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Everything posted by gregdemon

  1. Yeah it good to see the bottom again......... NOT !!! However I will almost damm guarantee finals 2020. A fit lever May some good draft picks the 14 operations folk fully fit again. and away we go 2020 (I hope)
  2. Of Course we are trying . It just all gone to hell with system/injuries garbage pre season Written off this year develope for next year. This is like the neil D era(God love him) one year on one year Off.
  3. NO point player lever at all till next year
  4. agree season on line next 2 quarters. If 1/4 its over 2/3 still in it
  5. Yep backline coach has to be accountable. Lever and may will be handy down back but season prob gone by then. Disappointing
  6. Better KEEP GOING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. soft decisions both ways hate to be a defender did we get the worst umpires this week
  8. I was thinking that maybe a bad thought but.......
  9. Correct. This is a bad dream. essendon skills so much better Give me bloody strength almost unwatchable.
  10. Old news just not interested. carltank were the same remember the embarrassing twlight game versus carlton when Carlton fans were cheering for them to lose. I think all have learned from the experience no point in tanking
  11. Me too how does the club hold so much over me. i do not know the players or staff (although I feel i do) I let the club have the control over my state of mind.. yet I have no control over the result. Thats footy I suppose........ and I bloody love it
  12. God I hope you are right Nervous already
  13. its over got early start tomorrow off to bed very very disappointing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. agree we were soft STICK UP FOR YOUR MATES (legally of course)
  15. Trouble is I have read this book before. Under neil D one year good next year shizen. Hope history not repeating. Worry that injuries ect preseason has left us under done and in a few weeks may come good but too late. Would not want to be 0 -4
  16. Neither could I expect a furious response
  17. Yes fitness. shocking hot day with horrible hot wind. (was awful just sitting at the ground) Were cooked at half time. Port fitter. worry about the next few weeks as we seem along way behind in fitness. Disappointed no one helped max being targeted. Hopefully May will fix that (without being reported) Some controlled toughness would be good Forgive jones one barry crocker.. he had a few mates
  18. Good luck to him except when he plays against us. I will not be booing him when we play against freo next year. Happy with the trade bring on 2019. good luck Jessie hope you find happiness back in perth.
  19. agree Bucks is a class act feel for him cannot stand meth coast Yes Bucks has grown as a person. I like him. Watch out for dees next year I hope See you all next year !! ... now I go into depression lost what to watch friday and sat nights. 6 months to go
  20. Yes he is fried see ya Jeff shocking game poor effort after half time the lot. Hawthorn has done it to us again
  21. Does a 3 game membership allow you to buy finals tickets or only the full one. Thanks
  22. Yeah I am worried too. Most times teams who finish top 4 win at least one final. As much as I hate Hawthorn they are a proud club. Battle of our lives tomorrow night. Cannot believe the odds. 50/50 I would have thought
  23. we are m 57 too. hopefully mostly dee supporters. Told they do blocks of club members Public get whats left hopefully mainly dees
  24. absolute [censored] !! God I hope we end their rat infested filthy diseased season. (you may have guessed I (Football) hate them) LOL
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