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Red But Mostly Blue

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Posts posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. So, while there's been chatter about how and whether we'll win, I've been out getting things done.

    I ordered the same (not the EXACT same, sure) slices of pizza (three cheese, Margherita), and asked my wife to do the same (three cheese, Hawaiian, I know, no judgement please haha), from the same place, and was served by the same guy as last week. Mind you, as it turns out, the guy is a Dees supporter! 

    Now I'm walking the same route, to enter the G from the same Gate.

    We've got this!


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  2. 25 minutes ago, KingDingAling said:

    The way we played at times last week, and the way Hawthorn were outworked by Richmond. I would expect us to win this week. it doesn't always pan out that way, but going by the form - we are the side to beat tonight. On top of that, I think there is more improvement in us than there is in Hawthorn. Perfect night for football. 

    Great way of looking at it. I agree. We need to keep doing the things we're great at, kick alright (if not very accurately), and not become complacent about our opposition/the score at any time and we will roll 'em.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Petraccattack said:

    Post 3 things you would love to see tonight, besides the obvious (a Demon win)

    1.   The Petracca breakout...  the one we have all been waiting,  something in the vicinity of 30 touches and  5 goals in a BOG performance

    2.  Mitch Hannan to take mark of the year on Sicilys head

    3.  Jordan Lewis to tear apart his old mob

    Don't know if I would like to displace any of these 3 (I'm particularly looking for #1 - tonight is the night!) But if i had to, I'm more partial to 1 and 3, but I'd swap #2 with AVB collecting a few heads en route to a number of goal assists, and some of his own!

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  4. 16 minutes ago, Deemented Are Go! said:

    I cunningly planned my work flow this week to have all the intricate stuff boxed off yesterday. Monday is totally setup.

    Now to while away the next 2 hours sneakily browsing Demonland!  

    Very smart! Wish I was that diligent!

    Luckily, my desk setup makes it clear that I have my mind on the job today...


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  5. 5 minutes ago, FlashInThePan said:

    Nowhere near as nervous today as I was last Friday at this time, not sure if that is a good thing or not. Can't wait for the roar as the game gets underway. I really think we've got this. We never looked like relenting last week, I can't see us taking a step back tonight. We have more talent on the ground and a game plan that stacks up well in finals. Of course we could lose, any team in the eight could lose on any given day, but I don't think we will.

    Bring it on!

    This is exactly how I feel today.

    Mind you, I'm heading to the G wearing the same clothes, at the same time, eating the same pre-game food, going to the same gate, just to be sure haha

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  6. 6 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:

    I had pre game beers at Duke of Wellington on Flinders St last week and will do so again this week. A sea of red n blue breaking into Grand Old Flag every 20 mins. Some nice eye candy too. Unfortunately @Bitter but optimistic scared them off with his flamboyant get up. Otherwise, it has a very good vibe. 

    The Duke is a great pub! (and even better when filled with the red and blue)

    • Like 1
  7. For those who haven't read it, this is a good piece about the merger game in R22, 1996. 

    Fascinating to read about how everything has played out since then (Jack Viney was 2 years old when Todd played this game, Clarko racked up 29 possessions against the team he'd later coach with great success etc).

    So much has happened, and the disparity in our respective success over the years has been well documented. 

    Tonight's the night to well and truly bury all of that. We've built the blocks for a new era. A new legacy. No more hoodoos. No more unflattering records. No fear.


  8. 19 minutes ago, ding said:

    I reckon the dream for 2018 ends tonight. We are good enough on our day, but you cant expect kids to keep getting up every week. 

    Hope to be wrong though.

    We would beat the Eagles again if we could make it past the Hawks.

    Go Dees.

    I think adrenaline will be fueling some of the boys who might be getting tired. They just need to win 3 more games this year, that's doable - and it's only two weeks away!

    We've got tonight, Dees by 4 goals. Not a blowout. Just another strong performance where we take our chances.

