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Everything posted by BoBo

  1. I know a few Scottish people that would be upset at me if I didn’t mention that Jimmy Barnes and Bon Scott were both born in Scotland.
  2. Honestly Adelaide aren’t as bad as they’re currently playing. They look low on confidence so a quick start by them and some belief and it’ll be a slog. As you said, just take the win! Go Dees
  3. Just play the same team oriented way we have been playing and we’ll win by 5 goals. We played what felt like was a big emotional win for the club so hopefully their minds moved on quickly considering it was a 5 day break. We are at our best when we’re team orientated!
  4. Speaking of Howes and Mcvee, they look so similar on the ground! I can’t tell them apart at all
  5. I said it somewhere else, but I watched our frees closely in the first qtr on reply and they were all clear frees. The 2 that we got goals from were Clarry being held so he couldn’t run in to the next contest which is 50m and Allir looking at and jumping into BBB to stop him going for a mark. Clear as day. I was just surprised they paid them at Port but that’s the ground bias coming into it.
  6. Personal opinion: I think the hawks should start marking the ball.
  7. After re-watching the game, basically all of the frees we got in the first qtr were absolutely legitimate. None of them were even 50/50.
  8. I looked it up as I wasn’t 100% sure, but ruckman have to stay in their defensive half of the centre circle, until the ball is bounced or thrown up. Should be a free kick to the oppo ruckman if the ball hasn’t bounced or the left umps hands.
  9. 100% agree about the false narrative. It was just a bloody good game of footy. I generally dislike when supporters, including us, go down the road of ‘IF only X did/didn’t happen we would have won’… that applies to every disposal and decision throughout the entire game. IF X player kicks this goal at this time, we would have won. Yes, but they didn’t, hence your/our team lost. I worked with a bunch of Collingwood supporters and they would talk like this ALL the time after a loss. They were never outplayed, always hard done by the umps even if it was only one bad decision. Drove me nuts. Always If only X, if only Y, if only Z had happened, we win. At no point watching the game did I feel like we were ‘lucky’ to be in it. We played really well and absorbed a lot of attacking footy especially in our D50 (I could say, IF May was in, we would have won by 6 goals), our forwards kicked the goals they had to kick and Port didn’t. Pretty simple. The word ‘IF’ does a lot of work sometimes that can paper over how hard and well a winning team has played.
  10. I’m gonna watch the game again. What a win. Bring on the crows and have a bloody good Easter everyone!
  11. Yeah I was skeptical after the Sydney game of our forward line, so I’ll eat some humble pie, things are working very well so I was wrong.
  12. ANB, BBB, WINDSOR, CLARRY, our whole backline. GOODWIN. That is a massive win. Port threw everything at us and we [censored] got it done. Go Dees
  13. Onto Adelaide. Get effed Port fans.
  14. We’ve got this!!!!!!!!!! Dees win
  15. C’mon dees. Can’t let them get another one
  16. Rosey didn’t even try and get rid of the ball!!!!
  17. This game will be decided in the last 5 minutes….
  18. [censored] c’mon Dees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We’re in this! 30 minutes of good footy and we bury these [censored]
  19. C’mon Dees it’s only 10 points. 1 good quarter and we bloody win this.
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