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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Pffft Selections ANB, HARMES NQR Oscar needs to go Would have had inns.... Stretch, Kennedy and King !!!! Yeah thats right KING a bloke who is an actual TALL ruckman! We will be Flogged!!
  2. Dear Uncle I got given a home made Shiraz called "Dirty Olman", circa 2011 I have had a glass of this previous and it tasted great. Given your social contacts and ability to move in ever diminishing rare circles of confounded conolutions, I wondered being of simlar volition to the main entreaty! Have you ever come across this delicious Drop?
  3. Post of the year! About time the AFL was given some food for thought!! How long will it be before another Mal Brown type incident plays out before our eyes and a player just loses it and goes bang, smash, crash and copes a 10 week ban!??
  4. Thanks Abe always happy to be proven wrong.... unlike others around here! Like the elastic, might well become a player!
  5. Thats it , Im coming outa retirement with Byron and Rod and will sort a few out! We will cop life bans but it will be well worth it . Time to fix up this pusilanamous, flee bitten, cheap shot, feral, marsupial club once and for all! Jumper size 40 "Slim Fit"
  6. Dont we all ! We all knew Norf would roll us, nothing surer, As day follows night. Another new season another false dawn, Yep Im like you not slitting wrists but just over an underperforming perrenial down hill skiers club!
  7. Yeah??? Still think that way?? I don't!.... typical oh so typical Melbourne, 53 years of it!
  8. God we have players with litle pace and u want to play Trengove??
  9. No way, we have too many players that drink there own bathwater for a week then still intoxicated by it into the next game! Again and again Headcases most all. Need to draft another Key forward put a truckload of money into it . BROWN BURIED US!! I'll say it again Oscar Mc Donald is Bantha Foder!
  10. Im lovin this I hope the Westgate patrols are out, could be a few free falls tonight. JUUUUUST GREAT PAPER TIGES!! blowtorch on Richtank and loving it! Punt rd Website sure to be SPECIAL! TONIGHT!
  11. Pretty absurd for a footy team like ours to be treating this as a "Danger Game" but given our favouritism that is exactly what it is. Still far from convinenced that our players can play at the high standard demanded to win week in week out!. A real Danger Game IMO a loss wouldnt surprise, Nor would a win!
  12. Stretch my preferred option hadn't done a lot wrong!
  13. Cannot take a trick at all! terrible news for Jesse and club, we will get through this I have no doubt, in fact it will galvanise the club as it supports Jesse! both on and of the field!
  14. I would have Chooch over any 1st round pick over the past 5 or so years, such is his potential greatness!
  15. Harmes is not up to it! Nor, for hat matter is ANB
  16. Yeah, well, Im calling it Take the rest of the year of PLEASE!
  17. Correct they are very BELOW AVERAGE! but for them they think they are the Starship Enterprise, Pity they have landed on a planet which has some Aliens about!! LOL
  18. I know Jason Taylor from a distant past and never ever, thought he would become such a brilliant Talent purveyor that he has become. Just mind boggling! Great stuff!
  19. Yeah well lets skip the father bit and phys ed teacher bit lets just say that in my view I would er on the side of caution, maybe after watching the movie concusion has opened my eyes just a little bit more! Happy not to be the expert! Ok??
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