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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Gawn and the Premiership Cup (and Andy), the best of friends!!!
  2. At least we're in the top 8. I hate being out of contention for the finals of…checks notes…games played and years of existence on planet earth.
  3. As one with relatives in SA who I love dearly but who don't exactly all share the same tastes as me, this post hit closer to home than you would imagine. I bet you're glad to be back!
  4. All I see is a premiership player and four of his biggest fans. It'll work.
  5. Here's to revisiting this thread at the end of 2024 with Bowie on 82 straight wins.
  6. When I was at my fittest, I specifically chose the hottest part of the day to run, as it gave you a heap of benefits with minimal pounding of the joints, which you'd otherwise have to do to get the same amount of stress into the body. Seemed to work for me, though it's obviously not always too pleasant.
  7. I turned to my mum and said "should I get one? Rd 1, Anzac Eve, and Queens Birthday!" She's like, 60 dollars. I'm a bit tight for money right now. I'm like, mum, you're not spending anything. And also, this year I bought tickets for three games for you, and it cost $150 all up - and the MFC didn't get a dime (or a membership number) out of it. I think it's a pretty good deal." "Hmm Ok then!"
  8. There was a solid 5 minute interview between Robertson and Jones, then Nev (2.5 mins each) at "half-time", and they were the penultimate pair to touch the cup (Neitz and Daniher were the last) before Gawn and Goody in the post-game. They walked the steps of the dais IIRC as part of that, which is hallowed ground of course, even in a re-enactment.
  9. In my infinite wisdom I brought a throw rug which saved my mum recently out of hospital from pulling the pin and going home. It was very important to me that I go with her cause it was my grandpa (her dad) who put me onto the Dees as a young lad fresh down from Brisbane. I consider that blanket football royalty now, and my decision to bring it an absolute win.
  10. I just loved how many young kids and families were there on the day. The club is clearly trying to push for that next generation of supporters, and I think the strategy is working - just need those 5-10 year olds to experience another 5-10 years of success and they'll be hooked for life. (mwahahahaha it's all proceeding according to plan)
  11. It’s a long way to the West if you wanna win a flag.
  12. Just went for a little run down the halls of the Olympic stand to warm up, to the sound of Jump by Van Halen, as played by Russell Robertson. Kids dancing in the aisles, and everyone having a good time. The energy is so positive. Big props to Russell Robertson for emceeing so well today. What a time to be a Dees fan.
  13. Perfect seats. I smartly brought some over ear headphones to drown it BT and JB blasting on the MCG speakers.
  14. Jeez he looks good. Must be a solid draft if he's slipped this late. EDIT: Or we're the only ones who know what we're doing (can't rule that out these days, given the recent turn of events…)
  15. Ok. Petty to the May role then when May takes up the frothies full time.
  16. Good call. The first player that sprung to mind when I watched his highlights was Harrison (never "Harry") Petty. We could do worse than have a Harrison Petty clone. Petty to the forward line in a couple of years and Roo to the Petty role? Would be nice...
  17. Riewoldt got called Roo, so either way it's pronounced the crowd might go for Roo anyway.
  18. Cool that we might have a call of "Roo" to echo around the G.
  19. As someone who provides data to our marketing team, I'm shocked it was that low given the cohort.
  20. It's strange but I feel happier having seen it but not touched it than holding it for 5 seconds for a photo.
  21. Amazing photo(s). I'm so glad you cheered up lol. Your dad figured out how to smile a long time ago it seems, and never forgot!
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