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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Yes IF he can stay on the park!
  2. You know what they do Mono ?? They hide guys like Cameron in the Waffle..... Noone knows anything about them over here and they get picked number 59 or something!!! Crackin Win by Collingwood!!
  3. Absolutely sublime music Uncle!! Welcome to the Cruise!! Ok I'll give Oscar a chance in the Forward line... You just cannot get fairer than that!!
  4. Here's a thought..... Wait a minute I don't really mean it Oscar to FF Sheeeit im on Drugs!!!
  5. If Oscar plays then I really have No Idea at all!! A bit like Australia picking No footwork Handscomb last night!
  6. I love what Frosty has done this year. Under Steven May's Tutelage I hope he develops some Mongrel as well! Yep he makes mistakes But they are lessening with every outing!! Remember a guy called Gary Cowton?? And our very own Rhino Richards?? Frosty is not unlike these guys and at some point in Crazy Horse's case they may win you at the business End of the season. My second favourite player behind Clarry Choo Choo is FROSTY!
  7. Stocks have risen after yet another "Sparkling" game on the weekend. I still believe he would definitely be great Captaincy material!
  9. Sheeeeit Oscar as Forward??? Facepalm... lets get some perspective... He is hardly hardly of standard! Sheesh
  10. Gday Ethan the way I heard it SEN believe he is signed till end 2020? Others might know more. FWIW I reckon we can and should play both for the rest of this year and beyond! Pruess played a Crackin Game yesterday!
  11. Whether Braydon Pruess and Max can work in tandem? He suggested that Pruessy would always be behind Max and threw it out there that if so queried whether the club should / could entertain a trade if IF a Ruck Poor club came knocking and the deal was too good to refuse! He also was aware that he had a two year deal. Personally, I cannot see it happening but stranger things have happened! I for one have always believed that bot Max and Pruessy can play in same team. Interesting comments.
  12. Ah no it wouldn"t and you don't just "Remove" the Meniscus you actually repair it generally putting in some stitches , which take time to fuse the fibres together. You would not have seen him before next season, even if a Grand Final was at stake!!
  13. Yeah well Doc as the sayin goes "If my aunty had gonads she would be my Uncle" Yep game is played and millimetres and seconds and decisions and deliberations and sheeit just sheer luck and just a modicum of skill are at play here!! Question and truth of the matter is... ??? Well you tell me!? Weeds just doesn't do enough! Often enough! Yeah young player et at yadda yadda, but really what has he done since Finals last year??
  14. We haven't got a year or two. Time is now! Cometh the hour cometh the man! after 55 years have we really this time??
  15. Don't have to Moon.. as a qualified Physical Education Teacher and Grad Dip Sports Science .... I think Iv'e got this covered!
  16. AND different type of player Moore much better fast twitch fibres! Work that one out!
  17. Paddy Mc Cartin?? Ok Iv'e said I don't think Weideman will make it as a Key Forward! Happy to be proven wrong but just don't think it will happen! OK?
  18. He is that far from Darcy Moore its fanciful!
  19. You posted the comparison!!! Now you say it is fairy tale?? So tell me Moonshadow... What do you expect Weideman to be or Not to be ?? Hnmmmm???
  20. Welll well WELL SOME BREVITY AT LAST! A pity JUICE never ever got a consecutive run at it! A la Weideman Yep REAL pity!
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