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Everything posted by demoniac

  1. Hope he can get it together off field with the help of the Tigers. Needs to get alot fitter to realise his potential.
  2. Richmond officials and players have devoted an extraordinary amount of effort in mentoring Martin off field and deserve great credit for that. Can you imagine their frustration when he turned up to St Kilda's Mad Monday celebrations at 10pm when the Tigers were playing their first final in 12 years 6 days later.He only turned around and went home because the realised media types had recognised him. That is a clear example of the questionable decision making that Martin is prone to when left to his own devices. Reading between the lines there has to doubts over whether he is capable of improving that decision making. Certainly everyone at Richmond crosses their fingers and hopes for the best when he is not at the club and not with a club official or team mate. His football talent is undeniable. The lack of confidence in his ability to make the most of that talent is also undeniable.
  3. Trading Pick 2 for a 28 year old half back who is undeniably talented but has repeatedly demonstrated an inability to control his temper on field with both team mates and opponents AND has a few off field incidents on his resume? Computer says no. Eddie will be desperate to get a good deal for Shaw to quiet the Maggies fans wondering just what his man Bucks is doing to their club but that does not mean we have to be the dummy who gives it to him. WE NEED QUALITY BALL WINNING MIDS.
  4. Colless has been an outstanding servant of the game. I think there would have been a very short queue for the Sydney Swans Presidency in 1993. However Colless is currently behaving like an absolute idiot. Roos sought advice from the AFL Coaches Association on contracted assistants and was advised that an assistant coach could leave if offered a promotion. Dew applies for the Senior Assistant/Next Senior Coach job and the Swans won't let him be interviewed. As for the player the Swans have offered him a 2 year rookie contract which he can either accept or choose to go into the draft where any club can take him. On a positive note Colless has fired Roos right up!
  5. Have immense respect for Richard Colless and Andrew Ireland for their service to AFL in the rugby states but an in contract assistant coach should be able to move to a senior assistant/senior coach in waiting role in the same way that an in contract assistant can move to a senior coaching role. If it is a promotion then they should be able to move. Maybe someone needs to tell Colless that Roos is the Melbourne Coach and his responsibility is to do his best for us.
  6. Watts has the talent.196cm, 91.5kg, reads the play well, has good hands and balance and good disposal. General consensus is that under the Neeld/Misson regime he did become more professional in his training and lifestyle. Overhead his Dad telling friends at the St Kilda game at Casey that Jack was playing at 91.5kg this year but that Misson still felt he could build to 95/96kg if required. Hopefully Roos and Co can entice the best out of him because if does realise his potential then he will become a very good player and one very hard to match up on.
  7. Martin should stay at the Tiges. Reading between the lines he needs discipline and structure in his life outside of football. To Richmond's credit they have gone above and beyond in trying to provide him with that and his family and management need to recognise that. Perhaps the queue of clubs lining up to knock him back may convince them of that.
  8. Jolly has had a stellar career since the Dees lured a reluctant cabinet maker from Lexton(?) to try his luck in the big time. Watching him play this year it seemed the game had passed him by. I am happy with Spencer and Gawn leading our rucks with Fitzpatrick and the perenially injured Jamar providing occasional back up when required. Would also rookie a developing ruckman.
  9. Importance of midfield depth underscored by Tiges today. We just need more natural ball winning mids so we have the rotations required.
  10. ...fills Old Dee's glass all the way to the top!
  11. I can imagine players getting an injunction to prevent Dwayno commentating on their games on the basis that it would damage their body of work.
  12. Geelong have the best Selwood by the length of the Flemington Straight. The remainder are Jack Dyer good ordinary footballer types. To wit role players in a great team but not great players themselves. We may consider the younger of the WC Selwoods in Scott but only at the right price. He would get a game in our midfield but he ain't no champ. I watch plenty of Weagles games on Fox. The older now retired WC Selwood has been running up and down on the same spot for a couple of seasons.
