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Everything posted by 58er

  1. Federation is just the date at the time a year later than the start of the milinium.
  2. Why was all the fuss for Jan 1 , 2000? srart of a new miliniumpp as I recall. r2dK etc (not in technology ) all over us !!!
  3. No obviously 2020 starts the 20's !!! 2000 strayed the new millennium ! Its not like leap year or anything else simple and uncomplicated!
  4. Not too late for Oscar to show his mongrel side. Has put on muscle which is a good start. How about we give all players on the list our unqualified support (no matter the past) and see where this year of fitness and change takes us. I have a feeling the List is as motivated and challenging and fit as we have ever seen them. It's like making a whole new start and there are no limitations on any one so don't be surprised if we team together like 2018 but even better. The Coaches snd fitness staff appear right onto every thing and I can't think of too many decisions since the end of 2019 season that haven been for the benefit of the Club. Its early days yet but genuine belief and excitement is growing with a lot of D/L pundits and only the negative nellies can't see better times ahead in 2020.
  5. Good go a laugh and thanks Jaguar for the fun !!0
  6. No I don't officially know anything RL. But AFL have rules and procedures and he is not under a contract to Dees yet, also which prevents some freedom to Harley. Harleys main role is now to convince while with the Dees that he is worthwhile for us to give him an opportunity and offer him a contract some time up to March via the SSP method.
  7. Limitation of spots on list would be one reason and the change in type of player needed resulted in Brown getting the nod as a KP player not a running type. Rivers has also filled that vacancy as a half/back /mid and running type and is 4 years younger taller and stronger in the long run.
  8. No the reason is he is not officially a Demon as he has permission to train and then the Club can offer Harley a rookie list spot. Really to think that the Club wouldn't ask him if they could shows how negative and unrealistic some fans can get!
  9. We kicked some games away also viz Adelaide and WCE twice !!!
  10. No that's because his replacement would be for Jetta first and Salem would play further up the field. On the training notes JL has had great reviews and hopefully he gets a chance early if not in Round1 Being compared to Alan Johnson is no mean feat and running And dash were his attributes just what our defence needs. While I may be a bit premature I believe that if we are to become a Top 4 team by the end of this season both Hibbo and Jetta May not be our HB flankers. Think Rivers And Maybe Joel Smith with Lockhart as the small plus May Lever and A vastly improved Oscar OR Harmes/Hunt /KK if fit / or Tomlinson. Snd all of them on their bikes to start the running and carry using handball and foot passing to Langdon or our mids or HF flankers!
  11. That's because he has had no muscle to be able to do that !!!
  12. Agreed gave it their best shots, great clubmen and all the best for the future to both boys.
  13. And that's how you become a BIG Club. Membership plus reserve seating means revenue the AFL don't get their hands in nor do any other Club, We can't have it both ways. Old Dee says he won't or doesn't go to Melb games vs Pies and Tigers! By changing his membership or seating location this ( or getting to the ground earlier ) or reserving s seat this is all solved Simple but stubborn! Same situation though if we ever get bigger!!! Gabba has reserve seating like West Coast snd you can rock up 5 mins before whether playing Tigers or GCoast!!!
  14. Spot on RB. I know it's early and years ago the term was March champions but prob now it's November champs. Neverthe less that doesn't stop me like you RB from being bullish about our list in 2020. Our stars are training to get better our average players are developing quickly and our recruits from last year and 2019 are fitting in and shoeing why JT chose them Snd finally Weed Omac Petty have bulked up to become men! From no forwards wingers and runners there are possible options rising as we watch. 2020 can't come quick enough and Dees fans get on board (or stay on board) !!
  15. Will never forget Johnnos game in the Elimination Final At Waverly In 1988. Really dragged us across the line from the back pocket. Great winger also. Such run snd carry. And disposal. If Jay Lockhart can be half as good as AJ we should be pleased. We need Hunt style running with accurate disposal by hand and foot from defenders People forget that run generally starts from the backline (see where Tigers start it at half back) That will alter all our plan with Langdon AVB and Maybe ANB And Kossie.feeding off team play with speed.,
  16. If Dogs can win so can we!!! Faith Snd perseverance two wonderful human traits plus loyalty.
  17. I believe BB in hindsight this call is the right one that the team desperately needed and will be the most important pick for the next 5 drafts. To get a small skilled and fast dynamo with defensive skills and footy smarts was a necessary part of our players puzzle to get X factors into a largely stereotyped but fairly talented group. (LJ is also this type of player ) We desperately needed Kossie or Weightman and although no star mid was left we don't know now if Rivers might not end up starring alongside Clarry and Gawny in the future. That pick swap from 8 to 10 and 28 that Cal Twomey has lauded on his presser on afl.com.au on our draft could be crucial to our furure hopes and success. Time will tell but I am bullish about our drafting and list plus our fitness which I think will take us a fair way back in 2020.
  18. Have s funny feeling unless We decide LJ is in for a developmental year he will find away to feature fairly strongly in the AFL on our forward lines and even on the ball. Naturally he may start at Casey but I don't expect him to stay there all year. Aldo bullish about Kossie who will will his way into a senior opportunity early on.Ehether the big gap btw Casey and AFL is too far can only be tested with senior games. No 32 Trent Rivers May even start in Round1 as he looks a fine fit on a HB flank with Lever snd Hibbo/ Jetta beside him..His presence could well keep Oscar out if the reckoning for a KP post.
  19. All irrelevant really Tony Why did you turn left at the last intersection. It's Donecandcdusted deal with the result now!
  20. Yes let's hope we upset the Coasters in Round 1
  21. One of last years recruits. Very promising Hb/midfielder 19 yrs only.
  22. So a co-captains model is a reason for Melbourne not winning a flag and you are going to spit your dummy if it's not to your liking. Yes Maxy will make a great Captain but whether it's with Jack or stand alone it's the team g we barrack for not an individual.
  23. If Hunt could recover 2017 form that would be ideal and Salem needs to get faster ( if he can) and as you say make the opposition pay with more direct and speedy disposal.
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