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Posts posted by JTR

  1. 7 hours ago, Ash35 said:

    Tonights loss has made it difficult, although I never expected Essendon to win.

    As I have said all along, Dees in the box seat if they win tomorrow. WCE has their destiny in their own hands, while due to poor %, both Saints and Bulldogs will be relying on other teams to lose. 

    But despite our poor record against bad teams, I would be disappointed if we didn't finish of the season with 2 wins against the team that conceded 22 goals to Brisbane today, and the other team that lost by 104 points.

    If the Dees make it, they will have deserved it with the amount of injuries to key players this year. If we don't play finals, I hope Melbourne do.

    We are playing Brisbane, not the team they flogged today.

    And we are not playing Freo either?

  2. 12 hours ago, praha said:

    No. They have been distributed to targeted groups such as migrants and tourists that have shown interest in AFL. They're not giving them away to randoms. 

    There was actually a link which you could use to obtain tickets, but said ''allocation exhausted" the first time I saw it, and now doesn't work at all.

    Probably no thanks to leaches like this...


  3. 12 minutes ago, small but forward said:

    If we've got 22 blokes giving a red hot crack, then we're in with a strong chance. I'm pleased Goodwin is not just picking names, but looking at blokes who are busting a gut at the moment. I'm also delighted he's not scared to back himself in. If we think this is the biggest game we've had in the last 10 years (as I think it is), and Goody's making changes dropping talent now; then we've got somebody who will do the same thing in a prelim and not just hope that selecting talent that is not in form prevails. 

    FYI - goody is on the SEN "coaches box" extended interview segment tonight at 6pm Melbourne time. For those interstate, you'd be able to pick this up on the SEN app, or probably (not sure) will be podcast tomorrow. 


    And it sends a strong consistent message to the entire team that there are no favorites, no 'names', and we are not going to carry any passengers.  

    You can't have guys busting their gut not being given a chance ahead of guys who are not.

    • Like 2
  4. I hope if/when Gus comes back supporters are patient if he takes a few games to work his way back.

    Cause we were all saying similar things about Hogan a few weeks back, and look how long that lasted. Some want him to be traded FFS!

    • Like 3
  5. Yeah, not a good look at all for Gatlin to win, or even be running. His first conviction was probably 50/50 and he appealed it because the positive test was from medication he claimed he had used since childhood for ADD. Second time around though was testosterone and there is zero excuse for that.   

    On the subject, I came across this on reddit yesterday which shows all the fastest 100m times run.  The names crossed are those found to have been using illicit substances.

    Apologies for the image quality. Not my work...



    • Like 2
  6. In other news....  I am at my wits end with <popular consumer electronics company>. 

    Bought a new bells & whistles TV back in November, which was great for a few weeks before it had to be replaced. It's replacement lasted a few months before having to be replaced and the one after that, yep you guessed it, had to be replaced - 30 minutes after it came out of the box!  

    Telly #4 is being delivered at some time today.  Hopefully within the next 3 hours so I don't miss the game.


  7. 47 minutes ago, chook fowler said:

    I think our midfield matches up with theirs well - they probably have more skill whereas ours has more grunt. I reckon they will struggle up forward without Patton, Cameron and Green. Watts owes the team big time after his last 2 miserable performances- I predict he will have a good game this week in the absence of Hogan. Mummy was 50/50 this week so may be playing a bit injured so all good for Maxxy to dominate. Reckon we will win.

    As they say, a team of champions doesn't necessarily make a champion team, and we have seen in recent weeks how disjointed and unorganised they look sometimes and they'll probably be even worse now with most of their forward line out.

    If we bring our Adelaide/Bulldogs style game, then we'll be well on the way.

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, The Chazz said:

    Howe was a lazy, sulky [censored] who didn't want to play for the MFC.  Roos played him in his right position, he cracked it and left to go to another club that promised him what he wanted.  Turns out Roos was right, and Howe now realises that if he is to stay in the AFL ranks, that's where he has to play.

    Howe did nothing in his last year to assist us getting a better deal.

    The common theme in my words?  It's all about Howe.  That's what he thought during his latter years at the MFC.  As soon as he started thinking "team" instead of "Howe" at Collingwood, that's when he stepped up a level.


    Playing Howe in defence has been a masterstroke by Buckley, not Roos, and he has finally blossomed now that Collingwood have helped him find his best position.

    Well, according to the media flogs, anyway....

    • Haha 1
    • Shocked 1
  9. 29 minutes ago, Petraccattack said:

    They've been playing like crap and will be without Cameron, Patton and Greene.

    Deledio will be underdone.

    And have a look at our lineup, we have stars on every line too.

    We will win.


    I admire your positive outlook, for now, but it was only a few days that you were raging hard, labelling the players cowards and saying it was another false dawn.

    Must be tough being you during the season.

    You seem to create your own roller coasters to go along with what the team dishes up!  ;)

    • Like 2
  10. Who are the actual, genuine gorillas?

    Tex Walker, Ben Brown, Lynch, Patton maybe....  any more?

    Do we really need a player to specifically try and counter three or four players in the league, or should we get someone that would be better for the other 20 or so games of the season? And maybe just try and develop a better way of playing against the gorilla types with what we have, on the few occasions we face them?

    We had no ruckman of note for a big chunk of this season, and as it turned out it wasn't the end of the world. We found a way.

    • Like 3
  11. 27 minutes ago, Lucifer's Hero said:



    While barely mentioned in the article, the tables show that ANB is second in the league for forward turnovers and scores from those turnovers.  That puts him in the 'elite' category for the year.   He plays the role in a true 'team first' manner as he feeds the scorers rather than score himself so misses out a bit on the accolades.  The coaches would love him for performing that role so well.  I think that is why he kept being selected over Kent.

    I think he is a bit underrated on this site in part as this his first year as a team regular and in part because his role isn't very glamorous.

    He hasn't re-signed which makes me wonder about whether he will stay with us.  In other threads some posters put him in the 'fringe player' or 'steak knives' category.  If he goes he will be worth a lot more.  Other recruiters would not miss his excellent forward work and team work and would value them quite highly.

    The future aside, ANB has had an excellent year and thought others on here might like to see his achievements (with an aberration last Saturday).

    He may not become an 'elite' of the game in the media but he is certainly putting in 'elite' performances for the job he is given.   He is making the most of his talents and opportunities.  If we had 22 players who did that, well the sky is the limit!


    I like ANB and he was 'rated' by plenty on here prior to the game last week. 

    "He has turned the corner", "become an important player", "always makes good decisions"......

    Nek minnit...

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