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Everything posted by Grr-owl

  1. Baseball is very similar..... Went to watch the game and it was the least thing on most people's minds. Very disappointing from an Aussie's POV. Bloody hell, just turn it all off! Maybe get Jack Viney to do an ad, "Even without fan activation, you still have a game kids can love...."
  2. Lots of people overseas refer to it as AFL. Gives me the $h*!t$...
  3. Yeah, they took him to werribee park zoo and gave him a balloon afterwards. Can't stop talking about it....
  4. The numbers don't go that high.
  5. Maybe we are a little hazy in the GF aftermath, but our forward line was dodgy most of last season. If not dodgy, then at least unsettled or less than optimal..... or some other politically pedantic term or phrase. I reckon this season will see that piece of the puzzle in place, and I'm backing BBB for the Coleman and another two of us in the top ten to fifteen.
  6. Poor bugger. Family tragedy. Keep your eyes out for the signs, everybody. Can happen to anybody, anytime...
  7. ...not Peng Shuai, me thinks...
  8. So you're not from the area? Get over to Port Fairy. Take the walk around Griffiths Island around sunset and keep an eye out for the wallabies. I'm guessing the Koroit boys won the Hamden League again...?
  9. Am from the area myself... W'bool, that is. How's the weather?
  10. Yeah, the tyranny of distance, to quote an old one. Tiny population. Havign said that, see my note above re prices in the middle east. And I'm in a tiny country with a tiny population.....
  11. Errr.... somewhere in the Middle East. I don't like to say for personal reasons. Paranoia, that is.
  12. Try the Middle East. My calculations on the Superloop+Boost combo I mentioned is 47% of the price it is here, and that's with twice the speed and data....
  13. Yeah, I've been looking into plans......it's so complicated. Seems that Superloop is best for home net, Boost 12mth for mobiles... Then there's gas and electricity.... Oh, boy. My bro says Dodo do a net+gas+electricity deal that's good. Good luck to you too. I'll message you if we find a good deal on movers.....
  14. Yeah, and I'll have to buy 2 memberships: one while overseas and the other to get me through the finals.....
  15. Resigned officially yesterday and am returning to Aus in August 2022. Yeah I know there was another thread about this, but I couldn't search it up, so I'm asking it again: What is the best/cheapest/simplest way to get the footy on TV in Aus? I'm used to the Fox Footy coverage and want to continue with that. Don't want Foxtel or any other cable service with endless "documentaries" about killer sharks or reality shows about man-kini surfer truckers. I vaguely recollect Binman recommending Kayo.....
  16. Oh....sorry to break it to you but I've been doing this for a few years now.
  17. You gotta be able to read to vote. Couldn't help myself....
  18. Straight onto the wall in the pool room.....
  19. May I suggest one with the Cup with Demonland logo on it.....
  20. Not the salmon mousse, I hope. It might have been canned...
  21. Not having a go at you... Just picking up on something that I hope is a little amusing: Yeah, we were surrounded by hard wokring and brilliant people. Then, eventually, we opened the doors and let some of them in.
  22. Perty mentioned in an interview recently that he'd seen the designs, so maybe it's all already gone through, just we have to allow the WWC to have their moment before the next stage is announced....
  23. Just happy to welcoming more mullets into the club....
  24. How sweet it is.
  25. I wonder if this just creates bad blood at North, though....
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