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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Ouch. As a fellow chronic underachiever, I take issue with this. Not everyone needs to be a brownlow-winning brain surgeon/rocket scientist.
  2. Don't rate him as a player, and he has none of the leadership qualities we really need. When you add on the fact that anyone from Essendon has "that" cloud over their head, it's a resounding no.
  3. Let's hope we ARE playing a team like that. At least then his absence won't impact our chances of winning in any meaningful way.
  4. I'm all for trading 1 high draft pick for 2 clear best 22 players or two good draft picks. We need quantity as much as quality.
  5. Aaron Davey was scared too. Didn't stop him from being a bloody good player.
  6. Either that, or sticking him at Casey until his form warranted selection is exactly what we haven't done these last 8 years.
  7. Rohan Bail messed that goal up 3 times but somehow we still got it to Fitzy anyway.
  8. That umpire probably orgasmed at the opportunity to pay "running with the ball" against Tom McDonald.
  9. Why do we set up for stoppages inside defensive 50 the same way we set up everywhere else? It isn't hard to rumble the ball toward the boundary line in contested situations like that. We always seem to tap it into the corridor, which is exactly where the opposition would want it. Stupid play.
  10. Bernie loves playing North apparently. 41 disposals in his first game against them this year, and looks to be coming close to that again this week.
  11. Atley gets out the back and runs into goal. Hot on his heels was Jack Viney chasing as if his life depended on it. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 metres behind him was Jack Watts jogging along like a weekend warrior. They started out shoulder to shoulder. They didn't stay that way for long. Effort.
  12. Another goal. I'm liking this "kicking goals" thing.
  13. Jamar crumb goal puts us in front! We're in this for sure. We've definitely been told to move it quicker this week.
  14. Can't deny Dawes' effort. Great goal to get us back on level pegging at quarter time. James Frawley would never get that kind of turnover on the goal line because he doesn't pay attention on the mark.
  15. Fitzpatrick looking very likely today. Just get it to him quick like that and he could kick 5.
  16. Chris Dawes kicks it 20 metres over Fitzpatrick's head and through for a point. How is that even possible? Very deflating from a supposed leader and experienced premiership player.
  17. I think Jordie McKenzie is actually a useful player when he is given the instruction to be a little less of a pure tagger. He has a fairly attacking handball and doesn't usually stuff around with the ball. It's get and give from him mostly, which ends up moving the ball pretty quick.
  18. You can tell we've been told to move the ball a little faster this week. It's about time, because we look a lot more likely to score.
  19. What a monster kick on Bernie Vince there. We're hanging on at least.
  20. Frawley's attitude is pathetic. Get stuffed, mate.
  21. Dawes nearly dropped that uncontested leading mark. Man he is out of form.
  22. Jack Watts' finest moment, and also the apex of our last seven years. It's been all downhill since then for this club and for him. Not sure he has the balls for that kind of stuff. Too much?
  23. GNF Gives no f....? Let's just wait and see. All this speculation is pointless, although I suppose without speculation this forum wouldn't exist.
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