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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Beamer not one to give up too easily. If there is a way to overcome OP completely, I haven't heard it. It will take strict fitness and ab strengthening etc. Luke Ball is struggling, Sylvia again, Powell lost a year or to. I just hope we give him every opportunity, I really rate him. Biased I know, and the added fact that he was a Dees supporter as a kid might be clouding my judgement, but he really is a great competitor.
  2. Have a look a Brennan if he gets that far, but Watts looks like a good option. I really have no idea who is uncontracted at the moment at other clubs. Whitnall might be an option for the Saints, or the Bulldogs. But even then they would overstating thier chances of a flag in the next couple of years. Melbourne wouldn't think twice about Whitnall (Funny how we almost picked him up 2 years ago or so, phew!).
  3. Only 24 next year, MCG suits his style. Win hard ball, run 15 metres and kick it 55 metres. Early on he was our most competitive players, always getting rubbed down at 3 qtr time though, played hurt and still contributed. And then he just couldn't go anymore. Cannot wait for him to come back, hopefully he will have a solid season next year. But you have to keep in mind that he's missed alot of footy over the last two years and deserves to work his way slowly back into it.
  4. It sure was light on. Crying over Judd still, and TJ, awww. They've moved on, we should to. If the jumper isn't enough to barrack for, then what about the blokes wearing 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 29, 32, 34, 36, 45. Exciting numbers those.
  5. No one is understating his talent. For mine, he has been our most talented player for the past half a dozen years. But he ain't our best player; McDonald is. Talent without dedication is wasted talent.
  6. We had a decade of TJ, I loved him and I know it will be tough to see him play for the lions (although, thank jebus he didn't go you know where, or any other Melbourne club). 3 more years of TJ, I can understand the desire to have him as a one club player, but TJ will always be remembered as a very talented player for the Dees. He wasn't going to deliver us a flag, at least he got us a pick. That's cold. But ffs I WANT TO WIN A FLAG.
  7. The independent judges are wrong. They claim that teams need a good run with injuries and then say about those teams that are cruelled by injury that they are going nowhere. Geelong last year, Melbourne this year. We have a good list, it's young but it is talented. We were 3rd at Round 18 in 2006. What have we lost since then, and what have we gained?
  8. I think it's imperative that Newton is played at CHF. If we see him as a replacement for Neitz, or a CHF, we cannot protect him in a pocket because with Neitz and Robertson right next to him, he'll never see it. He will have no room and he won't develop. You may aswell play him at Sandy. Newton has to be given first crack at CHF in 2008.
  9. Put Frawley in a pocket and try and develop him into either a CHB or FB. Rivers isn't quick, reads the play better than anyone at our club, so it probably looks like he's quick. Miller is not Bailey's love child, but FB is the only place I can see Miller holding down in the 22. FB's don't have to kick, don't have to be clever, and don't have to get the ball. Miller could just concentrate on beating his bloke, he's strong, he's quick, and he's dedicated. I can't believe i'm saying this...(i'll be saying it with an upward inflection, like there's a question mark at the end): Let Miller have a go at FB for a while.
  10. And don't forget that Mitchell played VFL before becoming the clearance machine he is now.
  11. Obviously, the off-field issues came into it. He was on the [censored] regularly, and the club got tired of it. Pick 14 is as good as we were going to get. Again, i'll reiterate: those who think that TJ was the difference between us and a surge up the ladder are deluding themselves. We have a good, young list that I expect, not hope, will rise up the ladder in 2008. Barring injuries, we're a top 6 side.
  12. He's out of contract at the minute and he'll probably be targetted by Carl, Rich, us, and Ess. Whether he stays or goes, no-one knows...
  13. Jaded, I believe you're quoting George W. Sooo.... Moving on, we had a decade to basque in the glory of the coming of the lord, and he never came. Treasured memories, yada yada yada. Half is paycheck, maybe a little less than that. But, hey, he did always play well when his contract was up. Signed him for more than he was worth, and now we are paying the consequences (no pun intended).
