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Everything posted by danielE288

  1. Work non existant. Hungry jacks just consumed. (Worked last week) Nervous more for the fact I've already paid $700 to go to Perth next week. Hope I'm not dissapointed. Should win but who knows.
  2. Bit the bullet and booked my flights. Hope I havnt jinxed it.
  3. Not a bad option Ethan. The other possibility is adding an extra $45 each way to make the fares flexible. So if I we lose I can use them another time.
  4. Found some flights 588 return. Non refundable though. Tempting.
  5. Yes. Jusy refresh a couple of times and boom. Easy as.
  6. Not sure how I'm going to be able to do this whilst working. Argh
  7. Yes its just the number on your card
  8. Flights to Perth from Melbourne through the roof already.
  9. Our father who art i heaven, give us the strength to beat geelong. Thankyou
  10. I havnt been this excited for a footy game since I was about 16. About to jump on the train at Dennis. Hopefully packed with demons fans. Lets do this.
  11. Did the same.. Except HJs. That whopper isn't sitting too well. Last few hours at work excruciating. Starting to really get nervous.
  12. Yeah not alot really. Train and drive home. Win the next one and 'll be well and truly up and about.
  13. It will be fine. Bit of cold weather never hurt anyone. Not abandoning mine unless its torrential rain.
  14. Anyone elsein m12? Feeling nervous that I've been alotted cats tickets in some sort of balls up.
  15. Eventually it will just let you in.
  16. Thanks Guys. I assume as the home team we will mostly be congregated at the Punt Rd end, or is it at AFL discretion?
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