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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. My Spin... Hunt a Tad unlucky but he did cost 2 Goals and disposal still Iffy! Team as named in 18 WILL play exept Petty to have a fitness test Early Monday Final Bench dependent on Petty to be Harmes, Jackson, Hibberd and either Turner or Tomlinson depending on Petty Medi Sub either Baker or Chandler Bedford DESPERATELY unlucky not to get a Gig!
  2. Well well well, And the facts will come out if there is more to play out! Gees, this has the potential to not only derail our efforts but it could also have some telling effects for one S May!
  3. Why?? He worked his guts out and did a few good things. He could bob up and kick a couple of goals! I think your comments harsh!
  4. I would play him CHB at Casey and see how he goes!
  5. Hopefully Pauline... you post a comment!!!😇
  6. My Wife says I drink too much....... I agree and then night then goes over smoother than a Skinheads haircut!! 😁
  7. AGREE WCW However, I am still Livid with whatever transpired, but "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and it does have the capacity to derail to an extent our season. Defining moment coming up at MFC Gees I hope we can endure and overcome this Monday..... A few REALLY now need to step up, Coz the filth will smell blood!
  8. Not Friggen Good enough, One match Bah, two minimum and massive fine for both. Just Rubbish!! Other players should be "Livid" I hope Goody went to town on this, given the team is now close to under siege it was all we didn't need! 😱
  9. Um,, sounds like a lot of Demonlanders have lost faith in Weeds!!
  10. Surprise surprise, I also heard something similar.
  11. Not the worst idea going around, I think a more likely scenario might be Max to be used further at deep Forward and Majak to share ruck duties with Dogga. I beleive Majaks ruck work is pretty good. If Petty is not right Tomlinson gets a lucky reprieve and of course May comes back. I thought Jayden Hunts one on ones was very average. Pig might be a chance, Sparrow has been good but was of the pace Saturday. I thought Mitch Brown did some useful things Saturday and should stay. A big NO to Weideman, as a forward, but could he cover Tomlinsons role down back? BBB is still pivotal to any serioius September action if Plugger Mac is cactus!
  12. After last night I would have him in a heartbeat. The problem is how many players around 23-24 can we poach,steal, lure or kidnap that would make an instant impact?
  13. I could not disagree more. Weeds aint the answer! I would rather play Majak!
  14. Coz next cab of the rank is just a VFL player
  15. ANB missed targets and unmissable goals
  16. Yeah like Freo last week!! What does that tell you?? Tomlinson very very average BBB what has happened ? Hunt very avg again... more to come just shizen stuff
  17. Umpires Putrid but we were worse, too many down hill skiers. God I hate Papley🤯
  18. I would not be surprised to see us lose this
  19. Tomlinson can go back to Casey .... reserves Dreadful!
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