    • Like 3
  9. 23 minutes ago, dino rover said:

    Good sides are favourites

    We might have to get used to it

    Great way of putting it. We haven't really been in this position in a long time. We've been a little better at dealing with it in the last few weeks, and we'll continue to get better.

  10. 37 minutes ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

    Forecast for the rest of Friday

    Max 22
    Chance of any rain: 5% rain_5.gif

    Melbourne area: Sunny. Winds northerly 25 to 35 km/h. 


    @ 8pm: Temp- 18, 5% rain, 16km/h wind.  Stays like that for the whole game.  Rain forecast to bucket down shortly after midnight!

    Perfect weather for a night game!  Go Dees!

    Perfect weather for a night at the G!

    And no rain means we'll see all our goals with no obstruction whatsoever.

  11. When I was 7 years old, Jim Stynes came to my school, handballed a footy to me and said we'd win the flag. He was wrong (we got thumped by the Hawks in the GF), but a new Dee was born anyhow. The funny thing is that prior to Jimmy's sales pitch, I was a Hawks supporter. Sometimes I wonder what could have been, had I supported such a successful team...

    The answer is that I would have turned out boring. Us Demons have character. We're the Malteser you find behind the couch (everyone else eats those, right?), they've got soul.

    We've got soul.

    • Like 4
    • Haha 5
  12. 28 minutes ago, Yung Blood said:

    Thought ANB is one of many players who set the tone early on Friday night. Yes he wasn't particularly clean but he made up for it with intensity and ferocious tackling/pressure. Took some risks with passes that paid off.

    He is the sort of player I want in finals with his relentless pressure. He doesn't stop.

    Agree, he adds to the mongrel. We need that.

    The team's start last week was due to the intensity from the likes of ANB.

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  13. 15 minutes ago, Lord Neville X Flash said:

    Having considered this topic a bit more. I can see our team working if Hogan and Trac lose a lot of weight, and base their game on mobility and become the two most dynamic Forward Flanks. Let Weed and Tmac play as traditional talls, and let Jesse use his talent around the ground. 

    In the backline, Maybe Frost can play a dylan grimes role (tall or small lock down defender), and have lever and Oscar as traditional Key backs. Although i am sceptical, personally i think Omac may be the first to go. 

    But a forward line of:

    Hogan (-7Kg's)  Weideman   Trac (-7Kg's)

               Melksham   Tmac    Hannan

    Could work very well. 

    I quite like the look of that forward line!!

    Agree that the backline is probably a little trickier, Lever's re-introduction will cause some minor structural headaches, and obviously result in someone currently getting games to no longer get those games. Someone will have to go.

  14. Agree with much of the above. He's got heart, he runs hard - but sometimes his execution/decision making has let him down. Some of that could be confidence, and some perhaps injury.

    Either way, I think that our backline has settled a lot in recent times - and this will help. With a good pre-season, improved fitness and a boost in confidence (fresh start, maybe a premiership team haha), I think Hunt will find a spot in our 22. With our playing style, there will always be a home for fast, driving rebounds from our HB.

  15. 5 minutes ago, In Harmes Way said:

    I was sitting there Friday night. Great seats, at the 50m line. Hannan strolled straight past us to bury those pretenders....awesome (as was the roar afterwards).


    2 minutes ago, In Harmes Way said:

    You will have to put up with me Jaded, N1 row D. Absolutely pumped. Still getting my voice back from Friday!

    That sounds great to me! That roar following Hannan's goal is something that I'll remember for a long while!

    Haha my voice is still wrecked from Friday. Hope it's close enough to ready for a good thrashing on Friday!


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  16. 4 minutes ago, demon191919 said:

    Any tips on how to get through? Did you call or do it online? Need all the help I can get for my tickets at 12!!

    My wife and I were trying to get tix at the same time, but she got through online. She swears the secret is to press the ticket Nitin as soon as Melbourne time (according to the world clock) strikes the opening time. Good luck!

    (I've never had any luck calling through)

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