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Everything posted by ElDiablo14

  1. Is this a guess or you actually know something??? 😬
  2. How many trips to Maccas did Sean Darcy have over the summer??? 🤔🤔🤔
  3. It would definitely be a huge disappointment to lose both Jackson and Kozzy. I don't think the club is at fault, I am sure you they have given both all the support and care that you'd expect for these young guns. Makes you wonder why would you leave such a great situation at the Dees?
  4. How many games did he get in Essendon? In case he has played 100 for both clubs, does the player make the call in regards to the father-son rule?
  5. https://www.starlink.com/?referral=RC-1278-29589-22&utm_source=MetaRuralAustralia For anyone living in regional VIC have a look at this.
  6. I Think we all wish Freo's demise because it would be just fair to get a good pick as a compensation for Jackson. Not so much that we are desperate to get our hands on the number 1 pick. We used pick 3 on Jackson, two late first round picks wouldn't cut it in my opinion. It would be nice to get at least a top 6 pick this year.
  7. They were lucky not to face us in the finals last year.
  8. I rewatched the incident. McKay wasn't even trying to smother. The ball is kicked very low, why did he immediately go to the head?? Makes no sense at all the decision of the MRO.
  9. He does roll ankles very frequently, I wonder why is that.
  10. Yeah I mean I tried to explain the general area where the pelvis is located.
  11. Hip perhaps? Pelvis is the big bone connecting the upper body to the legs.
  12. And get two first round picks and a decent replacement out of Port or whomever it may be
  13. 100 bucks each member to start with .... 😬
  14. Looks like Bell has envious eyes towards the MFC. First Hogan, now Jackson. He just seems to be out there to try and snatch any WA talent from the MFC. Both times it has backfired for him. IMO Bell may have thought that it was now or never to get Jackson; had they waited a couple more years WC could have had a real chance to get Jackson.
  15. Against Hawthorn, just need to take it with a huge grain of salt.
  16. False economy Jeelong. Will they drink their own bath water ?
  17. I also forgot to add, for those in regional VIC. There's the Elon Musk option, Starlink. Satellite internet with high speeds at the level of NBN or better.
  18. My NBN is working fine. Got 100 Mbps speed, which is very good for 4K streaming. Regarding the delay, I am not IT expert but I believe it is more related to latency. Latency can't be fixed simply with higher speeds. It's more about the cloud/network architecture (of your ISP and the broadcaster).
  19. Look at the bright side. If the Hawks somehow win today is zip and 4 for Jeelong. If Jeelong wins, it'll feel like false economy ala Freo v WC.
  20. Refer to @DemonicFinalFantasy post it Kind of summarises my thoughts on Brayshaw. @MurDoc516
  21. We also have a huge contingent of WA players, that must add up to more support in the crowd. @WalkingCivilWar may be able to comment on how big the DA is in WA these days.
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