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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Brayshaw and Langdon are so important to us. We look like Melbourne from 2021 when they're doing defensive things. Fritsch is just a born goalkicker. Horrible game yet has kicked 3 and it's just after half time.
  2. I suppose being demonstrative is out too?
  3. Can't even shake your head, mutter "You're kidding me" and put your hands on your knees anymore.
  4. It's like we came out and gave half a damn for the first 5 minutes to see if Carlton would roll over and let us have our way with them. When it became clear they are treating this match like the final audition for the part of young Anakin (keeping the theme of the thread), the boys just noped out of it and have been jogging ever since.
  5. Say what you want about him (and I do), Fritsch is a man who knows how to kick sausage rolls.
  6. I don't. Smith is very low on my list.
  7. Neither Kossy or Trac competed for the ball in the air, clearly saying to themselves "No way I'm risking getting injured in a practice match." We get the goal anyway. As much as I'd love to win every game till the end of time, we're clearly taking this game very lightly. I hope there's no bad habits creeping in though.
  8. The amount of jogging we're doing in this game defensively tells me everything I need to know. Also, Brayshaw in the backline means no Brayshaw on the wing, which means we're so much worse defensively. Brayshaw's defensive efforts are so key to what this team does.
  9. We're disinterested about this game yet we're salty at the umps? Can't be both surely.
  10. The 2nd string backline is not passing the audition at this stage I'm afraid…
  11. Fritsch again goes to ground laying an ineffective tackle. What is up with him? Dees need to take the finger out - serious attitude issues. Credit to Carlton though - they'll make finals based on this.
  12. Being absolutely reamed by the umps I'd say.
  13. We're starting to look very disorganised...
  14. He got those goals by keeping his feet. He's not doing that tonight...
  15. Fritsch doesn't look right... 5 contests he's been in. 5 times he's gone to ground.
  16. Trac's finishing is the one thing missing from his game...
  17. Fritsch has uncharactaristically lost his feet twice for someone who was catlike in the GF…lack of fitness?
  18. It's early in the season, and it's just been North and Carlton, but we look 10 levels above.
  19. Booked my ticket last night, but at the last minute decided not to go. I want to watch this team for the first time live in Round 1 with my family, and feel it will cheapen the experience just that little bit if I go tonight. Not judging anyone who does choose to go tonight - we need representation there of course. I'm a bit of a weird one though - I specifically chose NOT to touch the cup when I had a chance, even if it was right in front of me -- just because for me it didn't feel right.
  20. Think of all those Smiths and Joneses and other common names out there saying "See! I was a member last year. How else would my name be on the flag? No I won't take my thumb off the bit of my membership card that says how many consecutive years I've been a member! How rude to even ask!"
  21. I have had a case of MFCSS in the past, or as they call it in my houseold, the O-no-fret-chooks!
  22. Some people have no choice (you've got to if Melbourne's your surname)…but I never new Molly and McChins were closeted Dees fans...
  23. Can you tell I'm having a lot of fun with this? No Geelong, but there is a Scott and a Senior, not too far apart!
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