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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Ok I'll say it .. I dont think he will be the player that we expect him to be. He gets easily brushed aside and doesnt impose enough on a contest and take telling pack marks! There, take it as opinion. I don"t think he will make it! I would LOVE to be proven otherwise but just can't see it at this stage! Ok?
  2. Well, I have been a Jones fan and I really like the way he has slotted into Half Back. has played well there now in two games and if he has a full preseason next year well give him first option. I also thought Lewis into midfield was very good and he responded with a good first half!
  3. Yeah But ..... Would loved to be proved wrong but something"s missing! Not sure he IS the answer!
  4. Wish I had of been there Uncle.... Sheeit maybe not. we might have ended up on assault charges. I.E Assaulting the I.Q of a rabid mob of those feeling entitled! As Kernaghan once said. We are Carlton LOL !!!!
  5. Yep and the reason why is that every single umpire sees him as their alter ego. Gives a bit of cheek, but ah no can"t give this bloke a free coz he's too Blue collar with an aura of Brilliance . Unlike myself!! That's why I never played footy and became......... An umpire! Nuf Said!
  6. Time for MFC to make some big calls on a few players No names but a Key Position Defender and a Small forward need to be seriously reviewed! IMO
  7. Go Farther In Lightness Gang of Youths All the strangest things Keep happening All by my father's Old magnolia tree And the Sydney sky Is rainless and sings off key But it's cool in a weird way That i wish I could be It's the weirdest high And the lowest peak God I'm an alien On my own goddamned street I climb some wall And curse out my favourite team And stare at the freeway Inveterately free Go farther in hope Go farther Go farther in lightness Go farther in hope Go farther Go farther in lightness Best of luck young man, Have a Crackin Debut! Cheers PF!
  8. I for one am happy to see Lewis in the team! Congrats to Kyle Dunkley well done young man!
  9. He was ignored a lot of times, because that's what happens when you call for it from the car park outside the ground! What a wasted pick!
  10. Because of a complete lack of awareness. He came back after a year out with practically no match conditioning, which would no doubt have seriously affected his feel for the game. To expect him to be switched on in the seniors in his return game defied common sense with the lack of prep he had. It was a desperate decision from a coach equally desperate for a win. It should not have happened. THIS Yep exactly we have been panicked time and again by absurd and ill advised selections over and over again. There is NO system to our selections at all. Max should not play Sunday with Ankle issues Jones should not play Sunday with Calf issues Lever should be put into cotton wool maybe for the rest of the year. I thought Baker was OK and being our future should get an extended run in the ones In spite of all the negative opinions of JKH he has been our best player in the twos for two weeks, surely you must reward form? Both Wagners are not up to standard and it is laughable Oscar even gets named. I would just like to know the inner workings of selection because to an outsider it appears all to be the stuff of Ouija boards and random guesswork!
  11. And it would be far more satisfying! As SOFT a player as I can remember!
  12. Yep and yep again If Omac plays I will not renew my membership next year! Laughable really! Is this club serious BAKER IS OUR FUTURE! WTF is going on down there??
  13. Well I would not play Lever at all!! I would cotton wool him for the rest of the year. But what do I know? Secondly I would not play Max under any circumstances unless this was a Grand Final ( Laugh ) which its not Lewis for Petty Pruess for Max JKH must be rewraded for two outstanding games for either Hannan or ANB Maybe Dunkley to debut just to see what he offers for either of the above.
  14. Wow what a huge statement........ Problem is you are 100% Correct! Now that IS cause for concern!
  15. I would do it in a heartbeat, but I am too radical. Answer then is No it wont happen!
  16. Petty got thrashed last week what was it 4 goals in a quarter of footy?? Nar needs to go! Weeds on very shaky ground Smith ?? Deplorable ANB Fumbles inc! Oh and on Big Max with the season gone if they play him this week it is tantamount to negligence IMV Give him 1-2 of at least Ins Pruess JKH Dunkley AND WHOEVER SHOWS PROMISE FOR 2020!
  17. "Stop Draggin my heart around" Lord Nev, my heart is under enough pressure as it is with this Footy Club!! ?
  18. Um no I wouldn't take any advice from Petty at all coz, He is a" Heartbreaker"!
  19. Gee I would love Heath Shaw at MFC CAN PLAY!
  20. Macca, we have all kept "Cool Heads" for 55 odd years and where has it got us?? Nup what May did was exactly the shakeup this club needs. Too many of our players are too easily satisfied. They must be because how do you account for this very ordinary season. And you just cannot blame injuries! Ok WHO has improved this year??? Clarry whilst his numbers are good has not lived up to his lofty figures last year. Viney has been avg, Ditto Tracc, T Mac has been very ordinary and where is Weeds improvement??? Nar its all between the ears with a lot of our list and whilst we wallow in mediocrity , I welcome Steven May and his passion Warts and all.Yep rocked up unfit, and yep had a few frothies but he Lives Breathes and Eats CLASS and passion! This is called LEADERSHIP! So I'm Still in the make May Capt bandwagon !! Implicitly! Oh one other thing. Sam Frost has been a "Revelation" this year. I love watching him play and love his Heart! Under Mays guidance he will become an even better player, of that I have no doubt!
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