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Posts posted by JTR

  1. 3 hours ago, old dee said:

    I got an email today asking members to attend as many home games as possible.

    There are incentives for the number of games attended.

    Are they under pressure to maintain our home games at the "G" ?

    I think they are just advertising something they already do.

    In the back half of every season for several years now, I have received an email saying something along the lines of "because you are a loyal member who has attended xxxx number of games this year, please click on xxxx and do xxxx to get a free upgrade to a better seat at our next match"

  2. 13 hours ago, rpfc said:

    If the club gave a hsit about catching them we would offer $1 (pay us later please!) memberships like the Saints are offering...

    .....  or the other North/Geelong options I mentioned a few posts back.

    Other clubs are starting to think a bit outside the square to get new members on board. We need to too.

    • Like 1
  3. Geelong are playing 2 games at Etihad (North & us) and another 2 at the G (Pies & Hawks).  The remaining 7 games are all at Skilled.

    Even if their members dont travel up the highway, thats still 7 games for $99, which is less than half the usual $215 for a regular 11 match home game membership.

    As for North, don't they get compensation games like we do for the two NT fixtures?

    Even if not, they are only playing 3 of their home games in tassie, so thats still 8 games for $99


    • Like 3
  4. I may have missed it, but have we been doing the big discount memberships like some of the other clubs?

    Today Geelong are selling home game memberships (11 VIC games) for $99.00

    A couple of weeks back I think it was North who upgraded anyone who bought a 3 games membership to a 11 match home game membership.

    If we are not doing this, why not? 

    Obviously we'd lose a little $ in the short term, but if those new members stay on, then surely it'd be beneficial in the long run?



    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

    I saw that yesterday when updating my schedule. 

    Can't imagine what software they used to make this a leap year!!

    And did you notice how they rectified it for the 'March' page...they gently eased the 29th out again! 

    So the rest of the calendar is ok.


    Yeah I saw that and was relieved, having frantically flicked through remaining months worried I had dates book for games/accommodation wrong!  

    Wonder why if the could fix it for March they left Feb with the extra day?

    No harm done I guess, just seemed weird!

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Gorgoroth said:

    People mentioned Trenners gettingbtye ball alot, how did he look moving across the ground? Have the sprint work they have done with him make a difference?


    What about Stretch, was he in the contest much? Where did he play?

    He didn't look too bad to me, except one moment when we was manning the mark vs frost, who stepped and burst away like Trenners wasn't even there.

    It was frost though I suppose, and he'll do that to many

  7. 2 hours ago, DemonDan83 said:

    Just got home and in the mailbox is my membership pack for 2017!! That is awesome! So quick and I am super excited for 2017. A good way to start December. Well done MFC membership team in being able to process all these memberships and get them sent out!

    I got my pack yesterday...  ;)

    Forgot to ask for player card though. Would have got Daisy for sure.


  8. IN:  

    Jake Melksham (in effect)
    Jordan Lewis
    Michael Hibberd
    Pat McKenna
    Mitch Hannan
    Dion Johnstone
    Lachlan Filipovic
    Declan Keilty
    Tim Smith


    Jack Grimes 
    Matt Jones 
    Dean Terlich 
    Lynden Dunn 
    Chris Dawes 
    Ben Newton 
    Viv Michie 
    Max King 


    Looking good to me




    • Like 8
  9. 1 hour ago, Lucifer's Hero said:


    Financial results extracts:

    • Revenue grew by $3m up from $44.5, due to membership, sponsorship and gate takings.
    • Membership grew to record levels: 39,255
    • Strong home game attendances, which saw over 330,000 people attend our home games – an increase of 72,000
    • Football Department spend grew by $635k during 2016
    • Our overall debt position reduced by $561k in 2016, with debt reduction since 2013 totaling $2.7m.
    • The Club received an additional $528k in AFL funding in 2016

    I am rapt with this result.  Especially when compared to some of the 'power' or 'successful' clubs who are making losses or just tiny profits.  For example it staggers me that Richmond with 70,000+ members (double the number of mfc) can't make a profit! 

    We are a very well run club and in 3.5 years Jackson has seriously turned us around.  Soon the AFL will not be able to ignore us and will have to start giving us some decent venue, prime FTA time slots and large Vic teams as home ground opponents.

    That we have been able to turn the financial around with all the 'fixture' disadvantages is nothing short of a miracle!  Great work by PJ and co!

    $298k of which was received by ALL clubs, which I think is worth noting.


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