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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Most of them are priorities, I can only seperate them through what will be done first, not what is needed to be attended to the most. As you said - we meet with the AFL on Friday so that will our finances will come first, and that is tied to the FD Structure and The Coach as we may require to pay-out some contracts. Then comes the Board and the President. The rest seem to be October and beyond.
  2. No you won't. You will be thankful we have extended the contract of a talent like him. And we have plenty of cap space, just a ridiculous amount. Thanks to our atrocious recruitment several years ago we have plenty of money to throw at an experienced midfielder. So, feel better?
  3. I hate the above. As per my earlier post, can we just pump up the men in our team (however bad they are) and leave the kids to play footy?
  4. Thanks for that. Where would we be if there weren't people to point out the obvious of how difficult things are difficult to achieve. I am plenty patronising so I can deal with the above - I am not saying it is anything more than what will allow this club to thrive. No you simply say it is $100m on our bill and that's that. Well, I know the club has had a feasibility study done and would love to know what the actual roadblocks are. If nothing more than to give my 'pipedream' some context. And I have always said that if I was running AFL footy - I wouldn't worry about a stadium in Casey. But I care about the MFC - and it would serve the club well. We are trying to win over this area, we also need to play low-drawing games somewhere. This would be ideal.
  5. What does this mean? I would love to get all indignant, wyl. But...
  6. So you think we can pull 70k for GWS, GC, Freo, WC, Syd, Adel, and PA games? Because that is what we are talking about. We are talking about making $2m in games we usually lose money from and keeping all the games that people 'like going to' at the G. Still revolving, wyl.
  7. Geelong make $700k from 28k down at Skilled - you follow me? For us to make that sort of money at the G we would have to get 80k down to a game - you still there? How, in the name of all that is unholy, are we supposed to get 80k to a game against anyone other than the big Melbourne clubs? You think I am thinking small - I am thinking so large you can't see my thinking. Your thinking is revolving around my thinking.
  8. That is bullsh!t. I don't think that we should play at Casey for any other reason than it will set us up as a power club. It would cement us in that area. It would allow us to make a mint on games we would not make any money on at all. Do you really think I would play Collingwood there, or Hawthorn, or Essendon? We would play GWS there. We would break even at 5k, the way Geelong does, and we would make $500k a game if we got 20k people to go. I don't care about any other team than the MFC and I don't care if it bad for football, bad for the state, or even bad for MFC fans who don't want to travel. It would be good for my club and that is all I care about.
  9. It's also worth noting that you can elevate a Rookie after Rd 11 without a LTI.
  10. What a crock, especially that last line. McLardy has been publicly setting upp his disengagement for weeks. Where is our Kennett? Our Kennetts are not throwing Molatovs at the club - they are talking to the club. Geoff Freeman is willing to give his time and energy apparently to be a Director and there was no need for him to play that out in the media or slag the current members of a Board he may have to work with in the future. I don't know of many who defend the status quo - I think that is defenseless tripe to suggest of your fellow MFC supporters, as is the notion that our demise is close or that we deserve it. The club will get renewal. It may not be satisfying for those who want to have people to blame, or Directors to lambast in an election, but you will get renewal. And we have to do it in a methodical manner that is respectful to those who have given their time, money, and energy, and we have to do it within the parameters of an AFL that wants to help us out of our current mire. We have an AFL-endorsed CEO. We will soon have a renewed Board with a new President. We will enter 2014 with a properly functioning FD, led by one with previous experience in running an FD, and a new coach - one with previous experience in the job. These are achievable things to hope for, and to be thankful for. It will happen.
  11. Sacrifice games? I don't see how we can sit here and say that we are sacrificing games but not tagging and putting players back... We are not a good team. At all.
  12. I said this in the Kennett thread - what makes everyone think that just because Kennett is out there screaming "look at me!!" that there aren't impressive Demons going to a clearly disengaging McLardy and offering support and their involvement? You can have real change and not have a rival ticket - this isn't a two-party system. We are on the same side and we will have real change. Without the need for a bloodbath. We removed Gardner with a nod and an agreement. Renewal for 2014 will happen in a similar fashion.
