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Red But Mostly Blue

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Posts posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. ...Is it just me, or does this scenario seem perfectly set up for:

    [Jesse Hogan is about to sign at the Dockers, he looks up, and a montage plays in his mind]

    [Jesse smiles as he reminisces about the good times at the Dees]

    [Jesse looks to the East...]

    [Cue music, maybe some cliché 80s love song, or Al Green 'Let's Stay Together', for example]

    [Jesse gets in his car, and drives cross country through the night, top down, hand tapping on the door]

    [He arrives in Melbourne, parks the car hurriedly across a few parking spaces, runs across Gosch's Paddock]

    [Jesse runs towards Goody and the boys, who are also running towards him]

    [Group hug, tears etc. Goody tells Jesse he never doubted him for a second]

    [Jesse re-signs for a bajillion years]

    [We win 5 flags]


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  2. 2 minutes ago, Smokey said:

    That's the thing though, we aren't simply considering to trade him - it appears he wants to for family reasons at this stage. 

    That alone makes the entire discussion fairly moot. If Vanders' family comes before footy (which I am okay with), then that's that! 

    Totally agree, I'd love to keep Vanders, but it looks completely out of our control.

    What we should be doing is trying to convince his mum to stay in Melbourne...

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  3. 1 hour ago, Redleg said:

    It’s crystal clear now, Jesse will leave unless he doesn’t and we will get May unless we don’t.

    I've read a lot of speculation re Hogan/May, but, finally, someone that cuts through the crap - and in one sentence!

    Love your work @Redleg 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Diamond_Jim said:

    this could be the making of the era we have all been waiting for.

    To have three class forwards is a surfeit of riches. Sure we could devise a gameplan around them but the chance to trade what is almost a surplus player for a known deficiency or two does not come along often.

    Completely agree. I'd love for him to stay, and am sure he'd add value next year, but if we can maximise our return now and pursue May plus some outside midfield pace, we are in golden era, elite territory.

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  5. Pedo is the perfect example of making the most of your capabilities. He didn't have the gift of speed/height/skills that some of the other guys do, but he performed when he was called upon, and always gave is all. It's clear that he loves the club, and I'm sure it was better for his presence. I wish him all the luck, seems like a he's a pretty nice guy, and did well to roll with his nickname!

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  6. Terrible kick and decision making skills, but was at times kind of handy. I think he tried hard, and truly sought redemption for the Mills hit, but the FD clearly has confidence in our list, and believes we can free up room to make it elite. Bugg seemed to try, I wish him all the best.

  7. It would be great to see Maxxy take the Brownlow Medal home. I'm clearly biased, but, of the main contenders, I think he's been the most consistent throughout the season, the most vital to the success of the team, and the fairest.

    Plus I put some money on him when he was $12, so I'm hoping for a little money to get some drinks to forget Saturday's game...

  8. 1 minute ago, Jaded said:

    Exactly. It’s still been a very good and very productive season. Bring on 2019! ??

    This is what we need to focus on. There's so much negativity already, even though before this series we had no finals experience at all, and here we are in a prelim.

    We'll be back in 2019, and we'll be ready to go even further.

  9. Look, we can still win (although unlikely), but that's not the point. We've already surpassed expectations this year. So our buildup for next year is what truly matters. We need to show that we won't stand for this. If we're going to go down, we have to salvage some dignity and at least send the message that we'll be back next year, a little older, wiser, fitter, angrier...

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  10. 59 minutes ago, Petraccattack said:

    The Eagles have played one game in 4 weeks.  Same as Richmond.  The bye before the finals has become a killer for top 4 teams that win in week 1.

    Too many weeks off is a BAD thing.  Must take advantage today.. The Eagles will not be match hardened, much like the Tigers last night.

    The break is no good. The Tigers looked soft, and probably came in believing a win was theirs by right, so they didn't respect the Pies, to their demise.

    We're coming in at full pace, full of fire, and the Eagles, much like the Tigers, probably won't have that same fire in the belly. It's imperative that we hit them early (like the Pies last night) and don't let up.

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