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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. So what facts are there? what is the truth? Do you really think that we will get anything out of this possible scenario?? Mate the bloke has been paid a huge amount of Money based on , what 15 games of footy, he was depressed , he wasn't able to commit and as a result he got out Right! Ok so now the possibility exists that he may, MAY seek to play next year. So if IF he wants to play with us then so be it! IF he seeks to play elsewhere then the club should exhaust every avenue available to recoup some form of compensation based on the FACT that we have paid overs for a bloke who hardly played and took the money almost under false pretences. HE IS STILL ON OUR LIST! There is a lot to be played out here but my feeling is that if he plays it won't be with us and if seeking a move elsewhere then I would hope that the AFL and the footy club work so that we don't get the short end of the straw as has happened in the past!
  2. Absolutely no doubt about this. All an elaborate ruse to get back to WA. I can only hope the AFL really come down hard on this but my gut feeling is they probably won't.
  3. I have got a very bad feeling about where this is heading and IT DOESN'T BODE WELL FOR MFC
  4. I am Firmly of the belief that even though not Firm at point of exit, the eating of Chillies is the way to avoid bowel cancers and other potential cancers of the stomach! Reasoning is that it burns every potentially harmful agent entering a developmental phase! Not sure if evidence can back this up but that is what I have heard!! Anyone any info regarding this?
  5. Um if you are going to quote facts then you need to get it right!! Huge hanger followed by 50 metre goal! Just to cap it of. Also, if you go onto the AFL stats page and actually check his career stats , they measure up surprisingly well for a bloke who is and has been exceptionally maligned on this forum, eg Dud, Spud etc! But don't take my word for it, check the stats out for yourselves. Then if not satisfied well as I have said many times on this forum everyone is entitled to their post! All I'm saying is the bloke went to S.A after his shot with us, has been cruelled by injury missing the last two Norwood flags, surely not any of you out there would begrudge him a well deserved tilt at Premiership Glory? Go Norwood and Good luck "Juice"
  6. Righto Nasher, just delete thread if you like and transfer over here, apologies PF
  7. Justice has ( almost) been served) Bye Bye Bombers!!!!!!
  8. NORWOOD into the Grand Final "Juice" 2 goals tonight! Missing the last 2 Grand Finals through injury, a bit of Luck won't go astray! Go Norwood (SA Version of MFC) ! GF in two weeks!
  9. Um went to a party once where plenty of people were smoking "The wacky terbacky" I um never have had any drugs, but I gotta tell you Bitters lime and Lemo man I went into that party stone cold sober and left stone cold smashed from breathing in the 'Toxic" fumes of the "Wacky Terbacky" Never, ah actually have had any Drugs as such! Cheers Bitter Lemon Man! Anyway back to the thread I think he is Goooone To the Cattery!
  10. Gee I Love you guys Really brings me "Down to Earth'' " Ground control to Picket Fence" Ground control to Picket Fence.. Take your protein pills and out your helmet on" Ah Demonland what an "Esoteric" experience!
  11. Yeah I know that Bitters lime n soda BUUT I tried to put emphasis on the story being one of a base point of view of which the opposite is baseless The ah Bass as in Bass guitar, plays different tune!! I can see the confusion but, I ain't perfect! Thanks so much for pointing it out!! You have been very helpful ,,,,.... Much!
  12. Okay so here's the Deal Matchstick my friend..,.,,, I posted months ago that "according to my sauce" Frawley was going to the Cattery I still hold that view and for good reasons, So you reckon I'm all bluff eh Well unless something way way way outa left field emerges I'll stick with my info! Remember it aint Rock n Roll without a BASE! And from the famous line from Redhouse Roll Band.. a, ahem, famous Geelong band from the 70 ts "Foolin.... foolin.. whos' fooling who"? OK HERES THE DEAL!! if Im wrong I'll ban myself for 6 months!! And if you are wrong ...... well you know the rest!\ DEAL?????????????????
  13. Bootsma??? "Cro Magnon" man less the physique! nuff said bout a nuff nuff!
  14. Nutjob Robinson belted Rohan Bail off the ball several years ago! and copped weeks for it! On that basis there might well be the "Flow on effect" and I believe some angst MIGHT remain! NUP NOT WORTH THE RISK!
  15. No Loss, Strauss , Evans to follow shortly!
  16. Reality check needed Nathan Jones ( clearly our best, aint near the top echelon) which really is what a few of us have been saying ........ Fabulous player but playing in a Sheeeeeeit team means just a tick under "A" grade Dunn, Jetta very good but not as good as those whom they would replace. REALITY CHECK !
  17. LOVE CHILD DA DA DA DA DAR NEVER MEANT TO BE. ETC etc yadda yadda yoda would say " Missing the point most" Oh well....l will be veerry interesting to see how the finals play out and how many more ( other than the two prospective AFL suitors) might just be interested!? Hnmm interesting !!
  18. Hnmm 12th in the Margarey Medal? not bad, not bad!
  19. I hear JC is getting itchy feet!! things are boring upstairs. Any takers??
  20. Posted Today, 09:13 PM A damaged Meniscus is still a bad injury. if it is probably torn it will require stitches to repair. The repair process still takes many months of intensive physiotherapy! Given Max Gawn has had two reconstructions on the same knee this is still not good news. If he has done his ACL I'll call it! I reckon he may well be Cactus! Unfortunately! Three ACLs for a big man is not great! Some Knee reconstructions go extremely well due to the fibres of what is left of the severed tendon still being more or less intact and partially attached to the knee. This is at the better end of repair as when the graft, ( generally taken from the tougher hamstring tendon) is used the fibres tend to attach better if there is something left still attached to the knee. If not the graft is completely new. A secondary meniscus tear either partial or full to the meniscus( cartilage) is at the upper severe end of Knee surgery! The reason for this is because the cushioning agent cartilage ( meniscus) does so much more work As I have said two previous reco's mean that the knee tendons are more vulnerable than ever. It seems that even though some specialists believe that a repair strengthens the actual joint through a tighter knee. specific physiology of the patient means that this factor is very "Hit and Miss" Specific quad strength is the key to both strengthening the knee and promoting a better base of strength and stability. I hope his Meniscus is not torn and that his ACL is not anything other than a minor strain! I hope!
  21. Remember Lou Richard's making outlandish statements then saying if wrong he would do silly things as a result of getting wrong! I am extremely tempted to say that my info is so spot on that If wrong do something similar. I'll say it again he's going to GEELONG!!
  22. Give me 20 PIGDOGS and we will through force of will and guts get the ball into our forward 50 double the times we did this year! Love him already, a much better mans Jordy by far!
  23. Sheeeit the way some blokes are talked up here Ball, O'keefe, now Gwilt you would think we are so utterly desperate for talent. Maybe we should change our name to the Melbourne Seagulls, we pick anything up!
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