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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. We agreed a trade but Darren wouldn't go because his gf didn't want to go to Perth. It happens.
  2. Been unable to post for a couple of days so forgive me for making this thread longer. Hale/or any 'back-up ruck who can play forward' would have other benefits that are more difficult to see. Some of these are obvious and others are little side benefits: 1. Jamar gets to go forward more. We all know how dangerous he can be and the pack will fall when he is in it. 2. Decent ruck when Jamar is forward. We all cringed when Sylvia or Dunn went into the ruck. 3. Colin Sylvia doesn't have to worry about getting beaten up by someone with 20cms and 20kgs on him. 4. Pressure taken off Jurrah and Watts. If someone else is at the top of the square, the pack isn't on top of Watts or Jurrah. Knees suddenly go into Hale and not Watts or Jurrah. Someone has to contest the long ball in - I would prefer those two didn't - not yet at least. 5. Adds something to our forward structure. Jurrah or Watts might get the third defender and Green the fourth. Or this back-up ruck/Jamar may get someone they can monster. 6. We won't run Jamar into the ground. While I don't think Jamar will become more injury prone with overwork, I do think that his freshness suffered toward the end of the season. And I don't think that comparisons to St Kilda are really fair - they play a more dour style of game. Very slow. And when their midfield isn't playing well their forwards creep up to the wing - exposing any tall forwards. We have to trust Trengove, Scully, McKenzie, Grimes, et al to win enough of the footy and get in down there quick.
  3. Kowal's bird didn't want to go to Perth. And then a couple years later she got a job there I believe.
  4. Clark is off to Perth anyway. I don't see either as attainable TBH.
  5. He's a good kick. That is the way I see it. And it isn't just because Freak sees it the other way. Well, not entirely...
  6. Clark or White. I would love to have Jessee White, but for the role I see this back up ruck/forward fulfilling, it might not be worth the outlay.
  7. Strauss and Blease haven't shown that they can do what Grimes does. Grimes is consistent, unless you are saying his body is inconsistent...
  8. Let's not get indignant, DC...
  9. Do you really think that I think he is going to come straight into our forward line and do that? That was a reply to an equally flippant post about Hale's limitations. Jurrah, Watts, Green, Petterd, and Wonaeamirri don't need another star in the forward line with them. What they need is someone to take the responsibility off of them to force an aerial contest. I don't want Brian Harris knees constantly going into Jurrah and Watts. Frankly, I think that a goal a game from both ruckmen and Jamar given a break with an adequate replacement is all I see occuring. But I think it would be an improvement that will reverberate around the ground. Hale isn't great. But neither is Leigh Brown.
  10. Craig Cameron is gone?! Great! Just great. How are we going to trade all these non-Cameron picked kids to Richmond and take their Cameron-influenced recruits. Gonna be a nightmare! He's got a little touch a gold does Craig...
  11. To set the record straight - I'm just that... Although, if you're kicking a goal for the dees to put us up in a close one... You do become rather attractive... And Maric has ingredients but if you don't get in there into the kitchen and make something with it - who's gives a sh!t? There's no nourishment, as Danny Frawley would say. That's right, I quoted Danny Frawley, it's that time of year.
  12. Stop baiting us, DC. E25 can't help himself, and I posted here a long time before you came along... I don't think I require your constant judgment. In fact, let's analyse your posting patterns of late: Seem to be centred around a few 'personalities' on this board, extremely flippant, and becoming indignant whenever there is a hint of accusation coming your way. Hmmm?
  13. Colin Sylvia?! I have a non-racial reason why this cracker would be not the right person for the captaincy. He has just got his mind right, and his football decent after his...issues, and you want to give him the captaincy?! He should have less claim to such high an honour, and responsibility, as 10 other players.
  14. Well, anyone named Steamin Demon...
  15. DC - he referred in the thread title to Cameron Cloke being our 'saviour' in the back-up ruck... Obviously, tongue in cheek. And, E25 - stop applying March to end of season rules to posts just before trade week. This is the time when everyone gets silly, unreasonable, and angry. Posters are getting the former, you are being the middle, and everyone is becoming the latter. Let the craziness go. It's spring break! I mean, it's trade week!
  16. 37 goals and 8 hitouts a game would be pretty bloody valuable to us from a forward who rucks. Let's see what deal the FD can do.
  17. He is a 'hack' according to you. I put 'spud' in inverted commas because I don't think he is a spud but wanted to point out that worse players than him have won, or are about to win, Premierships. And why, when we have an All-Australian ruckman, are we going to make him into a forward who rucks? It should be the other way around. We are never going to get a better ruckman than Jamar next week, but we sure as hell can get a better forward than Johnson/Newton/Spencer et al. As I said, I put spud in inverted commas. I don't think he is this 'eloquent' word. And I want Jesse White, but a club cannot live by what it wants and accept nothing as the alternative. We have to work with the system to get the best outcome for the MFC. And at the moment it looks to be Hale.
  18. rpfc

    Carl Peterson

    I think Jimmy should get in touch with him. On behalf of Reach, not the MFC. Elite football just isn't for everybody - even very good footy players. Sometimes reality can be the best place for a kid.
  19. Half an hour of decent ruckwork and a solid contest in the square. Role player. There are plenty of 'spud' premiership players out there.
  20. We may be a minority, but we aren't a race. I know you're being flippant but, really, it wasn't great what was said in this thread.
  21. X does Y. Why does X do Y? If X does Y, we should do Y. X fires Y after run-in which Coach of X. Why did X fire Y? If X fires Y, we should fire Y. Simple maths.
  22. Hmmmm? Must be on vacation...
  23. I don't see what your point is? People suggest players for trade, we are about to enter a week for trading players - otherwise known as trade week. Player trade. Jamar was always, in my opinion (and isn't that all that matters...), streets ahead of wingman-ruck hybrid that is Paul Johnson. Jamar used his frame when Johnson does not. He crashes packs. He rucks well (ask beamer). And can take a mark in a contested situation. The only thing that has happened in 2010 is he has done it nearly every week.
  24. Oh, I'll never tell. An anonymous poster needs a bit of mystery...
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