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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. GARBAGE SHOULD HAVE GOT 6 Got of very very lightly🤔
  2. I would have loved for him to play just one game for MFC. His raw emotion when we won the G.F last year was a lovely thing to behold. Good luck Warrior, you have done yourself proud with your achievements, I hope the next chapters of your life are fantastic. Cheers P.F
  3. Depending on your version of very close, that could be minutes, hours, days, months, years away!
  4. A lot of grounds I played on were very clearly Totally Farnarkled!😳
  5. Look, Ollie Wines is a very good player, but if you cast your eye over SOME, BROWNLOW medalists, ya have to ask some questions... and I'll include him in the "One hit wonder club" Clayton Oliver is that far above Ollie Wines its not funny, just look at the comparative stats to see this!
  6. Well I thought about this WCW and since yourself and Uncle Bitter are among my favourite posters on Demonland and as I am in a generous mood, this one is for you guys!! Cheers PF To borrow from Petula Clark Downtown was always one of my favourite songs of the era, here is the Demonland version When you're alone and life is making you lonely You can always go To DEMONLAND When you've got worries all the noise and the hurry Seems to help I know at Demonland Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty How can you lose? The light's so much brighter there You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares So go Demonland Things will be great when you're at Demonland No finer place for sure Demonland Everything's waiting for you (at downtown, demonland) Don't hang around and let your problems surround you There are replays to show at Demonland Maybe you know some little places to go to Where they never close Demonland Just listen to the rhythm of a gentle bossa nova You'll be dancing with 'em too before the night is over Happy again The light's so much brighter there You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares So go demonland Where all the lights are bright Demonland Waiting for you tonight Demonland You're gonna be alright now (downtown) Downtown Demonland Downtown Demonland And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand To guide them along So maybe I'll see you there We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares So go Demonland Things will be great when you're at DEMONLAND Don't wait a minute more DEEMONLAND Everything's waiting for you (downtown, downtown) Downtown (DEMONLAND) Downtown (DEMONLAND) Downtown (DEMONLAND) Downtown (DEMONLAND) 🤩
  7. JEELONG VERY LUCKY Umps on their side, but Richtank gave up a handy lead halfway through last quarter
  8. Stewart 4 weeks reduced to 3 with an early plea! what was he thinking, Terrible look! Exactly what the AFL want stamped out. Next!!!
  9. O Mac???? Isn't he at CARLTANK???
  10. " I can't tell you how I feel, My heart is like a wheel, Let me roll it, Let me roll it to you Let me Roll it, Let me roll it to yooouuuu Dar Dar da darr Da Daat NO CHANGE
  11. 6 Boulder Viney 5 Clarry Choo Choo 4 Harmes 3 Lever 2 Dogga 1 Hibbo
  12. If Weeds fails to show something tonight then I reckon it could be all over at Dees
  13. Well just stand by, I reckon the AFL Might just intervene here now that this pusillanamous and weak non action has played out!
  14. Nothing could be further from the truth Uncle! I have been described as the epitome of a absolute gentleman of high standing!
  15. Here is the offer of a lifetime Uncle, I will be pleased to manage all operations management of the Manor whilst you are away. I promise to keep the place in excellent order and not get stuck into your special reserves of refreshments! 🤩
  16. There is no future, is no past, there's nothing but today, for yesterdays tommorrow is tommorrow's yesterday!🤨
  17. Anyone else think Clarry is worth 1 Million a year over 7 years for his next contract in 2024?
  18. U can bank on it.... Penultimate moment in MFC Folklore... punch ons become punchchums brothers in arms, with MFC victory at the G🤩
  19. Well if that's the case I would roll the dice and also play Van Rooyen in the forward line!
  20. I don't not at all, If he is not injured, he is suspended!
  21. As Jack Little would say "All I can say is, Wow, No Comment"
  22. We need a three way ruck combo, comprising of Majak, Dogga and Weeds I will post a full side tommorrow!!
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