  13. I was standing with a mate behinds the goals at the scoreboard end. When Lyon broke his leg it is fair to say the Bullies faithful were just not very nice about it. To wit my mate decided we'd be better of on the Doug Hawkin's wing. I almost floated over the bridge to the station knowing that at the age of 18 I was finally going to see the Dees in the finals.
  14. Sony did not want their technology to be associated with adult films whereas the more liberal Europeans at Phillips had no such hangups. Given it was that genre which was a major driver of the the home video marketthat almost alone explains why the better Beta technology lost out to VHS.
  15. I may be wrong but I think Lake still had a contract with the Bullies for 2013.
  16. If Wade Lees can get a 2 year ban for purchasing a supplement but not using it because it is intercepted by customs so essentially getting a ban for intent to use then logically it follows that Essendon players who have signed AOD9604 consent forms would not face the same risk of suspension.
  17. Not a surprise. Hopefully our Dank infection is minimal in terms of officials and players which it seems to be. I cannot see how any athlete who has used AOD90210 won't get an ASADA infraction notice. ASADA have reiterated that they have never issued any approvals and it is clearly banned under the WADA code as it has not been approved for use in Australia by the Therapuetic Goods Administration. Whether use in cream context as per Trengove is a violation I don't know. There were other Melbourne players mentioned in the reports earlier in the year in relation to injections. Who knows what any injection organised by Dank contained?
  18. Impressed by his game yesterday. Will give us run and inside poise.
  19. He could have left the job. He did not. Therefore the stats serve nothing else than to establish the ladder position of Essendon over the last 8 years of Peter Jackson's term as CEO. Ultimately the CEO must be accountable for the football performance. That is the business their employer is in.
  20. Cheap shots by Peter Jackson. I like the logo and the blazers. Yep we should be able to acknowledge our history and improve on and off the field.Not an either/or. Did anyone ask him about Essendon's decline into mediocrity in his term as CEO? He was their CEO from 1997 to 2009. The slide is on after 2000 Flag and 2001 Grand Final as their ladder position in the last 8 years of his tenure demonstrates: 02 - 5th, 03 - 6th, 04 - 6th, 05 - 13th, 06 - 15th, 07 - 12th, 08 - 12th, 09 - 8th. In summary thats 5th - once, 6th - twice, 8th - once, 12th - twice, 13th - once and 15th - once. I have my fingers crossed that he can do better than that at the Dees and that given the only senior coach he has been involved in selecting is Matty Knights he does a much better this time. I always thought at Essendon that he seemed to sometimes not realise that he was the CEO of a footy club. Hope he has learnt from the mistakes of the second half of term as CEO of the Bombers and makes a positive contribution to the MFC. And now I've got that off my chest well done to the Foundation Heroes.
  21. Jack Viney today, "“It’s been a really tough year mentally and for some of the boys, they’d be pretty fatigued at the moment. But if we want to be a dominant and ruthless football team, we’ve got to run past the line – not just through it." Does Jack Watts want to run past the line? Jack Viney's credo seems to be, "if it is to be it is up to me". Jack Viney in attitude and intensity is everything Jack Watts is not. Both have talent but only one wants to lead. The other one is a follower. Jack Watts has undoubted talent. Will he ever have the desire needed to get the best out of himself? Guess thats what the incoming coach has to decide. His talent will seduce teams into making him a hot trade property. Is it time to to sell the Jack Watts stock or hold and see if we can help him want to run past that line?
  22. Reading between the lines there appear to be 2 issues re issuing infringement notices to the players. The first is did ASADA provide any incorrect and non WADA approved advice re any substance. Dank has claimed WADA email approval but WADA have no record of same. The second is the need for proof of which players were given what substances. It is the second that appears relevant to the recent amendment to ASADA's legislation which provides for a fine of $5000 per day for anyone who does not cooperate with ASADA investigations. In essence they need Dank to cooperate because Essendon have no records of their supplements program and this amendment may encourage same.
  23. Disposal is Ordinary. If he has a modicum of talent then surely the Blues would not trade him given their own midfield woes and the imminent retirements of the likes of Judd, Carrazo and Simpson.
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