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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Oh, ROTA... Putting words in my mouth? You might get away with that on BF. But not here. Never here. There is a difference. Set of steak knives difference. Might be enough to tip them over while still keeping us in the first round. And 'our drafting fate in our hands?' I think we have been to used to being at the pointy end of the draft, we have young talent in every position. What we don't have is an acceptable back-up for Jamar who happens to be an AA player and who doesn't get a rest in games. If the FD wants to take a calculated risk to do that, I say Jolly-good show. We Ottens let them go for it then.
  2. Explain the difference, the amazing difference, in talent between 12 and 17 and maybe those members will stick with you. Otherwise, when they calm down - they'll be with me.
  3. The armchair recruiters hate this proposed deal... There must be amazingly talented (and obvious) five 18 year olds, about to be picked at 12-16 in the draft... Honestly, we wanted the 2nd round pick deal and we threw in a set of steak knives. They don't want the steak knives. Although, steak knives look attractive when you have been looking long enough...
  4. rpfc

    New Rules

    It means that if a player hears, or has enough time to 'hear,' an umpire call play on and they kick it, handball it, run with it, and/or give it straight up to an opposition player then the ump won't take it back. It means that players who think that the ball should come back to the infringed have to make a split second decision to stop and not take the 'advantage.' This would have been a good rule for Simon Godfrey. Everytime 'Clanger' got the ball and heard advantage he could have said "No. Not taking it. Team instructions."
  5. TBH, I didn't see much defining of our gameplan in the OP. And your post is basically listing the 'requirements' of the gameplan rather than the strategy itself. I could dig up a thread from many months (years, probably, we are wasting are lives...) ago, but a few regulars would call me self-indulgent and full of myself. Who am i kidding? They think that anyway. I might search for it later.
  6. Right! I was going backwards in time. Whoops. November 1.
  7. Stef Martin kicks the ball like a basketballer. He won't be FF/FP worth his spot. I'm afraid he will be a defender or not much else.
  8. All contracts run till October 31.
  9. If we knew he was going, Junior would be playing in 2011.
  10. It was an extensive basketball-like zone in defence. Which stretched beyond 50m from the ball so you couldn't kick your way out of it. All you need to do to beat it is practice handballing and be bold and risky, and confident in your own ability.
  11. Signed a 3 year deal in march of 07 for the years 07, 08, 09, and 10. OOC as of Sept 1.
  12. Who would are mobile pinch hitter be? The back-up ruck MUST now have an alternative position that is his speciality, that is for certain, but that doesn't mean my desire for a tall forward with some rucking ability is misguided. You have to hide your back-up ruck somewhere now. Why not up forward?
  13. Ok, I will play along then. If I was the attacking team: I wouldn't pump it high - I would clean up the Watts equivalent. I wouldn't skittle it in along the ground - my teammates would bury anyone picking it up under such congestion. I would kick it toward the boundary line and get it out of play. Leaves the other pocket, relatively, free - a bit of space created.
  14. As a defender, I would prefer the ball be on the ground to in the air - no chance of a mark. And the more players in my area the better - more of a chance to clog it up. I understand where you are coming from, but a decent kick to bit of space is what makes me nervous.
  15. It's what I think. But what he said was of the same vein.
  16. Bringing in Williams will be destabilising. 3 losses in a row and the fans see this Premiership coach sitting there waiting to take over. I want us to get a really good, young defensive coach from a pool of applicants. You know, the way good clubs do it...
  17. I can tell you the story of what he said to Chris Johnson on his way out. I love it. Others don't think it was proper. I think that if you don't want to play for this club you can get (oh, that is censored!) . I also think that if you rock up to training in your MFC gear after your agent has informed the club of your decision, you can get double (oh my, even more censored!) .
  18. Apparently, Lynden had an eventful GF replay. I assume we don't post because we protect our own? Litigious reasons? The mods can delete this if they feel necessary, but I just want to announce my displeasure about the fact that I can't talk about my club because of litigation against 3rd parties. Honestly, suing the internet? It's like yelling at the ocean.
  19. Do you honestly believe that any team has/should have 17 different game plans? Positional changes does not a plan B make. Coaching from a box or from the bench - the real coaching occurs on the track. And I have seen steady improvement for years now. I don't know whether Bailey will only ever be an 'assistance coach' but he definitely isn't a junior coach. Let's wait for failure to be disappointed, hey fellas? I know how we all like to be on the ground floor when we turn sh!te.
  20. Is Jamar a plodder when he goes forward? I would trust Mahoney to re-structure our forward line and keep us dangerous.
  21. We agreed a trade but Darren wouldn't go because his gf didn't want to go to Perth. It happens.
  22. Been unable to post for a couple of days so forgive me for making this thread longer. Hale/or any 'back-up ruck who can play forward' would have other benefits that are more difficult to see. Some of these are obvious and others are little side benefits: 1. Jamar gets to go forward more. We all know how dangerous he can be and the pack will fall when he is in it. 2. Decent ruck when Jamar is forward. We all cringed when Sylvia or Dunn went into the ruck. 3. Colin Sylvia doesn't have to worry about getting beaten up by someone with 20cms and 20kgs on him. 4. Pressure taken off Jurrah and Watts. If someone else is at the top of the square, the pack isn't on top of Watts or Jurrah. Knees suddenly go into Hale and not Watts or Jurrah. Someone has to contest the long ball in - I would prefer those two didn't - not yet at least. 5. Adds something to our forward structure. Jurrah or Watts might get the third defender and Green the fourth. Or this back-up ruck/Jamar may get someone they can monster. 6. We won't run Jamar into the ground. While I don't think Jamar will become more injury prone with overwork, I do think that his freshness suffered toward the end of the season. And I don't think that comparisons to St Kilda are really fair - they play a more dour style of game. Very slow. And when their midfield isn't playing well their forwards creep up to the wing - exposing any tall forwards. We have to trust Trengove, Scully, McKenzie, Grimes, et al to win enough of the footy and get in down there quick.
  23. Kowal's bird didn't want to go to Perth. And then a couple years later she got a job there I believe.
  24. Clark is off to Perth anyway. I don't see either as attainable TBH.
  25. He's a good kick. That is the way I see it. And it isn't just because Freak sees it the other way. Well, not entirely...
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