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Neil Crompton

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Everything posted by Neil Crompton

  1. The report by Barrie Cassidy (a Collingwood supporter) is just the perfect summary of this whole sordid situation. Eddie gotta go - and now!
  2. Luci, does it say "made by many" or "made by eddie"?
  3. Just viewed the training photos. What stood out to me was how much Trent Rivers has filled out since last year. Of all our recruits selected in the past two drafts, I believe he will end up proving to be our most important selection of them all.
  4. Brilliant Deespicable, thank you. You can go and report again any time you want.
  5. haha, I don't see why not Picket - why just 2 weeks ago i nominated him for a Brownlow by 2024.
  6. Welcome DR - you and Werridee will get on like a house on fire.
  7. As much as I luv what Jayden can (occasionally) bring to the table, it concerns me that after 6 (?) years at the club, we haven't been able to find a permanent role for him. We started him in defense - and loved his run off half back - then tried him on the wing, then moved him forward for a couple of years (where he has been one of our top goal kickers for that time), and now we have swung full circle and, if reports are correct, we have him training with the backs again. By now he must be the most well rounded player in the squad - or the most confused. The fact that he hasn't found a permanent home is a major concern for me. Is this the fault of our development team and our selectors, or does the problem lie with Jayden himself for not stamping his name on a particular role? Many posters have stated, his defensive skills need to improve. Others have included that his field kicking skills are lacking - yet he is one of our most accurate kicks for goal. Personally i'd like to see him provide the dash off half back again if we can afford to lose him from our forward line. But i really feel we have failed in our proper development of Jayden, but hope that with our new coaching team we can at last find the best role for his unique talent, and develop him to own that spot.
  8. You are correct Nev. Scully's father in law is Gavin Robertson who did have brain cancer, but I thought he was one of the very few lucky ones who had survived the battle. Whether this has anything to do with his step -away from football, I don't know.
  9. SONS that you for your response. Like all DL's, I am really hoping that Kobe makes the grade. All the evidence to date however does not suggest that. So when you stated Kobe had "the talent and the tricks" it sounded as though you had evidence to the contrary which we all would have welcomed. Hence my question. There was no "dirt" thrown at you, nor was I targeting you "to get my thrills". I simply wanted to know whether your statement was based on fact or simply your opinion. No problem either way, but thanks for clarifying. This is an opinion board, and as you rightly say, everyone is entitled to express their opinion. The problem for me is when opinion is disguised as fact (unintentionally or not), which in your case (particularly as you are a creditable poster), builds up hope in the reader that may not in fact be warranted.
  10. I was asking SONS how he knows that Kobe has the "talent and the tricks", as it obviously hasn't been demonstrated to date if you can believe the draft. While i certainly hope he is the goods, in contrast, some people who have seen him play have said that he is very average in terms of underage skills. You obviously don't know the answer to that question either Nudge, as all you can tell me is to "ask around". Well i was asking around and nobody can confirm if in fact he does have the "talent and skills" or is it simply a case of wishful thinking by the original poster (and perhaps you). If you do know then please enlighten us all. (I note that SONS hasn't responded to my question, nor Dazzledavey36's similar question).
  11. while you are at it, please make it two.
  12. Interested to hear how you know Kobe has the “talent and the tricks” SONS, as he can’t have produced many if he was not selected at the draft.
  13. Brilliant cover of an old favourite of mine:
  14. Sorry but I disagree 58er. What most posters on here have done is condemned the act - ie what he did - and what he did on a number of occasions was despicable, and so this act(s) should be called out for what it is. This condemnation would be applied to anyone who did the same thing. Why he did it is a different matter. If he does have mental health issues then of course I hope he gets the treatment he needs. And anyone with mental health issues deserves our "understanding". But we should not be silent on this issue at all just because the mental health card has been raised. We should continue to call out and condemn this type of act in an effort to highlight and acknowledge the standards we expect. The perpetrator is irrelevant. Its the act that is condemned.
  15. In my opinion BDA, he deserves all the "blanket condemnation" he gets! He probably also needs professional help, but I'm sick of hearing "excuses" offered for anyone who thinks its acceptable to demean women - not to mention embarrassing his club, his family and least of all himself. Being an [censored] (as he must surely be given all the education all AFL players receive) does not excuse what he has allegedly done. I'd have no hesitation in sacking him if guilty.
  16. I think your description of Thorpie is pretty much spot on Biff. In the year prior to Sunbury, we had Thorpie play at our school dance. During a break between sets, I was prompted to ask Thorpie to play Somewhere over the Rainbow. I was told in no uncertain fashion that playing that song again would ruin his image (there were a few adjectives thrown in for good measure). Yet an inspired decision saw him play the song at Sunbury the following year, where it was a raging success. While I am not going to take credit for the songs revival - I probably could. Another Sunbury fav:
  17. Saw this the other day, and it brought back so many good old memories.
  18. Since shameless promotions seem to be ok, below is video of my son’s band. He’s the lead guitarist. PS - Werridee, just loved your idea of infecting this topic with another “best of” collection - brilliant!
  19. An assumption I would have thought dworship - and probably a pretty good one given they were the two grand final teams.
  20. How can anyone “hate” Tom McDonald? Either a poor choice of words, or you may need some help bro. You OK?
  21. Are we reading too much into this? All we know publicly is what Sam said - ie he rang JB and had a chat with him. Saying that Sam is being mentored by JB is a bit over the top at this stage I would have thought - and heaven knows where the “ear massage from Roos and Lyon contributed to (JB) getting a gig” came from. The fact that the video was essentially about back yard cricket, with a (MFC) worthy football statement thrown in as an aside, would seem to highlight what the media found as more news worthy. I rate Sam, and would welcome him seeking JB or Carey or Lyon as a mentor as good news, but I just don’t want to jump the gun on this item just yet.
  22. You seem to let yourself out an awful lot Vaggy. I have just one question. Who keeps letting you back in??
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