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Everything posted by demoniac

  1. Beamer's Manager Bruce Kaider is in partnership with Andrew Bogut which probably explains his yankee wannabe show me the money style of management. One newspaper article described Kaider as a leading player agent. Google revealed a small and A grader free stable.
  2. Question 1 : Does your father harbour ambitions to be an AFL recruiter?
  3. Classic Olisik. Currently playing for North Ballarat in the TAC Cup. That shows a fair degree of commitment for mine.
  4. I could not disagree more with the OP. Mark Neeld wants us to play tough hard smart footy thats wins finals. Like the Swans for instance. If any player does not want to buy into that then heck I don't want them. The reason some players don't want to come is because we lack respect. I am 42 and we've been a joke for most of my life. We can't just change that overnight. Its one step at a time. We moved from the decrepit Junction Oval to the elite facilities at AAMI Park. We payed off our $5million debt. Then we invested in our footy department after the end of the 2011 season. We recruited Mitch Clark for Pick 12 which now looks like a bargain. Is there a better sports science duo in the AFL than Dave Misson and Neil Craig? I doubt it. If you are a Dees players you now can have trust in those charged with turning you into an elite AFL athlete. Then their is Mark Neeld. He sets tough standards. Tougher than we've seen since Swooper. They are not random standards. They are the standards required to build a successful team. Then their are our young leaders and players. Grimes, Trengove, Jones. They seem resolute. Jack Viney the same. I'm more excited about the Dees than I've ever been. We're back in the game for the first time in my lifetime. It won't huppen overnight but it wull huppen.
  5. Pick 4 for Dawes and Wellingham is quaility for quantity. A definite no.
  6. Maybe Cam Schwab is left handed and this has come to to the attention of Chris Mitchell and Denahm is just doing his editor's bidding. Or.. Denham is still bitter that Mitch Clark is a Demon not a Docker. Never writes or says anything positive about the Dees.
  7. you are not positing that source as being reliable are you? shurely not...
  8. Poor Greg. He is still expecting Mitch to run out for Freo.
  9. I heard it on SEN..and I thought..Greg Denham..am i right!
  10. Early Booths. Very Early Booths.
  11. Father Son bidding is done before trade period starts. No dice.
  12. I disagree. Harrington was recruited from North to 'regularise' our player payments and he has done that. We don't overpay players any more. Please provide specific examples of list managment errors made under his watch.
  13. Of course maybe Jack Viney is a confident 18 year old kid who voices his own opinions.
  14. erm 'think its a mistake letting him go".... the ball is in his court, we've made an offer but if he gets offers from teams he thinks are Premiership chances in the next few years he might choose to join one of them in the hope of winning a flag before he retires.
  15. Moloney's manager loves medjia street. One article recently referred to him as a 'leading player manager'. Googling revealed him to be a very minor player manager indeed. Methinks Moloney would have had concrete offers from other clubs before announcing his intention to test the free agency waters.
  16. don't really see connection with viewing faciliities at training ground and membership numbers. think lack of flags since 1964 might be more of a problem.
  17. Bombers get great* GPS info at their home ground. *diddelysquat do to roof
  18. Is there anyone left at Ch 10 who knows anything about television?
  19. Melbourne's Got Talent. Not sure whether congratulations or commiserations are in order for our Director. Ch 10 are a basket case made even more basket casey by the presence of Gina Rinehart on the board.
  20. Can't see the Cats getting back in the top 4 for a few years so I suspect Rivers won't get the flag that he is chasing. Still the Cats might make the bottom of the 8 so he might get a few finals. Its always interesting to see the decline of a great team. In many ways its the death of a thousand cuts. Even one or two key structural players retiring has a significant impact. Geelong have yet to replace Ottens and will now lose Scarlett. The Cats also have a significant number of best 22 players who are in their late 20s and early 30s and have crammed almost an extra season into the last 5 years. Some players hit a wall, others decline slowly. Even a 5% drop off from these players significantly impacts the team performance. You only have to look at some of the games the Cats played this year when champions for the the first time since 2006 looked like mere mortals party as their performance dropped and partly as other players form dropped or new players did not step up and the team method suffers. In the broad though this is the brave new world of free agency. Hopefully we'll be in our Premiership window in a few years and if we have a need we'll be able to raid another club for a free agent. Good luck Jared if you do go. A fine servant of the Dees and a player who had to overcome a serioously debilitating injury in OP. A great reader of the play and judge of a mark and a spoil. The greater emphasis on forward 50 pressure in recent years put pressure on his decision making making and execution. Never a genuine key defender and not a natural rebounder or ball carrier which puts a question mark over his exact role in today's footy. Showed he could add another string to his bow when moved forward this year.
  21. Indeed. Last saw The Fauves a few years back at the Weddoes Grand Final Eve Show. Still think Rogers could 'add to the mix'.
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