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Everything posted by deebug

  1. Can that happen, having the same umpires as last week?
  2. Oh s*&% i wonder who the umpires are going to be for Friday night?
  3. He should get three weeks for kicking a player in the face using his boot, it's a dog act, and if the AFL don't then i hope some one knocks him out.
  4. You went on their web site? ? But thanks for the info?
  5. When we came out of the blocks from the start i felt we were gong to win, was a little bit nervous in the 4th Q but after about the 20 min mark, a friend and i started to yelling out it's a Grand old flag. Was the best feeling of all.?
  6. I can hear Eddie Mcguire crying from here, missed out on the grandson of one of their greats in our Weeeeed, and also the young kid at the dogs as well.
  7. Jack- hay duckwood your looking a bit tired old son, here let me help, by giving you a hand.
  8. Can't be more proud of our guys well done boys Welcome back Jack Viney?
  9. That's a very bad smokey, get those thoughts out of your head right now. Good vibes, we are gong to win.
  10. Thank you Paul for coming over and helping our great club. You will always hold a special place in my heart, knowing your heart beats true for the red and the blue
  11. The sooner gil the dill gets the a@*# the better , they have taken the game away from the people. Just feel for a young kid wanting to play the game he loves and he can't because the AFL are a bunch of #*&%$.
  12. That is so unfair for those kids. Another stuff up by the AFL
  13. For far too long Melbourne have held onto the past. Yes the forties up and to our last flag were good times. Although we can look back on such feats, it does not mean anything in the here and now; and all the rubbish from the last ten years needs to stay in the past.
  14. I have to agree, our current players need to make this their own experience, we know what it has been like the last 50 years. This should be new and fun for the club and fans alike, as i said in another post NEVER LOOK BACK!
  15. My friends and i sing Wadda we sing every week, have been for years. If we have any voice left after the GF we will be singing loud and proud.?
  16. Just go back to playing footy, not wasting time on this c%*@.
  17. I hope the umpires are on that c*@! from the start, and do not get fooled by their hisses fits.
  18. To all the reporter's and any body else out there, Jess is NOT leaving the Melbourne football. So jay z and co p*## off end of story.
  19. Will it what UN- leash the DEMON?
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