. Having said that, it's hardly wrist-slashing time. Harden up princesses!
  5. No doubt about the paternity of Watson's new baby. The kid was due around the time of the fourth test but got out early.
  6. In the grand tradition of Pettard, Trengrove, Sellers and Maloney, it looks like poor old Cam PEDERSEN will be the name everyone spells wrong this year. The only vowel in his surname is "E"!
  7. A colleague once told me I was as loose as a cannon.
  8. I drove past the MCG today and both thumbs on the Norm Smith statue were up.
  9. Jack Viney knocks on your front door and tells YOU to fark off.
  10. Players copying each other and referring to events being "surreal" as this year's buzzword. Sorry lads, but surreal is melting clocks and flying toasters a la Salvador Dali. Your everyday experiences are not surreal.
  11. You said nothing at all about our disposal, just that we had only taken one mark in a "half" of footy and that that "says it all".
  12. A 20-minute "half" in a monsoon in a glorified practice match in February? Says nothing at all apart from your alarmist negativity.
  13. With this thread going around and around in ever-diminishing circles, it can only be a matter of time before it disappears up its own fundament. For all those who are certain one way or the other, remember that wise people are full of doubt and see all shades of grey, while stupid people have no doubts and see things in black and white terms.
  14. Grammar tip for the day clearly not taken. The noun is Aborigine and the adjective Aboriginal, Dazzler.
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