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Posts posted by JTR

  1. The description was correct at the time as JT was regarded as a top pick by the industry. What happened? Was it the hip problems? We have not seen the explosiveness or genuine speed as described and without the speed to give him time and space perhaps that impacts on his decision making because he has really struggled for composure at the top level.

    2 x hips


    Lack of confidence

    He's never really had a full run at it, 100% and full of confidence.

    I'd be sad to see him go, knowing he can be so much better.

    • Like 2
  2. So why or who at those clubs do they have selling themselves so well to attract the likes of Treloar, Aish, S. Selwood (brother), Dangerfield, and Smith?

    For any player seeking to go to Collingwood, I would imagine the opportunity to play in front of a big crowd pretty much every week could be a reason?

  3. I am as annoyed as anyone with the result, but take some solace in the fact that we played so badly for 90% of the game, yet if we had capitalized on a few of the crucial moments that were there, we could have won.

    Moments that spring to mind was the Salem missed goal late in the 3rd, which would have brought us within 3 goals at 3/4 time.

    Then in last after getting 1st goal pretty quickly and on what to me seemed like a bit of a roll, Hogan/Gawn both went for the same easy mark in the goal square and spoiled each other (they bickered about it with each other for a fair while afterwards).

    Should have been another easy goal.

    Take both those opportunities and we would have been within a goal, with our tails up and I reckon things would have been different.

    Not to be.... :(

  4. One cannot argue with that. Though no doubt some will

    I haven't seen him live, expect for a couple of Casey videos. Was just curious as to his size/strength. Whether he'll get pushed around or be able to hold his own in the contest. When he can lay a good tackle, or get brushed off. Whether he is more a Morton type, or Vandenburg/Viney/Brayshaw type .... etc

  5. For anyone that has seen him live, how big is young Harmes?

    Website lists him as 185cm & 78kg, but would assume he has put on a bit of size since.

    Comparable to?

  6. Once of my favourite highlight clips, which I have watched many many times since the game last year!

    Couldnt help but notice now though, post the last 21 second debacle vs St Kilda, that we almost did the same thing in this game, with 19 seconds left.... :o

    • Like 2
  7. Gus does make every single touch count, but his presence on the field is much, much more than that. It's his pressure acts like chasing and tackling, his desperation, gut running and fearlessness and his never-say die attitude and will to get to the next contest, that make him such a standout. His leadership is also starting to show through. I clearly remember early in the season, Jonesy pointing out where he should stand at stoppages. Now it's Gus directing traffic as often as not. He is an absolute gem, and is learning so quickly.

    How about in his third game vs Adelaide.... bit of a scuffle going on with N.Jones right in the middle of it.

    Gus pushes his way to the middle of the pack, pulls Jones out and gets in his ear to settle down!

    Loved it.

    • Like 5
  8. So I’ve been watching a few old games from 2010-2012 recently and I’d honestly forgotten what a good player Trengove was.
    I guess my memory of him was clouded somewhat by the way he played in more recent seasons.

    If he can get his foot right, and get back some of the pace that he lost (and yes, I realise both are big if’s) , is there any reason he couldn’t come back into the side refreshed, rejuvenated and “do a Brayshaw”?

    He’s a good mark, he’s tough, reads the play well, is a great tackler, smart footballer… etc
    All the potential in the world.

    I saw in one of the threads someone say it’d be great to bring in another ready-made player next season in the mould of young Gus.

    Maybe we already have him?

    Pipe dream?



    • Like 6
  9. Everyone, not just us, is excited about Gus!

    On SEN yesterday morning Tim Watson likened Gus to the liquid metal terminator (T1000? Terminator 2?) because he keeps coming at you relentlessly and getting smashed (like he was by Enright) wont stop or discourage him..

    He'll just 'regenerate' and come again!

    • Like 7
  10. Nice to see some rare optimism on this site .......... and so well rewarded today. :-))

    I agree, though I fear as soon as the next loss rolls around most will forget this week and return to tearing shreds off the players and coaching staff.

    xxxx is a dud

    xxxx needs to be sacked

    "pathetic club"


    Hopefully not.

  11. Our player development seems to finally be coming good

    One week earlier....

    We haven't improved under Roos at all. It is a disgrace

    Paul Roos is a Neeld level match day coach

    If he doesnt fix the culture he should hand back every cent we pay him cos he isnt here for his coaching ability thats for sure


    • Like 8
  12. I also like the way he doesnt overly celebrate his goals and run around like an idiot, jumper over his head type stuff......just a few low 5s and back pats and gets right on with it.....cool Jesse.

    Apologies if already mentioned elsewhere, but this reminded me of a couple of other things I saw at the game...

    1. St Kilda defender spoils over the sideline and gives Jesse a little shove as he is running off. Jesse stopped dead, and gives the guy a "please tell me you did not just touch me?!" death stare!

    2. Jesse crashes a pack after which a St Kilda guy stayed down hurt. As he is lying prone on the ground, the Hulkster runs over and gives him a good shove in the back, just to let him know about it!

    Love him!

    • Like 4
  13. Well, the young stud snagged 5 goals tonight. Now has 22 goals in 10 games. First Demon to kick 5 in a game for a fair while.

    The only weakness I can see in his game is that he cant kick more than 45-50 metres.... really struggles to get height and distance on the ball. Looks like he tries to use his body for power rather than using his leg and kicking through the ball.

    Aside from lacking penetration in his kicking(which is hopefully fixable), he is perfect.

    I saw someone post elsewhere (most likely here) that Jonathan Brown was exactly the same early on, struggling with the 45+ metre kicks.

    Sure as it was with Brown that Jesse will be slamming them through from 50+ in no time.

  14. Intersting post JTR you happy with the performance I suppose

    No I'm not, far from it.

    Post was directed to the ridiculous highs and the ridiculous lows some people, often the same people, manage to get themselves to week by week.

    Whenever we win the tyres are pumped up to almost bursting point.

    Whenever we lose everyone runs off to find the nearest cliff.

    Surely there needs to be some middle ground were everyone can stay calm and look at things rationally, win or loss.

    • Like 4
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