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Posts posted by JTR

  1. 36 minutes ago, jnrmac said:


    The Jetta contact with Thomas was a legitimate attempt to go for the ball. Besides Thomas won the ball and handballed it to Simpson. Simpson initiated contact with Jetta. Nothing to complain about there.


    Yep, though this fella in one of those guys who seems to feel the free kick count should be 30-0 his sides way each week, so I lost interest arguing the point.

    Anyways...  how about little Nev!  Legend!

  2. ... which I have been having a running arguement about with some Blues [censored] at work for 2 days now. 

    Will not accept that the contest with Simpson at the end was fair, or the "illegal interference" on Thomas in the play just before that.

    I just laugh at him, as I did when he claimed we were gifted 5 umpire goals from directly in front while they had none...  

    Delusional to the point where I dont even bother trying to argue anymore. Just nod and smile

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  3. You can see at the very end after ANB took the mark that Lewis started talking to him almost straight away, telling him what to do. ANB then went from watching the clock to looking out the corner of his eye to make sure Lewis was still in space. 

    The percentage move for Demons of old would be to go for the goal. Obvious risk is that if they missed, they then give the opposition 30 seconds to get up the other end for a goal.

    Percentage move now is what Lewis orchestrated last night. Remove all doubt, and guarantee victory.

    Thats experience, and you can't teach that.



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  4. 17 minutes ago, Diamond_Jim said:

    Viney and Tyson out and you replace them with Kent and Joel Smith ... fascinating selections ??

    Rather than being direct replacements, Kent/Smith frees up some others in the side to spend more time in the middle

    So the Lewis/Vince/Hunt/ANB/Harmes types


    Edit....  beaten, by 9 mins!  :-/

  5. Can't wait to see Jesse back out there. His first touch / mark / goal are going to be awesome!

    I must say though, while I am glad the spotlight is not on him as it's the last thing he needs, I was a little miffed on last nights various football shows (League Teams, 360, The Footy Show), that his return, and the significance of it barely got a mention. Certainly no more than any other player from any other team listed as an "in" for this week.

    We all saw the fanfare when Roughhead came back, and rightly so, I was just expecting the return of Jesse to be made a bit more of a big deal.



  6. 5 hours ago, PaulRB said:

    You mean like if my aunt was a man, she'd be my uncle..?:wacko:

    My point - which I am sure you understand but all the same - is that the scoreboard flattered us. It is not a true reflection of what happened during the game or how well our defence held up.

    • Like 1
  7. 12 hours ago, praha said:

    Imo we'll smash Carlton.  Our defense holds up well and was impressive considering the circumstances vs Sydney. We have more talent across the board. Very confident regardless of outs.

    They can smash the midfield but we best them elsewhere. Also Gawn will be better for the week's rest and 2 games. He'll go on a tear.


    Was it really?   The scoreboard says it was, but what if they had kicked 19.11 instead of 11.19 ?

  8. Well I guess they took out character references...  :rolleyes:

    It would be fantastic if they were consistent but we've just seen over the course of a week two similar-ish incidents deemed to have a 4 week difference in the original penalty handed down.

    • Like 3
  9. 1 hour ago, daisycutter said:

    this is the same tribunal that gave houli 2 weeks (yes 2) and bugg 6 weeks just 7 days apart

    where is the consistency, both acts were deemed intentional, high and high impact. houli actually knocked his guy unconscious and used a more dangerous round arm (albeit in reverse) to the more dangerous side of the head with greater force.

    i would grade both acts essentially similar and deserving of the same punishment whether it be x weeks or y weeks. 

    I may be mistaken, but I think I heard/read somewhere during the previous week that the members of the tribunal from the Houli case were all replaced for this week, and at least one of the replacements was a Sydney person ?

  10. 1 hour ago, deebug said:

    By the way does any one know how Gus is going with his rehab? There has been no news for a while regarding where his at, or when he is going to get a game in the twos? 


    General manager of football operations Josh Mahoney said the club wouldn’t rush Brayshaw’s return to the game, but it remained optimistic about his progress. 

    “Angus will be in full training early next week. All things going well, he’ll need a couple of weeks of full training and then hopefully he’ll be available to play – all things going well in that time,” he said.

    Brayshaw said he was progressing “slowly but surely, but tracking upwards” after being sidelined for the past six weeks. The talented and likeable youngster said it had been a steady recover and was optimistic about returning soon.  

    “Hopefully there’s not too much left of it, but I’m going along quite nicely at the moment,” he said.

    “The next step for me is to join full training with the team – that will happen sometime next week, and then it’s two to three weeks of training with the group.

    “If all of that goes smoothly, then I’ll think about playing, but it’s hard to put specific numbers on everything and give an estimate of how far away I am.”


  11. Making no excuses for Bugg, but when are they going to start cracking down on all these little body punches players are throwing all the time?

    Saw it with Thompson a couple of weeks ago drawing a reaction from Reiwoldt. Here Mills throws the body punch and Bugg reacted.

    Two wrongs dont make a right, but still...

    • Like 4
  12. 8 minutes ago, praha said:

    I feel like we haven't even left second gear yet. We're competing, but not really. Sydney dominated but are only 3 goals up. We are in this. You lot are crazy negative.

    Thats how it works around here. 

    OTT positivity when going well and OTT wrist slashing and rubbishing of players* when not going well.

    *often the same players who were subject to all the OTT positivity.

    Anyway, on we go. 

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