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Everything posted by old55

  1. from HFF07 at BF http://www.bigfooty.com/forum/showthread.php?t=777293&page=4
  2. Happy players on the day after draft night: Jones, Bartram, Maric, Macdonald, Jetta, Bennell, Bail, Blease, Strauss Nervous players on the day after draft night: Warnock, Bate, Dunn, Newton, Martin
  3. I reckon it's wrong to delist a contracted player at this stage of the process. The only clubs with live primary list picks appear to be Essendon and Gold Coast. Maybe one of them has an interest. Otherwise it's straight to the rookie draft.
  4. Majak is on not-Tasmania's rookie list and progressing OK apparently
  5. Thanks - doesn't seem like they publish the whole list. How many of our 4 went to the camp or state screening anyway?
  6. Well it's like Sylvinator said pre-draft - we had a leaning towards talls and if we rated 2 players similarly then we'd take the tall at 12 and that's what both Bailey and Prendergast said we did. You're not seriously suggesting we took Cook while we rated some mid higher are you? Please explain how Howe and Davis are needs based when we've got Jurrah and Warnock? And how McDonald is needs based when we just picked 2 marking forwards?
  7. Is there somewhere I can see their test results? Stibbard says Cook is a bit slow but the knock on Lynch was he had the worst 20m time - what's Cooks's?
  8. We rated Cook higher than Smith, Smedts, Atley, Jacobs, Tape etc and I very pleased we did - happily he coincided with a type we need. There can be all sorts of reasons for this - Atley said in in his Age profile he needs to work on his kicking ... It's hard to see Howe is a "needs" pick when we've got Jurrah and similarly with Davis when Warnock can't get a game. We just picked the best player. It's interesting that we have 19 of 39 players 192+ - how many do we need?
  9. No you have missed the point - more highly rated by whom? Some phantom drafts?
  10. I'm puzzled how drafting the 3rd and 4th tall is drafting for needs? If we drafted 4 mids no-one would be saying that. Surely the "need" is filled at some stage. I'd say the fact that we drafted 4 talls indicates quite the opposite.
  11. More highly rated by who? Barry Prendergast and our recruiting team apparently do not agree.
  12. Well you had Jacobs at 21 in your own phantom and Guthrie at 16. Next time you did a phantom you've got Jacobs at 12 and Guthrie at 24 even though neither of them have kicked a ball in between. And you're a self-professed advocate of best-available. Now you've got Jacobs possibly at 33 even though you've had him going north at a rate of knots. Excuse me if your reasoning seems all over the place like a mad-woman's vomit.
  13. Jacobs can only be "best available" in your dream draft he's the next best player after Heppell given that you've agreed they're the same type. If it's a dream draft then surely a player that meets a need and warrants selection at 33 is much more dreamy? Yes like Guthrie for example.
  14. Fair enough but so far you're two at bats and 0-2. 1st: simple check of draft order - strike-out 2nd: it's more likely that a player is covering a real condition to get drafted than a recruiter is making up the condition to cause the player to slide - caught on a fly-ball. Keep swinging ...
  15. Alternatively both those stories could be true. I don't imagine Heppell or Darling would be confirming them. The most likely misinformation in those situations would be coming from the player to talk themselves up not the recruiter talking them down. Occam's Razor.
  16. Heppell and Jacobs sound like they play similar roles - hard to see how this would be a dream outcome. All things being equal with us selecting the best player particularly at early picks a dream outcome would be to solve as many holes in the list as possible. I agree that the role they play is a need so one would be great but there's other needs like a fwd/ruck, small defensive back and outside midfield line-breaker.
  17. Or there's speculation by media and fans who don't have a clue ... you have absolutely no evidence of misinformation - just a bunch of phantom drafts that will get blown away in the wind of reality like the sand that they are.
  18. I just don't follow the logic there - Gold Coast sound almost certain to pick Swallow, Bennell and Day, they don't have another pick before the Tigers and the Tigers don't have another pick until well after all these players will be gone.
  19. Fantastic to see mass confusion reigning on draft day - no-one knows who is taking who outside the recruiters and understandably they've been playing it tight. We could pick just about anybody it seems outside of Swallow, Bennell, Day and Gaff. It's a great pity they're doing the stupid 10 to 1 order again. It would be just so much better if they did the whole thing in order. The excitement hinges on who's left in the pool at the next pick. They could stop at 5 or 10 and interview the top couple if they want to. Reverse order is just a dumb, dumb idea.
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