  13. You are acting like he hasn't intimated there will be changes or that he will step aside. I am more than happy to have Freeman and Jackson do this review of what the Board brings to that table and what it does not. We are not going to have this change through an opposing ticket. Just like Gardner stepped aside, so will McLardy and a few others. We will have AFL-endorsed renewal and we move into 2014 with some hope and unity. Or do we? BB - you say they should look for their own successors, well that doesn't happen, but like the Stynes team came in and amicably took over from the Gardner team while keeping 3 members, similar will occur. Those that wanted us to be run by the AFL get the closest thing to it - an AFL paratrooper designing the Board he is working for. Is that enough AFL-endorsed change?
  14. The fixture should be fairer to all clubs on a week-week basis. I would gladly give up our 'Grand Final' (ugh) if ANZAC Day was spilled and every other bloody 'event' game and Friday and Sat night games were shared around. Also, if you want to solve the clubs issues through fixturing - play 4 games at a 25k seater Casey Stadium a season. We would make $2m.
  15. I am ok with poeple saying that Gysberts will be a gun - terrible predictions are par for the course around here, but Demonsterative, Gysberts was not a 'gun' when he was with us. He played some good games but if a handful of good games qualifies oneself to be a 'gun' then the majority of our list are 'guns.'
  16. Not only that, he actually took a mark while ducking his head with little pressure. Was just lucky to hold onto it. And, as you keep telling everyone, you don't have to read me either. There is no need to make your lack of repect for everyone here so evident.
  17. You deserve a holiday for this, mjt. I have no idea what your problem is with me or my thoughts on the Board or the Coach. After the Essendon game I said both should go before 2014. I haven't re-said that every week like some on here because I don't feel the need to re-state it every Monday. My view is that Jackson is the one with the AFL endorsement, he is the paratrooper with a mandate, he should manage Neeld's exit the best way he can. Personally, I would wait until he knows the structure he wants in the FD, and can implement it, and at that time moves Neeld on. This will be costly, and may need this Friday's meeting with the AFL for a 'rubberstamp.' As for the Board, I think that from reading the words of McLardy he knows it is time for change and time for him to go. I am happy to wait until seasons end for that and I want it to be similar to how Stynes and McLardy took over from Gardiner: Demons realising their time has come and handing over to new Demons in a bloodless and amicable fashion. Some of the Board will remain and the Freeman/Jackson review is as close as we are ever going to get to a AFL-endorsed/outside Demon-endorsed view on the way forward for the make-up of the Board. I think some of the angst is from a lack of comprehension. My view is hardly controversial: in laymans terms - PREZ, COACH GONE. LEAVE TIMING TO JACKSON. NO OPPOSING TICKET.
  18. As BH has so gracefully illustrated, he remains tarnished by what he did in Round 1. He is a good footy player and I hope he finds a spot (if for no other reason than to get something out of that McLean trade...).
  19. Are we off to see the Wizard?
  20. Frankly, as a fan, you should want McLardy to come out with that reaction to Kennett. And, for anyone, that thinks otherwise - changes are coming to the board - Don admitted that in his speech in Monday. We do not need a spill, which would require a costly, and emotionally draining, special election with a certain amount of member approval to get it going. Freeman and Jackson, with the aide of Trotter, are doing something that is very unusual but that confirms that the Board understands the fact that their performance has been lacklustre and it also illustrates the power that Jackson is seen to have over our rebirth - a CEO overseeing the shortcomings and makeup of the Board he works for? This is, of course, embarrassing to have such handholding from a AFL-endorsed paratrooper but it is the ONLY way we would allow such AFL involvement in the makeup of our Board moving into 2014; Jackson is our CEO with the AFL mandate still with wet ink. If those of you that are so effusive in your praise of Jackson believe in what he is doing then you will allow him, and fresh Director Freeman, to review the Board and recommend the changes. Don is a Demon and he will do the right thing - which is another reason why you get Demons to be on the Board; they are not behoven to their ego, they do what is right for their beloved club. Like Gardiner did, and like McLardy will.
  21. No idea. Frankly, they both should be playing to see whether they are worth a spot. Give them both 6 games. I don't care if it will make our midfield slow. It's already terrible.
  22. Well, we are not playing next weekend so we can get it all done then? The only way we would get a Head of Footy Ops would be from AFL House so maybe this Drain bloke could be installed. Otherwise we are looking at a longer wait for a settled and structurally sound FD. Next weekend might be an anti-climax too.
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