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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Never mind the free kick count… I’m [censored] off with the injury count. Simply not enough!!!
  2. He doesn’t think so. Dude’s got tickets on himself.
  3. The unfairness of free kick tallies. Sucks, doesn’t it Footscray?
  4. And there’s still another quarter to go!
  5. I was just thinking that. Neither of these teams look as though they could roll us.
  6. Razor Ray sounds like everyone’s Mum.
  7. Brayshaw: “he’s in pristine form, his hands are spot on.” There are so many adjectives, why choose ones that don’t make sense???
  8. I hope so too. Although something tells me he’d handle himself fine in gaol. It’s the other inmates that might have reason to worry. 😁
  9. The Polish govt. deserves all the criticism it gets. They’re setting the country backwards in time. The younger generation have a battle on their hands. I was in Łódż last year… beautiful city! 🤍❤️
  10. It wasn’t you who used the term SFA, it was another poster. My bad, I’m sorry. 🙂
  11. He all but admitted to this the other night on Footy Classified.
  12. Not necessarily. But anyways, individual accolades are worthless according to you. Look, I want us to win a flag as much as the next person. But that doesn’t mean a Brownlow or AA selection or Rising Star award should be worth SFA. Imagine how many worthless Brownlow awards there’d be if the only value they held was when awarded to a player who ends up playing in and winning the GF? Doesn’t happen too often. How did you feel about the Brownlow of 2000?
  13. Thank you LDVC! I sent this link to my (25yo) son who’s been holding out for Pfizer. He just messaged me that he’s booked in for an AZ tomorrow morning.
  14. No, I’m sure they’d like both. But I’m also sure they wouldn’t dismiss the individual awards as being worth “SFA” as you put it.
  15. I daresay the players would beg to differ.
  16. So, if I’m gonna break up with someone I shouldn’t say I’m “dumping” them, I should say I’m just making a “change.” 😆
  17. Did you just morph into @Demonstone?
  18. I actually agree with him on this point. Victorian teams who are entitled to a home final will be denied such because the no crowds option is off the table. For the purposes of a level playing field, all games should be played on neutral grounds. I just saw Koch on the news adamant that if his team earns a home final then it will absolutely be played at home. It sucks that if/when we end up on top of the ladder we can’t demand the same. And I know life isn’t always fair. But where fairness is possible, it should be exercised.
  19. Uhm… get the spelling right!
  20. I hate that, too! To a lesser degree I don’t like “fielder” coz it was always “fieldsman” as far back as I can remember.
  21. Hey Dub, don’t feel like you have to stop posting on this thread just because someone takes you to task (unnecessarily imo). Better days ahead! ❤️💙
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