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Everything posted by Deesprate

  1. TMac horrendous comedy of errors. Watching Melbourne impossible
  2. There an idea bleeding obvious don’t expect any change Goodwin has no adaptability what so ever
  3. Yep was alway going to happen. Can the commentators shut up how well where doing they must be watching a different game
  4. 7 to 1 inside 50 yet zilch scores sum up why where no good. Same week in week out. No doubt freo will go down and get a goal!
  5. Once endeavor puff out Freo are going to bury us. Putting aside individual players who have no skill our forward structure is completely non functional. Compare Freo entries loose players our alway cluttered with no avenues to goal. This has to be a coaching issue it happen every week. Our side is just so poor how the hell did this happen as no one at the club will ever put there hand up. melbourne need to load the cheque book and get a decent coach
  6. While Melbourne has players like Wagner just forget about it. Seriously appalling skill errors. Man the commentators are so talking Melbourne up. Our endeavor is ok but system woeful
  7. Simply no system Freo look dangerous. Entries into forward line dreadful.
  8. Thought the same thing no way should we be favorite for this game.
  9. Yet kicked the goal that took us into the finals for the first time since 2006. Don’t disagree he was injury prone but they were physical contact injuries mostly rather than a body that couldn’t sustain the workload. Offered an X factor (which our forward line clearly lack) that other club clearly rated hence his three year contract offer. Instead we keep signing JKH; ANB, Garlett etc none of who would rate any significant offer from other clubs.
  10. Agree but why didn’t we match it. Good club rarely let required players go.
  11. A game a half average team should win. Playing an interstate team at home after a week rest. However unless it Carlton or Suns I have zero confidence particularly as Freo unlike us has the making of a pretty good team. They knocked off Collingwood so cant see them to worried about Melbourne. Whilst you always want to win in some way it will take more losses to wake this club out of it complacency and accept major change is needed. For the long term winning more game like this will just assign this year as unlucky and once luck return we will be competitive. Essendon have fallen for this trap and with our player and coach set up irrespective of winning a few game now how can you be confident of the future.
  12. Absolutely trading Kent a bad mistake a potential game winner who was undervalued due to injury. A typically bad Melbourne decision. Had no issue with the Tyson trade and resigning ANB is nothing to celebrate. Yes he is a depth player but would not get on a top team list so assume we just accept mediocrity because we need to fill 40 spot. The problem with Melbourne is our depth players are average at best and we have way to many of them. Next we will be celebrating the resigning of Gartlett another player who will ensure we remain at the depth of the ladder. At least trading out these depth players and bringing in new blood give you some hope for the future. Resigning players you don’t rate just reenforcers that we will never aspire to be any good.
  13. Lever the latest MFC disaster. Will it ever change.
  14. Absolutely spot on to easy to blame umpires and injuries for our deplorable results.
  15. Ha your right where second last bring on the Blues
  16. Wow we will win a few more games and end on a high. That the problem we start to play lower teams and it has the potential to paper over the disaster that is this season. What we should be asking is why are we light years behind team like West Coast, GWS etc. this season could be like 1976 where finished like a train only to years of ineptitude to follow. Actually winning soft games could represent the absolute worse long term result ensuring accountability for this waste of a year is ignored
  17. Goodwin with his “micro” improvements make me puke. I really feel for Max Gawn an absolute star. To be so bad and have the best ruck in the comp show how bad the rest are barring a couple of exceptions. We simply have half a dozen putrid footballers in that line up. This team is simply unwatchable with these guy playing. Everyone keep saying we will improve with May & Lever but I have no confidence that either of these guys will get on the park. May woeful preparation sum up everything that is wrong with this team. I wish I could be optimistic but Last night was a rerun of what we have been copping for 50 years. How can you have any belief in the future. It all made worse by Goodwin nauseating press conferences filled with platitudes, false claim of improvement; and excuses after promises of accountability. Just once some true reflections on what has gone wrong and who owns the disasters that are May, Lever and the loss of Hogan. Those trades have the potential to consign us to another lifetime of misery but there no ownership or heat on May who just oozes the loser culture that pervades at this club.
  18. I expect more than one goal for two and a half quarters. We had the dominant ruck and enough talent to do better than that. It not losing it how you lose
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