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Posts posted by JTR

  1. 14 hours ago, KingDingAling said:

    I agree. Pretty easy decision. Petracca, Brayshaw, Viney, Oliver and Salem, are as promising as any young midfield in the game.

    That is a relentless, tough and classy midfield.

    After this year, I expect Gawn will also be a top 3 ruckman in the league. Whereas Sandilands is on borrowed time.

    While I don't disagree at all, I am always conscious of the fact that not that long ago I/we were thinking the same thing about McLean, Sylvia, Moloney, Gysberts, Tapscott, Strauss, Morton... etc  *shudders*

    Proof will be in the 5+ years from now pudding.

  2. As mentioned already, this is a replacement home game, so anyone with an 11 game membership can get in.


    Edit - as long as someone at the MCG remembers to press the magic 'button'. Took a while to get in for the first of our replacement games last season.

  3. 1 hour ago, DubDee said:

    the headlines in the papers are a disgrace.  NEVER before has a player with 2 year left on a contract had the headline:  "talks put off til the end of season".  that phrase always refers to a player having one season left on their contract.  the casual observer (idiot) that doesnt read the article will look at that and say - oh Hogan is gone.   just puts pressure on hogan and is negative publicity for the Dees.  The media always kicks clubs when they are down (aside from the bombers).  when we win a few they'll be the first to jump on the bandwagon saying we will make the top 4.

    such lazy, biased journalism

    On the same note, if and when he does re-sign and bucks the trend of "putting talks on hold = gone", then to the casual observer (idiot), it will make us look good.


  4. 11 hours ago, Coup Cooper said:

    Pay to read.. F Me!

    I managed to get it up and read in full somehow. Cant now...  :/

    Story was mainly about Frost moving forward, but there was a couple of paragraphs at the end that said what Redleg mentioned earlier.

    Quotes I remember...

    - Hogan and his manager in preliminary discussions

    - Would be looking at $700,000+ per season which would make him one of highest paid players for his age in the game.


    • Like 2
  5. - A/c was working!

    - Paul Roos not there.

    - Big round of applause from all in attendance when GB mentioned 2 year contract extension for PJ

    - Club was aiming internally for 7 wins this season.  Didn't say they were satisfied with that, as could/should have won many more, but just that it was their target. 

    - PJ went through financials, happy with progress. Expects profit next year in the range of $300-$400k. Provided reason for slight drop but dont remember specifics. Was something to do with extra costs related to the refurbishment of something, somewhere...

    - Life members presented. Rivers & the Skipper got up to speak, Sylvia absent as he had shoulder reconstruction yesterday.

    - Only question of note from the floor is why the AGM is being conducted a week before Christmas rather than the usual early Feb.  Answer was that it is a better time of year to do it as in Feb (2016) we want to be gearing up for new season, rather than looking back.

    - New players introduced.  Olivier is quite a bit taller than I expected.  Melksham, Weed, Bugg & Olivier all did a quick interview with Goodwin. Oliver a bit like a deer in headlights. Poor fella looked very nervous. Made reference to himself being a dead ringer to Jordie McKenzie which got a good laugh.

    - Goodwin is a very funny man

    - Saty has spray painted his hair fluro orange

    • Like 17
  6. If people want to see how seriously good this guy was watch this..


    Another good one here:


    I grew up in Auckland and worked at Eden Park and so was lucky enough to see most of his games there live from right on the sideline.

    Even got to shake his hand and have him sign my shirt out in the middle of the pitch after the Blues won the first year of what was then the Super 12.

    Absolute legend of the game that quite literally changed the way it was played.

    Some of the stuff he did was ridiculous.

    The steam rolling of Mike Catt in the 1995 World Cup semi was probably the most famous try, but there are plenty of other memorable ones.

    Really sad to see him go, and so young. :(

    • Like 1
  7. Darcy Parish looks a bit like an undersized Isaac Heeney. I am not sure that he fits in with Roos big bodied, tall midfield profile. Maybe we will try to pinch Callum Mills from Sydney.

    Admittedly I know nothing of him, but this is my (possibly unfounded?) concern too.

    He looks a bit.... well, vanilla, if that is the right term?

    Maybe just MFCSS, but can't help but worry he might be the Toumpas in the Wines/Toumpas scenario...

    • Like 1
  8. I would love for players to come out and explain their reasons for choosing which clubs they choose and why BEFORE they are traded. A bit of honesty for the supporters wouldn't go astray. I'm sick of the player manager's trotting out the usual crap as to why their client should and would be traded to their club of choice. No-one except the player, manager and clubs really know. It might help supporters understand reasons why their "idols" want to up and leave.

    I'm after the glory of taking speccies in front of 50,000+ instead of 15,000 - Jeremy Howe

  9. In truth, I don't really blame Howe. He's been offered a contract by Melbourne that was designed to force his hand and make him leave. He knows he's not wanted at the MFC.

    That said, his interests are of no concern to me. None whatsoever. I only want what's best for the MFC and to maximise his trade value. And I'd play as hard as I can in doing so.

    Dont agree with that.

    I think he has been offered a contract that is in line with his performance, and what the club deems to be fair market value based on that.

    A dozen speccies a year does not a $500,000+ player make!

    (or whatever ridiculous amount he was asking)

    Especially when we have the likes of Hogan (especially), Brayshaw & Petracca to retain.

    • Like 1
  10. "Pick 25 in this draft will slide down to around pick 30 when it is all done and dusted with academy selections and compensation picks. 30 is just about spot on for Melksham....... "

    Never understand this statement, because all the academy kids are going to be taken regardless.

    Best available player at 25 will be the same best available player at 30 after academy selections.

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