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Everything posted by roy11

  1. This is the thing for me, the bottom X amount of players -from squad to fringe etc. If we're looking at it from a point of view that coaching can't help these players improve. What structure/format/changes/gameplan could the coach implement where these players are more cogs in a wheel and their deficiencies sort of 'hidden' as such. Drafting has been somewhat scattergun and there are players who aren't at the required level i understand that. But surely a coach should be able to construct some form of a system that doesn't highlight their inefficiencies as much.
  2. I care about what Hawthorn do, hopefully it's lose all remaining games to boost our pick
  3. I'd like Hunt to stay, think he's a versatile squad option. But he's been out of the team for large chunks of the season, writing may be on the wall for him or he may be may want to seek other opportunities
  4. Cry me a Rivers. Jokes aside he has been a very good selection with hopefully a lot more to come for the red and the blue.
  5. Sometimes it seems like Garry is negative and being over the top to look impartial, but good comments from him tonight.
  6. Key parts of what Garry said * urgency came too late * maybe just an average group? * average sides/players can’t maintain consistency of effort * 2018 aberration * smith, Preuss, Bedford, ANB, Baker average players in what is now an average footy club * Goodwin coaching average * took too long to adjust, no passion, urgency until the end * players trying to win the game by themselves as opposed to team * good individuals, average team * not enough resilience in team
  7. I put this goal up there with some of the best sporting moments i've experienced live. Let's not focus on what has followed since aha
  8. May is not just a rock he is The Rock! At one point tonight would like to see Hogan v The Rock.
  9. instead of bombing the ball inside the f50 without thought, tonight we will attempt to sprint the ball inside the f50 without thought. I had a play on the ladder predictor before and i predict gloom.
  10. Abraham will be lucky to finish the season at Chelsea. They've spent 400 million pounds on players over the last 3 seasons. With a front 4 of Werner in front of Pulisic Havertz Ziyech they should be challenging this season. A lot of pressure on Frank now.
  11. Very curious to see us tonight given the amount of pace that has been injected into the team. Wondering if the called up players will be better cogs in the system than "superior" players who've been played out of position etc. You'd have to hope so.
  12. VERDICT: $100,000 fine and 10 Game Ban for both players.
  13. Jon Ralph just tweeted "Richmond will be handed a second offence breach. Will cost them a staffer or coach next year with a fine of up to $100K which goes into the footy cap. But surely CCJ and Stack have forfeited the right to play again this year. The details" Unlucky for the staffer/coach you'd say
  14. All depends on succession planning with Sparrow and Jordon. Happy to have them on the list, especially with some question mark over long term roles of others.
  15. Disgraceful! Should be docked as many points as required that will secure us a top 8 position. ?
  16. watching this made me wonder this hypothetical. If you could put one ex-demon from the last 20 years into this current MFC team - who would you chose? Neitz would be a very popular pick but we'd still need to address that outside mid!
  17. the 4 day break should give Goodwin the opportunity to make wholesale changes. Get some legs into the team Pickett/Bedford/Hunt/Baker etc Get Preuss back in this week. Will Hibberd be right?
  18. 6 - Langdon 5 - Clarry 4 - Max 3 - Tomlinson 2 - May 1 - Petracca?
  19. Whilst our injuries aren't that key, Hibberd, Hore, Jackson, Petty, Sparrow - you'd assume most if not all of these players would get a gig over others selected tonight.
  20. If his body is cooked from tonight you'd assume that it's the end of the road. Sad to see a champion of the club go out like this.
  21. this is one of the things that annoys me, leave him there and settle. I'd rather we did that than play Tomlinson on the wing at the moment and keep him in the backline. Would rather a scenario where Baker/Hunt get a game on the wing just for speed.
  22. Seemed like we were just kicking it to Aliir Aliir most of the time aha
  23. stems from some of the team selection this week and general list management recently. I know we've got some injuries but never a good sign when you're bombing it forward to Mitch Brown and Oscar McDonald to try win the game.
  24. The only positive if we've improved our trade with Hawthorns second pick aha. Jokes aside, such a disheartening evening for the club. Far too frequent "no shows". I don't want to pile on players, but some of the changes left me gobsmacked. Some of the players who can't get into this team (Hunt/Baker/Bedford etc) must be wondering what more they have to do.
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