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Red But Mostly Blue

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Posts posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. 11 minutes ago, DSP said:


    12 minutes ago, Age said:

    M54-1? Me too, pretty sure it is about the 50m line olympic stand. 


    12 minutes ago, Jaded said:

    Thanks, friends! (That 'find my seat' function is a new thing to me, and very, very handy!).

    Yeah, it's on L1 mid way up near the 50. I thought category 1 was Level 2 (seats last Friday were mint), but I am not complaining, I'm pumped to be going! 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Petraccattack said:

    Alex Neal Bullens tackling and pressure in the first 10 minutes was as good as it gets.  

    Then we tagged Viney in and Geelong had no respite.

    We bullied them into submission.  They were scared.

    Yeah! The pressure was amazing. They had nowhere to go.

    I'll sleep like a king tonight.

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  3. Just now, DemonOX said:

    Well we have now beaten those 3 princesses and now we need to beat Frawley and the Dorks next Friday. 

    These are the two main teams who have heaped pain on us in the past. 

    Its time for payback against the Dorks. 

    Yep, the Hawks game is a massive step in our march to erase our dark era. We've already done so much to build a new golden age, next Friday is just the next step!

    • Like 4
  4. 8 minutes ago, spirit of norm smith said:


    Harmes Viney Oliver and Jetta are as fierce as any who have worn the red and blue

    Weid is a star

    big Maxy is a legend

    vanders is a brute

    frosty you beauty

    lewis experience is a crucial part of our success

    But need more from Spargo Anb Tyson 

    Completely agree, although i thought anb's tackling pressure was pretty useful, and was generally in the mix of things. 

    Loved the Weid standing tall tonight. Added another string to our bow.

  5. 1 minute ago, Jibroni said:

    This reminds me of the port game, just hope the end result is different.

    Just need some poise in front of goal.

    Agree. We've got all the ball. We just need to breathe when we get in the 50. So many things didn't need to be rushed.

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, Petraccattack said:

    Should have put them away that quarter.   Unbelievable amount of wasted opportunities.

    Absolutely. Spent a whole qtr keeping them in the game. Can't afford missed opportunities like that. Gotta make sure we come out in the third with the same intensity, but with smarter forward 50 decisions/general accuracy.

    • Like 1
  7. All week, and even today, I've been telling everyone that I'm not nervous about the game.

    And I'm not, I know that we've got this...

    ...But, holy hell - I'm about the head off to the G, and I'm feeling like a week's worth of nerves is about to be crammed into the next 1 hour and 50 minutes!!!!!

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  8. 6 minutes ago, McQueen said:

    I was sorta hoping you’d go dressed in that mask you’ve got as your avatar.

    You've inspired me. If I can find a good one, I'll buy it in preparation for a GF appearance! Then I just need to convince the wife that I need to wear it, and for her to sit next to me.


    • Haha 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Beetle said:

    I had a full bottle of Sauv Blanc and some empty travel cups for the lineup but they checked bags before even being close to the gate!

    A full unopened bottle of Villa Maria in the bin!! Bloody disaster!

    They didn't even give you 1 minute to part ways with your bottle!!???

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

    I note a number of posters are feeling nervous about the game. I'm not concerned at all - we'll win.

    I am however, very nervous about the large crowd and subsequent queues to get booze. The notion of the dees winning and me being unwillingly sober is very uncomfortable indeed.

    I'm feeling much the same, on both counts!

    • Like 1
  11. 24 minutes ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

    Petracca has had a bit of flak thrown his way on DL this year.  This caught my eye in the article: 

    "Only Brownlow medallists Dustin Martin and Patrick Dangerfield averaged at least 25 disposals, one goal and 1.5 score assists per game in the home and away seasonPetracca's respective numbers this year are 20.4, 0.9 and 1.4, which are bumped up to 21.1, one and 2.1 since round 16".

    He is pretty good company! 

    With Brayshaw and Oliver starring they have taken the limelight off Petracca a bit allowing him to put together a string of games in the second half of 2017 without too much fanfare. 

    I can't help but think our youthful Holy Trinity (average age 21) will quash their aging trio with average age of 31!

    I thought the same thing reading that this morning. Trac has gone about things nicely in the second half of this year, and the trio is real old guard/new guard stuff tonight. Imagine what this trio can do over a decade together!?

    • Like 2
  12. Who's going tonight!? Who's watching from home? Share a pic of your game gear! I got myself a new guernsey (I had an old Tooheys one) because I wanted to mark the start of a new era.

    I'll be at the G tonight. Don't think I'll be able to work today haha. So excited! We've got this.

    Go Dees!


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