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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. And have been for a million years ex of 87 which was just sheer bad luck and incapacity of Umpire Howlett to hear a siren! Yep Mentally very weak Would Not, Could not commit to a training camp!! Well Goody as Alice Cooper once sang! "No more Mr Nice Guy" Either he becomes like Barrassi or he will be confined to the mediocrity of so many coaches we have had since Norm Smith ( Apologies to John Northey who was ahead of his time in people management!) Well Simon???
  2. Yep fumbly and no awareness! I'll say it a worse recruit than Tom Gillies!
  3. Yep about right time to send a Giant WAKE UP MESSAGE! Pedo instead of Maynard
  4. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!
  5. Yep another lost at selection game comin up Goodwin No Idea I iterated during the week that HARMES AND ANB shpuld both be axed and on todays ( make that CAREER) PERFORMANCES SORRY THEY JUST ARENT AND NEVER WILL BE UP TO IT! Lever is a seriously limited and fumbly player and we paid several zillion toi get a loose fumbly player Fuuurk Pedo / Weeds should have played to relieve Max and don't tell me Hunt and Hannan woukld not have been handy Jeffy shockin today and Bugg well that's Bugg a NQR Player Another shockin q which only proves to me that we haven't improved at all from last year and will year after Friggen year tease chew us up and spit us out! NOT GOOD ENOUGH!
  6. Yep I new ATM Plush seats on existing seating A Giant heater which will use a million Gigawatts just to make the joint slightly warm in Winter. Oh and did I mention 1 New Pie stand!??
  7. That is an absolute disgrace !! But just think is the Labour party, "Rotten to the Core" Just another attempt to Grab another Term methinks! Lets see Mathew Guy tear up a contract or Two when the Libs take power in NOV!
  8. As Indiana Jones said when peering into the well of souls "I've got a BAD feeling about this"! I don't like it at all If we lose this, Ill hark back to the "Lost at Selection" argument! Perfect chance to stretch the Hawks backline by playing Weeds which then would have resulted in Gunston having to play Back! Win Win You watch this spectacularly misfire. ANB lucky and Harmes EVEN MORE SO ! Selectors again playing safe, The time to play safe is when you are 100 pts up in a Grand Final with minutes to play , and even then its risky!
  9. Weed for Fritcsh gives Hawks some serious thoughts on a tall who can play on him!? Gus for Dom is a laydown Misere! How Billy Stretch is even in calculations baffles me An average game last week. Must have some serious love from the coaching panel but I just don't rate him Surely Balic a much better bet!
  10. Yep would not be surprised and in fact the more I think about it the more I like it. Stretch the Hawks for Height and run up forward!! Fritsch has a rest! ANB and Harmes better perform!! Undr the pump BIG TIME
  11. ANB and Or HARMES were attrocious last week and deserve to both be dropped OUT ANB, HARMES IN PEDOBEAR AND BALIC Weekend at Bernies to spend whole weekend with Mitchell! in an uncomprimising tough tag role!
  12. Have another look at the replay Fester! Stick a light globe in ur gob and ignite every time his disposal was instrumental in either a goal of a progression forward. This bloke aint a 21st century player.............................................................................. More like a hybrid evolutionary 22nd Century Prototype that has .. 100% Peripheral Vision Clean hands Fearless Exquisite handball skills Runs all day Tackles Hard Can kick great goals You know NOW what every talent scout will have a brief to find???????? another SMOKY Get me another Clarry Choo Choo!
  13. Thanks Gerry G and Ron Blaskett or as Gerry used to say Tiskett a Taskett!
  14. I think Balic comes in for Hames Pedo for ANB Pedo allows more options in attack, defence, and Ruck!
  15. Yeah harsh and as us demonlanders know Melb is judges on another level so Suck it up son and move on Many on this site Rate You!
  16. Yeah ME kicked 4 in the last practice match at Oakleigh U 17 and spent next 4 weeks carrying Drinks! Enough I said, so ended up at Dees U 19 at invitation and played quite a few games before concussion issues forced curtailment of that foray. The rest is for another time!
  17. And little Gofy aren't we all Chuffed!!!
  18. Yep paid overs and as result I want to see Superstar! So far he has been underwhelming!
  19. Get outa the way! Clarry Choo Choo is coming through!!
  20. Eddie might be softening him up for a Collingwood jumper nest year! Well if they wanted Chris Mayne ( Dud) Then surely Majak is the nest best thing. Just watch trades next year Mayne for Majak and a set of steak knives??
  21. IMV We will not win a final with Oscar and Lever in the team. In all honesty I reckon Lever is not at all suited to our defensive structures and so IMV I reckon he will struggle. Happy to be proven wrong but I have serious doubts.
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