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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. I just saw on the news May saying what he said to Max just before he lined up to take the shot. He said, “we’ve got your back. No matter what happens, we love you.” 💕
  2. It makes a great story… his ninth AA and he’ll likely kick his 1000th. The press love that sh*t.
  3. I love this story. I think it’s pretty cute that a 5yo boy got a tie from Santa. 💖
  4. Years ago Kmart used to sell “(insert club name) Grand Finalists (insert year)” for both gf teams in the week leading up to it. Which meant that you could potentially only wear it for a week. Coz who in their right mind would wear it after a gf loss???
  5. You weren’t even born in the same century!! Nor the same millennium!!!!
  6. Of all the great things Clarrie did on Saturday, one is not getting the praise it deserves… the stacks-on after the siren: boy, did he get some air right there! Hang time was amazing!!!😁
  7. You were 75 in 1964? That means you’re 132 years old. That’s gotta be a record!!! 😆
  8. I reckon I’ve cried more in the last 36 hours than I have in my lifetime. I have watched that final two minutes countless times and I’ve cried every single time. edit: just realised you were referring to the Tracc interview. Doesn’t matter though coz I cry every time I watch that too.
  9. So? Well… did we win???! You promised you’d let us know. I’m still waiting. 😝
  10. Thank you DZ! I just watched this three times over and I’m sure if I was to watch it 3000 times over it would still be as moving. ❤️💙
  11. I do too. My reason is because on too many occasions I’ve been mistaken for a bombers supporter… excuse me for a sec… 🤮… that’s better. Where was I? Oh yeah, because the navy blue can sometimes look like black.
  12. LOL at the thought of Dr D having spent the entire match typing up as much vitriolic bile as is conceivable, with thumb hovering over “submit reply” button waiting for the siren, only to have Maxy rain on his parade. 😆
  13. I cried watching it live. I cried watching it when @Lord Nevposted it last night. I cried when I watched it again just before going to sleep. I just watched it again and guess what? Yep, crying again! Happy tears, happy tears.
  14. Personally I don’t know where I’d be without DL. I have zero Dees friends or even fam. I barrack for my beloved team on my own, always have done. But since discovering the awesomeness that is DL, I feel like I’m cheering em on with fellow tragics and it’s so sweet. What a crazy, beautiful bunch of people DLers are!
  15. Heartily agreed! This made me snort my coffee, but in a good way.
  16. Now THERE’S the old dee we know and love! or at the very least, know and tolerate. 😝
  17. Now there’s some donuts Dan would be proud of!
  18. Yep, even the commentators were in disbelief. I think it was Darcy who was saying “insufficient attempt? Why would Melbourne NOT wanna keep it play?!”
  19. Must’ve needed his lil nana-nap earlier than usual.
  20. Thanks Nev. Now I’m crying. Again. 😊
  21. Apparently that was the last time a captain kicked the winner after the siren. And yeah, they won the flag that year.
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