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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. This would have to be the cruisiest training session ever. And the shortest. They’re done already.
  2. Petty nailing shots on goal. As are Melks and Kozzie. Fritta is the only one who’s missed a shot. Dead in front 20 metres out. He’ll hear about it from me 😂
  3. Not seeing Shane out there. Apparently he took ill during the first quarter on Sunday.
  4. @Dee Zephyr I said to Leb “how’s about those great questions Robbo asked you last night?!” He said, “I know right! He went totally off script.” Apparently interviewees are given an idea about what questions will come their way. Robbo decided to pose his own questions. Pity the questions he asked were sch!tt.
  5. Fritta is out there now. I told him his goal was ok but I’ve seen better 😂
  6. Melks and Salo the only two out there thus far. Early since the official start is 9:45. One on one they’re tackling hard. Both looking really good.
  7. We already know, DZ! For that was one of the hard hitting questions Robbo asked him on 360 last night. 🙄 Geez and I thought I asked the unimportant questions. Robbo makes me sound like Mike Sheehan.
  8. The perfect question! Thanks muchly, DP. I will also congratulate Bowsa on his return to side! 🥳
  9. Captain’s Run this morning. If there’s no other Demonlanders here, I’m happy to answer questions. Can’t guarantee the answers will be correct though. 🙃
  10. No goals in the second quarter resulted in a really short quarter, 25 minutes. There was a period of 11 minutes straight without a stoppage.
  11. VOTE FOR FRITTA GOTY! You can vote as many times as you like. Of the GOTY weekly winners so far this season, we’ve had Rooey in Opening Round and Leb in Round 3. Should Fritta win this week that’ll be three out of nine, a third of the winners! GET VOTING!!!!!
  12. Don’t forget to watch 360 tomorrow night, they’ll be interviewing Leb. If you’ve not yet heard him speak, get ready to be impressed. 👍🏽
  13. When you hate a team and they go and put something respectful on their banner…
  14. At Gosch’s a couple of months ago my DA buddy and I asked if we could get a selfie with him. He said, “Me? Why would you want a photo with me?” I said, “Because you’re the most important person at our Club.” While posing for the pic, two friends of his were teasing him about being a celebrity etc. and he actually blushed… Clearly he’s not often asked for a pic. But he should be!
  15. That goal was NOT a fluke. I saw his eyes looking at the spot on the field where he intended the ball to land and where it did indeed land. Of course the unique shape of the ball means there always is an element of luck involved - Fritta said as much about the final two bounces before it went through - but that goal was by design. Incidentally, you know you’re alive when that goal happens while you’re sitting next to his mum. 😂
  16. Just like every other week, you’re among friends here, No. 31. That is, up until late Thursday night, at which time it depends on the result. 😉
  17. Wonderful post, DZ. Love your feedback on how we looked and sounded. We were down two giant flags as both wavers were ill and couldn’t be there. I’ve seen footage from the side as well as the front and I don’t think the absence of the flags had a negative impact on the aesthetics. In short, we still looked [censored] amazing! 🤩 To answer your question, YES I think for most Dees fans the angst from last year’s finals was extinguished last night. There’s sure to be the odd spot-fire of course, but for mine any lingering smoulder was extinguished when we had two wins five days apart in Adelaide against both home sides. A win against Carlton will surely have even the most rusted-on pessimists enjoying this crazy beautiful journey we’re on. ❤️💙👊🏼
  18. Can’t begin to imagine what they’ll do for a 200-gamer. AND… he played 42 of the 50 games with Collingwood 😂
  19. Same. I’m the queen of “has to have the last say” But we’re undoubtedly annoying others so perhaps it should end here. Let’s just both agree that I’m right. 😝
  20. And the very same applies to people who cannot see positives.
  21. I’m quite sure Old Dee was talking about people who ONLY see the negatives.
  22. Oh my god, she had the absolute time of her life. It was taxing on her, which we’d anticipated, but her enthusiasm and unbridled joy were unwavering and totally infectious. Such a wonderful experience for her. And yes, 31 did have her losing her mind 😂 Her arms were tired but she held his giant head up regardless, even when she was too tired to stand up. She joined in every single chant with gusto. Many’s the time Pauline and I looked at each other with tears in our eyes. Then, this happened… Not a dry eye in the cheer squad Fritta made her night complete.
  23. Had a nice convo with Jay Clark on the train after the match. I told him I watch Midweek Tackle because I really like Sam Landsberger and that’s mainly because he generally has positive things to say about the Dees. I lamented the lack of journos who’ll do the same. Jay said “How about Joey Montagna? He loves the Demons!” I told him that fact wasn’t lost on us. LOL… I also told him watching his show gives me motion-sickness since the camera continually moves left to right and back again zooming in and out nonstop for the entire show. He thought that was hilarious but thanked me for the feedback and said he’s gonna mention it to the producers. So in other words, nothing will change 😅 Jay told me that while we may not have the biggest or loudest cheer squad (fair call), we’re “considered the most passionate.” Awesome to hear. ❤️💙 The convo ended with me giving him grief for being a Geelong supporter. 😂 Then his wife said, “In that case, maybe I shouldn’t tell you I’m an Eagles supporter.” 😂😂
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