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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Jackie Epstein threw that together yesterday I reckon. Awful stuff, didn't even give it much thought when I read it. CAC is right to keep the recruits 23 and under as that is where our talent is: Jones, McLean, Bate, Frawley, P.Johnson, Sylvia, Dunn, Petterd, Batram, Bell, Moloney, Rivers, Newton, and Davey (24). Hard to pick out too many in that list that don't have claims for a start in the best 22. FF Sylvia Neitz Robertson HF Davey Newton Bate C Moloney Jones Bruce HB Bell Rivers Petterd FB Whelan Carroll Frawley R White, McLean, McDonald Int P.Johnson Batram Green Yze I think TJ may be forced out, if not, TJ on a wing. Dunn unlucky.
  2. ND had his faults but the state of his list as it stands now isn't as bad as the so-called experts think. Seriously, Robinson, Stevens, Anderson, and these types are 'fork and spoon' journos whose idea of prose are players who turn up to training early.
  3. It would be great to have a Scarlett like FB. A bad FB can be hidden with midfield dominance, that is what I am saying about Carroll... We are playing well - Carroll good We aren't playing well - Carroll bad AA Full Backs are those that do less, because they are sheltered by their midfield. And FB isn't the most pressing issue. CHF, FF, mental fortitude of senior players - these are the most pressing issues going forward.
  4. Carroll is fine, he aint Scarlett but... A FB who can't take a contested mark, who gives a flying rats if the bloke he is playing on also doesn't take it. FB don't need to kick either. Let's not forget that Carroll was touted year before last as unlucky to miss out on AA to Rutten. Carroll is a massive dickhe@d but as a FB he's hardly our most pressing issue.
  5. Can I just point out some interesting and frustrating facts that may be lost at this point, even to Dees fans. YEAR Rnd Pos W - L 2004 R.18 1st 14 - 4 2005 R.12 2nd 9 - 3 2006 R.18 3rd 12 - 6 Now I know that in 2005, Round 12 is hardly deep into the season but 2 of the last 4 years we have been in the top 4 with 4 rounds to go and we have blown it. We don't need a rebuild, we don't need a new era, or whatever that means. What we need is a bit mental and testicular fortitude. We are our own worst enemy when we are on top and flying, that is when we play our worst football. Bailey has got the talent to get us in the top four, he just needs to work out a way of convincing that talent not to be so pleased with themselves just for getting there.
  6. Fantastic stuff. Whether it's true or not... Ryan Murphy for TJ and Miller. Not jumping for joy with TJ leaving but Ryan Murphy is a footy player, can take a mark. Good prospect for any one of our spine problems. Seriously, we need a chiropractor because FB - Carroll (Yeesh!) , CHB - Rivers (V.Good, but more effective in an Archer like floating role), CHF - Newton(Calm down, his first year was good - here's hoping), FF - Neitz (only 1 or 2 years left).
  7. Miller cannot kick and has deflated in ability in the past 3 yrs. The odd good game is not enough of a consolation. Depth isn't a reason to keep him, if we have injuries and he is at CHB or CHF, how is that going to help - he is awful in both positions. And last, he grew up playing against kids in Qld that were awful, he was always taller and stronger than the rest, and therefore never had to grow a footy brain (like develop his lateral vision, make the right decisions etc). And it shows. Let's play footballers, not athletes with "good leadership capabilities".
  8. Depth players with no hope of eventually getting into the starting 22 is the wrong way to go. We just got rid of some of those: Bizzell, Brown, Ward, Godfrey. Depth is overrated, having a good season comes down to your best players, or most important players, having an injury free season. Just look at Geelong.
  9. CAC and Bailey can make all the decisions they like. It doesn't mean that you can't point out the fact that Miller has not progressed in 3 years. Seriously Newton is 4 yrs younger than Miller and has already shown more. I know that Newton has been placed on a pedastal but in all seriousness it isn't without grounded fact. He can take a pack mark (boy, can he!). He trusts his kicking. He can actually kick. And he's got a footy brain, something that Miller (a man-boy from Mt.Gravatt in Qld) never had.
  10. Saw Miller at the last Victory game, his missus was very fine. Looked Italian, or maybe a bit spanish. Family Guy joke there, very hot. Anyway, looked very angry or upset the entire night, don't think he's a huge soccer fan but maybe he was mulling over some big career decisions that he has to make. CAC better know what he is doing, because 2 years is not what I was thinking...
  11. Sewell is the equivalent of Batram. Taggers, with good engines, that can't kick. Sewell. Meh. Ferguson is willing, but he hasn't got the body for it, or the talent.
  12. Nathan Jones should stick to having as good a second (permanent fixture) season as this one just passed. Brock ain't a leader. He might be, he should be. But right now he isn't. Recent events should make this very clear. Leadership isn't yelling at your teammates to show more intensity. Leadership is being as consistent in the bad years as you are in the good years, its about getting the most out of yourself, and it's about putting your body on the line to do the 1 percenters that no-one seems to do. James McDonald is an All-Australian Midfielder, he has won our past two B&F's, he is our most selfless player. He deserves the captaincy more than anyone on our list. It's about time he got it.
  13. Bailey doesn't strike me as a hard taskmaster of the Malthouse mould. As much as many Demons fans will hate this next statement, I will say it anyway: He reminds me a bit of ND. Now, wait. Just have a listen to what he says: "working with the players", "we have to gain respect" etc It's not exactly the fire and brimstone vitriol of somone who will accept nothing but total commitment, or else blah blah. You get what i'm saying. Malthouse. Not saying he won't be a fine coach but what I am saying is that I hope he is that teacher we have been crying out for. We had a good gameday coach in ND, not a popular theory i realise, but our run and carry and our forward line functioned extremely well at times. What ND lacked was the ability to develop players. To help them get better. Not all his fault, but the fact that Green, Bruce, TJ, White, etc have not progressed over the years was a worry. To sum up: Fire and Brimstone - Hopefully, not required Teacher and Developer - Absolutely required
  14. I'm pretty sure that Cousins hasn't admitted to anything. Heard something about him not being ready to admit to anything because his therapist said he wasn't quite at the stage to apologise and right his wrongs. Of course, the Weagles rushed him back into a eagles jumper in the mean time, so not everyone taking his recovery too seriously...
  15. To continue the thread theme, I would look at Murphy the longest. Try and bring him home. He's a country boy from memory, so the pull of Melbourne may not be that great. Huge, raw talent, and if you recall what he did to us in that semi last year; kicked a few, took some strong marks Very attractive option.
  16. Meeson, a ruckman, wanting to come to a team with a 31 yr old first choice ruckman and Jamar and Paul Johnson as competition for for second ruckman... No, I can't see why we are such an attractive option...
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