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Red But Mostly Blue

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Posts posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. 3 minutes ago, hemingway said:

    Agreed if Hogan has made it clear that he will not be at Melbourne beyond 2019. 

    Mahoney is between a rock and a hard place. 

    So I would not judge him on the Hogan scenario. 

    The best deal possible depends entirely on what other parties want or are prepared to give up. 

    Rock/hard place is exactly what this is.

    And that's a perfect definition of negotiation. Some people think it's defined as getting what you think something is worth, but that does not take into account the other party, and the fact that both parties will not come to the table with equal bargaining power. It might look like we have the upper hand with a gun, contracted player, but that's clearly not all that's in play here. If it was, we would have received our 2 first rounders last week.

  2. I must have read about 50 posts today about us getting 'shafted' or 'bent over' (bingo must be going crazy today @binman), but have I missed something? The day is not done, and the deal has not been finalised. It would be great if we could wait it out (the FD won't, and shouldn't, be working off hyperbolic comments made here, I trust them to do what's right for the club, as their recent record is good), then determine whether we think it was right.

    And even then, it won't matter as long as we can plug a hole in the list (May, KK) and anyone else will be a bonus.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Mazer Rackham said:

    Harsh. This is a game of poker where Hogan has told Bell what cards Mahoney is holding. It's a lot easier to play hardball when you already know the guy isn't going to renew and you don't have to pay extra to lure him out.

    Absolutely. Bell is no genius, he's been handed a sweet set of cards - all he has to do is sit tight and not stuff it up. I think Mahoney is playing this about as well as he can given the circumstances.

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  4. 26 minutes ago, Demonland said:

    I agree. I've let it slide over the weekend when there was nothing happening and granted there still isn't anything happening but if you would like to continue talking biscuits then please take it to the general forum.

    It's true, this thread was breaking apart, and getting stale.

    It's just because we need something to chew on! Even a few crumbs will do...

    On this note, did anyone else read Jon Ralph's piece in the Sun? He seemed to be suggesting that Neale is worth more than Pick 5? I hope that sentiment is not shared by Freo.

    (All this aside, it must be my sense of humour, but it's funny that we, as, I think, mostly adults, have to be told that if we're going to talk biscuits, we need to take it outside (this thread)).

  5. 1 hour ago, stevethemanjordan said:

    Dream scenario if Freo refuse to give up what we ask:

    We keep Hogan, he plays CHB all year and we win the 2019 flag. 

    Meanwhile, May verbally agrees to a contract for the end of next year and comes to us as a Free Agent. 

    Freo finish next year on the bottom of the ladder with a percentage of 52 with their leading goal scorer being Joel Hamling with a total of 16 playing as a key defender. 

    West Coast offer us the deal of a lifetime for Hogan, managing somehow to acquire two first round picks and a second round pick for an exchange of later picks with us. 

    We now have the ammunition to trade for Kelly and he nominates MFC as his club of choice in part due to his surprise engagement to Christian Salem. 

    Melbourne win next 4 flags. 

    Stevethemanjordan wins the lotto and announces his retirement effective immediately as self-appointed moderator and champion poster of demonland.

    The end. 

    Love it, but +2 more flags.

    The golden era 2019 - 2025, thereby surpassing what we almost achieved in '55 - '60.

  6. 47 minutes ago, faultydet said:

    Comfort food while waiting impatiently for Freo to come into the real world.

    Yep, perfect way to pass the time. Especially given that there will not be any more updates at this time of the night, just rehashings of what we already don't know haha

    It's like a delicious ad break before we get back to the show tomorrow.

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  7. 6 minutes ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    Dark Chocolate Royal or an original Tim Tam please. 

    Family Assorted were always 2nd choice!!

    Dark chocolate royals are fantastic (and highly underrated)!  And you can't go wrong with the classic Tim Tam! 

    • Love 1
  8. 1 minute ago, bingers said:

    Malt'o'Milk are even worse. And naming those other biscuits 'nice' is the greatest misnomer of all time.

    But getting back to the topic at hand, here's a thought. I agree with those who have said not to cave in. If a reasonable offer is not made, then keep Hogan. If Melbourne has an excellent season, JH may be encouraged to change his mind about leaving. 


    Yeah, Nice are poor.

    Haha yeah I took a bit of a biscuit detour there.

    Agree with that approach, we hold all the cards, and it would be mighty hard for Hogan to leave us next year after we win the flag!

    And we'll get May (this or next year). Win win!

  9. 5 minutes ago, jumbo returns said:

    Our Melk and Hibbo crap all over him

    Selfish, narcissistic, bog ordinary

    Not worth a packet of Milk Coffee (worst biscuits ever)

    Totally agree with all of that...

    ... Except the milk coffee biscuit bit. Have I been living my life all wrong? They're not my fav biscuit by any stretch, but they've been alright from time to time! It's a dunking biscuit. And there's an art to dunking, but not losing the biscuit, because they're not as solid as, say, a malt o milk.

    Kingstons are worse, surely?

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  10. 18 minutes ago, binman said:

    Which in a nut shell mfc's trading philosophy is to be fair, not play hardball or bend other clubs over (bingo) and get traded done The Kent deal being a good example.

    After all it's not as if they get new clubs to trade with every year or this is the lady year of trading.

    Haha does bingo include when you drop the reference yourself? If so, what did you drink!?

  11. With this offer, Freo is sending a clear message: It will win the next 5 flags with its current list, and that Hogan would merely be surplus, maybe for the bench.

    Makes sense to me.

    Better put some money on that Freo 2019 premiership, and get a nice full back tattoo. Of Peter Bell. and Fyfe. Together, in a warm embrace.


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  12. This is such great news, especially when it (understandably) seemed like it wasn't going to happen.

    Vanders is the sort of player that epitomises our new approach. No fear. We need guys like this to burst through the pack and to cause a few bruises here and there. It'll make sure that others continue to follow suit, and we'll never, ever be disrespected again. 

    Huge call for Vanders to stay here in light of his family situation, but it speaks volumes about his character, and that of the club. He sees what we all see, and he wants to stay and be part of it.

    Seriously though, imagine this beast after a solid pre-season! He's had a taste of success, and now he wants some more!

    So. Damn. Excited! ?

    • Like 2
  13. 6 minutes ago, Demonland said:

    It was clearly 3 suits but to be fair after having a think about it he probably stayed in Melbourne for the week and might have had other functions to attend in Grand Final week. Can't wear the same suit twice or thrice now can he?

    The man's not an animal!!!

    I'd rather play for Freo than be caught wearing the same suit twice (or thrice) over a weekend!

    • Haha 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, McQueen said:

    Has to be the worst use of silent letters in the history of English language. 

    And btw, living in Cockburn has to be better than living with it. 

    bahaha - absolutely

    Although, I did once come across a person with the last name '[censored]' - who insisted it was pronounced Coke.

    We agreed to disagree.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Mazer Rackham said:

    Jesse (in tears): this ..... this is the most beautiful day of my football career!

    Goodwin: I know mate! Tell me about it. We got 5 and 6 AND Gus's brother, AND Freo have to pay US half your salary!

    Jesse: w ....... what???

    Goodwin: Now f**k off back to to purple freak land, the rest of us are going down the pub to celebrate.

    Other players: yeah, f**k off Docker! P*ss off turncoat! etc etc

    [Jesse drives back across the Nullabor playing Taylor Swift songs all the way]

    This alternate ending is both sad and hilarious!

    The Taylor Swift addition is ?

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