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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. We had to replace Sylvia, otherwise we would be going backward. More than happy to swap them, even if they share a love of the nightlife, a like to boogie, even if it is around the disco. Oh, yeah. (Sigh) Just terrible.
  2. Elwood - Roos will escape blame and as he should - we know he can coach. The players have always been able to hide behind something at this club. Coaches, admin, turmoil - now they have nothing to hide behind. I still see a large amount of players to be moved on next year and a bit of pain still to come, but don't think that 2014 defines Roos. Roos defines what comes after.
  3. And yet, what colour is the away strip? I choose to own it, I am more than happy to give others reason to, the rest can push uphill if they wish.
  4. I am sorry we spent Pick 4 on Morton, 12 on Cook, 9 on Molan, and 11 on Gysberts. Sore and sorry. Gillies doesn't rate.
  5. It's the song we based our song on. Another tie to white for the MFC. The evidence is building...
  6. Well, the original had three colours in it... One guess what colour (or non-colour)... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You're_a_Grand_Old_Flag
  7. The white one we have now is more MFC than a red jumper with three letters on it.
  8. You're right about it not being a small change but let's not overstate the 'deleting of anything Fitzroy had left' - they were the Fitzroy Lions after all...
  9. I agree that we can discuss the mistakes of the past. We don't need to make past employees villians however, and while 'expressing disdain' can be done in a respectful, and yet still forceful manner, it easily becomes crass and vitriolic. Poster should "move on" from that.
  10. I think the original tinkering of their jumper is the 'fiddling while Rome burns,' not this rejection by the members. The jumper looks terrible and why you would change the strip so soon after The Threepeat I will never know. History is not black and white and it can serve many different arguments. Our link to the red and the blue is long and profound, but it doesn't mean white means nothing to us, our club was 70 years old before we were called The Demons but it something that is a vital appendage of the club. The Lions club admin screwed up the jumper, the members have rejected it and have demanded a return to the old one - and that's the end of it. Now they can get back to figuring out why their young players are now in the four corners of the country and not in Brisbane.
  11. Training threads have the life span of a Mayfly. When they get 'derailed' I don't care - it is two days till the next one. The complaints are more annoying than the derailings. Read what happens, read too much into it, ask about players, get an answer, and move on.
  12. It will certainly annoy the joggers running through the park... They will have to remember to carry a gold coin in that tiny pocket in their Skins.
  13. Let's try and show some class when we describe each other on here, hey? As for Toumpas - posters are allowed to not rate him, and not think he is destined to live up to Pick 4. He had an up and down year and I feel for the kid because he was so anxious about his own performance after that first game - he talked about letting people down. The only person being let down is Toumpas, and every kid we have thrown in too early and asked too much of. And that is on the previous FD (and the one before that) and the leaders at the club who have not, to this point, pulled their weight. Don't look at Toumpas for our resurgence in 2014 - look at the experienced players and leaders at the club who no longer have the shelter of a compromised coach to hide behind.
  14. I would love to see how the MFC will do that at Goschs...
  15. Yeah, I agree. The home jumper is sacrosanct and not to be tinkered with, especially with the way they made it. Being inventive with your away strip is completely different than abandoning your home strip that the past identify with (FFC supporters) and the present are very proud of (Lions fans who saw 01, 02, and 03).
  16. Actually, this number hadn't changed in the 4 days from last season. So our numbers are not that far ahead of last year, but they are still well ahead. I would say we are looking at 40k or just above.
  17. I prefer to think it is covering the wage of a certain someone who will remain nameless. It's Paul Roos. Sorry, couldn't help myself, Paul Roos is our coach for some reason.
  18. That quote is from DA... Nasher - do you have all the data from the last 6 years? Need to settle who invented this term... I could swear I did but it is also something DA would think of... Anyway, it's alive and well but remember - just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you... 'Melbourne - We Are Terrible At Most Things'
  19. Yes, you're right. The original mistake was after the disappointment of 2007 we got rid of solid pros and didn't replace like-for-like. Throwing kids in the deep end is not something I see strong teams, in any sport, do. Oh, and we are still very young and inexperienced... Clark, Dawes, Vince, Jones, Cross, Frawley, Garland, Jamar, Byrnes, and Dunn, are our most experienced 10. Only a few (5 IMO) can claim they are definitively in our best team (see Clark, Dawes, Vince, Jones, Cross, Frawley, and Garland) and don't have form or injury related question marks over them (see Vince, Jones, Cross, Frawley and Garland). A great deal will be asked of the other players with over 50 games experience - another 5: Trengove, Grimes, Watts, Howe, and McKenzie. Hopefully the above can shoulder the vast load and allow the younger ones to develop.
  20. “Misso (Dave Misson) has given more trust to the players and if the boys are a bit sore, he listens to the players about how their bodies are going. It’s been really good and hopefully I can remain on the track for the rest of the pre-season and get ready for a big year.” I have had a coach who used to say 'the player knows their body better than any physio.' Although, he was just trying to pressure blokes to come back too early and reject advice... I take what Frawley is saying as that the players' programs were regimented last year and that this season they are able to end a session, spend it outside of full training, at their own behest. The theory is that all players wish to train hard and be their best and improve on the track and so that desire will not allow them to slack off. I think it makes sense, if your leaders are setting the right example. If not, it all comes apart.
  21. I was being playful. I am not a fan Craig Bradley preferred jumper style either. Has anyone worn the new jumper? Does it hang down under the arm?
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