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Posts posted by JTR

  1. 4 hours ago, stuie said:


    Clearly you both live in the Herald Sun/Andrew Bolt "everything is black and white" world. Pathetic comments.


    Sorry stuie, I must have missed the part where the Sydney crowd was booing Thomas before he conned the umpire into paying the head high free....

    Feel free to point it out.

  2. 48 minutes ago, WERRIDEE said:

    This is the easiest thing to coach out of players. Just go for the hips, everyone wants to grab the arm because it's a certain holding the ball if you can grab that arm. Whelan was a great tackler and nearly always went for the hips.

    Why are people attacking Thomas while the inventor of dropping the knees the real grub Selwood gets off scot free? Looks like racism to me.

    No surprise that North and Geelong are leading the way in this tactic they are the dodgy brothers after all.


    Maybe ask the Sydney crowd who were booing Thomas the entire match. Surely if any crowd should stand as the moral compass of what is and is not acceptable to boo it would be them? 

    I'd say they were booing because he was playing like a [censored].

    (like Goodes)

  3. 10 hours ago, Hellfish said:

    Go to the stat sheets.  Thomas has won just 4 free kicks for high tackles for the entire season thus far.  I'm no fan of his but he is unfairly the face of is "issue"

    footballers have alway been taught to get their arms and the ball up when tackled. If the tackle comes low, your arms are still free to dispose the footy. If the tackle is high you'll get the free.  was taught that as early as under 14's.

    Clayton Oliver and Jack Viney do it every time. Only difference is they don't drop the knees like Selwood.

    the real problem is players these days are too sloppy in their tackles. They just lunge at the ball carrier with no thought or technique.  They don't pin the arms or wrap up the hips.

    a rule change is not the answer or even the problem. The answer is better tackling techniques.

    It is frustrating that this is the counter argument that Scott and the media lemmings are throwing out there in defense of this little grub.

    Thomas drops like he has been shot in almost every tackle. Watch him.

    Just because the umpires for the most part are aware of it and only 4 have managed to be sucked in all season doesn't mean he is not one of, if not THE best exponents of this 'skill'


    • Like 1
  4. Note to self....  whenever we lose, avoid this place like the plague.

    It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the mood changes from one extreme to another off the back of wins or losses. Why can there never be some rational middle ground?

    I'll let you get back to the wrist slashing now....  


    • Like 3
  5. 1 minute ago, doc roet said:

    North are going to get thumped tonight ,they have had such an easy start to the season.

    Their first game Adelaide,currently 8th,they beat by 10 points,same scoring shots though.

                             Lions currently 16th,lions kicked bad,32 shots to 28 not a convincing win.

                             US -- 31 shots each and umpiring gave then that game.

                             Freo currently 18th on the ladder and Freo kicked bad 31 shots to 32.

                            gold coast--15th on the ladder 29 to 26 shots.

                           Then they played the Dogs won,16 shots to 15. close game

                         They then played the Saints,won,11.16  -  11.9.  Saints are 13 th on the ladder.

                        Next up,Essendon, they won,24 shots to 20.

                        and last week,fair enough Carlton they won well.

    But tonight they come up against a real team, They don't deserve to be 9--0.



    Quietly hoping they do. Know a few Norf supporters and they all need to be taken down a peg or two.

  6. Got myself a pair of those AFL Sports Ears.

    During the game on the weekend Mitch Robinson (who incidentally squeals like a stuck pig at EVERY umpire decision that goes against him), was having a go at Oliver re his appearance.

    "Geeze mate, you make me look good" and many other colourful words to that effect.

    How ever will young Clarry recover....  :rolleyes:

    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, dieter said:

    Just watched this segment for the second time. Melbourne was not mentioned again. It's as though these [censored] have as much amnesia about the Demons as the French have about their German ancestry, witness Charlemagne, alias Carl Der Grosse.

    --->  North Melbourne board

    • Like 1
  8. All the same people losing their sh*t over the game on the weekend are no doubt the same ones who say they'd consider a 10-12 win season to be progress.

    Wonder if they realise that actually means losing 10+ games??  


    • Like 2
  9. 14 hours ago, KrazyJay said:

    Ok, my stay has been extended due to the open training session being on Thursday morning at Gosch's ...

    Will be driving back to Adelaide once training has finished and my son hopefully gets Jayden Hunt to sign his new number 29 guernsey...

    Parking suggestions most welcome.

    This may help...

    I havent't been to training this season, but assume the parking situation is the same/similar...


  10. 12 minutes ago, JTR said:

    He just came back to the bench on crutches with knee on ice. Seemed to be putting some weight on it. ACL??


    Anyone know? Is getting around on crutches iced up and putting some weight through the knee consistent with ACL?  

  11. 6 minutes ago, Seraph said:

    100% it was Mitch King, Max King isn't playing.

    ACL confirmed. 

    He just came back to the bench on crutches with knee on ice. Seemed to be putting some weight on it. ACL??


    3-8-26  to  1-2-8 scorpions, 4 mins into 2nd


  12. 2014 it was 20th March, last year it was 26th March, so I would say this years one will be out fairly soon.

    If you call the HUN up they can give you the specific date for all teams. 

  13. 12 hours ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Roos said Hogan must not cut corners if he wants to succeed over the long haul.

    "He still needs to get really good at AFL habits''

    Just found it interesting Hogan was picked out. Thought I read somewhere a while ago he turned up in poor condition over the summer?


    I haven't read the whole thread, so apologies if this has already been said.

    I have noticed on multiple occasions from Roos when talking about Jesse specifically (end of years reviews... stuff like that), he has often used language like "Jesse needs to keep listening", "Jesse needs to keep learning"....  etc

    Have found that quite interesting and assumed maybe there was a small element of FIGJAM behind the swagger we all love.

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