  14. You have the right to criticise, as I have the right to reason. We all loved TJ, but I love the club more. That is not to say that you don't love the club, or those talk-back callers don't. It is to say, that the best interests of the club were met this week. The pragmatists among us get upset when the club is slated, for making a hard decision, but a decision that will take us closer to a flag. And that's really what it's about in the end.
  15. rpfc


    We got people angry over the fact we didn't get second and third round picks for other players! Just calm down and start posting again when you've wrapped your head around the Johnstone trade. That goes for everyone. We have 7 free spots on our list. 4, 14, 21 will bring three good youngsters. Meesen coming in. Bode should be elevated, he has shown enough (that effort from 55 against Collingwood, that was touched on the line, was nearly a matchwinning goal, great stuff). And pick 3 in PSD. That leaves just 1 more spot, hopefully on Valenti (a willing goer who deserves a chance), who will late in the draft. So really, there is little need for anymore 2nd or 3rd round picks. Seven is a pretty large change in one year.
  16. Dyson for Chris Johnson would be a step down. Why are we arguing over periphery players, it is utterly pointless.
  17. You know, there are going to be some supporters who are more filthy about this than TJ. In fact, there'll be many. We all know TJ will move on quickly and just take it in his stride, as he has done for a decade. And here we are claiming the decision is end of the MFC as we know it. That the 5 excellent games a year that we will no longer receive from TJ will be the difference between us and a flag. November 24 cannot come quick enough, if only to assuage the vitriol with picks 4, 14, and 21.
  18. I would like to see what talent there was uncontracted before I make an assessment of Bolton ie. whether there is something better out there or whether there is only 2 things better out there. If not, then yeah, he would be a good role model for the younger blokes as someone who got the most out of himself. And he was also fortunate enough to be apart of the hardest working midfield groups I have ever seen. They didn't have the talent of the lions, or the Eagles (far from it in fact) but they had the commitment. That's the C-word when it comes to Dees players.
  19. Also is a FF in the context, that he has no defensive qualities. With Robbo, Neitz, resting ruckman, possibly Green... Nah, good player though.
  20. I don't think people are thinking clearly at the minute. Understandable, but our list is solid, I don't care what Walls and co. say, the future is bright. We have young talent all over the field: Defence: Rivers, Bell, Frawley, Petterd, Batram, Bode Midfield: McLean, Jones, Dunn, Moloney, Buckley Forward: Bate, Newton, Davey, Sylvia. I can see 13 in this list with genuine claims for a spot Rd 1, 2008. We've had our quiet rebuild and are biding our time...
  21. Ahhh, you're garden variety troll. Great stuff, and here I was thinking that school holidays were over, should have work to do. Such insight from Hannabal doesn't belong on a internet board post. Fantastic eloquence. We all remember that game but, two quarters does not a champion make. TJ was why I went to some games, but I want to win premierships more than I want to be entertained. Selfish, but that's footy.
  22. Murphy is tempting but what bait do we have left... I say that because I think CAC would like to keep 4, 14, 21. Gee, 4, 14, 21...that sounds pretty good. Especially with CAC in charge.
  23. Frankly, if he stays or goes, it is of little concern. Might be good to have another pick but... Cannot see him playing a huge part next year. Who knows, maybe this is the spur he needs, because at the moment most of us would say that he is a soft HBF who can't get his own ball. Things can change quickly though.
  24. Wow, that is whingeing. If our list, and our future depended on keeping TJ and getting rid of Miller, you're right the future is bleak. Thankfully, you're wrong and the pragmatists among us will realise that recent decisions were made to give individuals, that deserve it, a send-off or a second chance. Dean Bailey is making some tough calls, and I don't mean that they were difficult...
  25. TJ, hopefully, will be remembered for all the great moments for the Dees. (Allow us to wait until his career is finished though) Time to move on, in everyone's best interests.
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