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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. MFC finishes 2nd after Premiership loss Petracca kicks 53 goals for the season Hogan breakout year Win game against North Melbourne Delisted: Vince, Wagner, Kennedy-Harris, Kent (sadly) Oliver runner-up in Brownlow and 2 in a row best and fairest at MFC Keilty stars across season, as does Maynard and Fritsch Oscar traded for another ruck / utility option Watts kicks winning goal for Port Adel against Melbourne in home & away season Weidemann traded to Collingwood
  2. Agreed and after all, it is not going to be drafted players that win you a finals berth or a flag, it is going to be those you recently acquired beforehand, and those who - through experience and understanding - develop, together.
  3. When we were talking about the showers shyness at other clubs, I just presumed that this was unstated 'tinea' detritis about his person but now he is signed on, I have been assured that this has now cleared up and he is raring to go. He has even enrolled in a course in modern language, reads well now, including other attribute developments to meet those standards expected of him. See, your motivation was outstanding in more than one regard. Even CityDee (above) has commented as further proof that he '...looks to have a good turn of foot...', which in itself regarding the above, now-unmentionable ailment is a definite sign of his positive change and readiness. Good onyer, Redleg.
  4. I'd like to refer Redleg's earlier, stoic yet penetrating work on the Demonland forum in regards to our acquisition, the young Mr Fritsch. Applying a novel logic and a keen sense of inter-operability with other clubs' list managers prior to last night's draft, Redleg brought it all together in a timely fashion - so much so that the entire thread disappeared before our eyes and those of the 'sniffers' at other clubs. High praise and commendation is all Redleg's.
  5. Good one, Redleg. Thoroughly agree that you nailed it a few weeks earlier and that is why I got on the bandwagon with you. I thought your succint judgement came to the fore when you mentioned his illiteracy! Very apt, as players must be able to read the coach's chalk board meanderings - so that may well have frightened away the WCE. Looks like Collingwood were successfully frightened off, as well so that makes two significant arrows in your quill. 'Carna Demons!
  6. Frosty should not be out of favour - he is a genuine talent and lead-taker, he finds space very well and can run, run, run when needed; if our game plan for the coming season turns out as our recruiting efforts predictably indicate, then Frosty's mobility is going to be core to our capacity for 'whole field' running, eliminating the 'bomb' to nowhere.
  7. Big man, sometimes big brain. Shetland person, all brain! (Please excuse and eliminate Tex Walker from that comparison. He has no brain.
  8. Great little fella pick-up, actually. If he is half as good as Ricky Jackson was then he will be a great asset. Getting ideas that the game plan is more 'running amok' in 2018 than it is in 'prop and shock'. About time - we do not need roving types who belt the ball 'long' scraping the clouds.
  9. ok: Charlie Spargo - 1, Bailey Fritsch - 2, Harrison Petty - 3, Oskar Baker - 4. We did well. Be happy folks, it all OK.
  10. Agree with you, Hemingway. Those successes must come early as we will miss those getting back onto the bandwagon for what will be for them a shortened season. They will wait until the 2019 season and scream blue murder if they miss our GF appearance because of that in the 2018 season. Like the clubs inspired by the AFL, money speaks louder than sentiment.
  11. ...kinda looks like all-game mobility is the go for the game plan...both are better at that style of play and more useful, too, in that style of play and yes, setting examples might be a very good interpretation. I think I like it.
  12. The whole draft system is now characterised by enormous speculation, anxiety on the selections left available and the final return as the draft itself continues and ends. The end-products as far as the clubs are concerned have few guarantees, if any, as we all attempt to get the best value/s in potential players based upon the system's in-built redundancies - the hierarchy of selection order. As far as the MFC is concerned, I'd say that we have had good opportunity and success in our recent experiences over the past few years and that these players, with considerable preparation in senior games experiences are now ready to 'burn' for the red and blue onfield. This may not be a great selection year due to our selection sequence but past successes can be more telling in our rush to the finals in 2018. Therefore, we should not lose hope, at all, whatever our outcomes at the end of this day. 'Carna Dees!
  13. Having made the decision to recruit him [Weideman] it would be difficult not to keep persisting with him - but it is most likely that the development he needs to make as a forward for us can only be gained with specific training and Casey time of an extended duration to be mirrored in his performance.
  14. Wallace at least confirms that there is a 'silly' season and we must assume that pre-season is that moment. Even the Ox was a little flabbergasted by Wallace's selections. Weidemann at CHF - what a misaligned judgement! Oscar at fullback again would be criminal.
  15. Nicest bloke to ever walk the planet, Max Walker
  16. Minor detail, jumper numbers. A low number does not place a person in the hierarchy of performance - even Max Walker tried hard but remained out of - and on the periphery of - the real talent pool in a very ordinary team, and he was No. 1!
  17. Exciting player with great Jurrah-type skills yet too finely built for tackling and forward pressure, I'd say. A fair way off that required level of physical development and if achieved, would possibly reduced his aerial 'lift' and flight opportunities as seen in the current reels.
  18. Lovely bit of very good football by the Dees - runners galore.
  19. Many of us here at Demonland are opting for Oscar to fill the fullback role in the 2018 team proposals. I am concerned that he makes many mistakes and is nowhere near the talents of his brother in that role. I'd rather see Oscar develop further in the Casey team, in an attempt to challenge for the ball more vigorously and to overcome his 'fade-outs' with mobile forward opponents. For mine, Tom is better in this role with feed offs to Jetta, Frosty and Hibberd.
  20. Most probably, if the Club went down this path that I have described wherein junior supporter groups were encouraged and developed, I would make a commensurate donation to such a process if it was agreed by other members, including more face contact with juniors that may become 'special' Club members with functions held in their encouragement.
  21. One wonders if Tex has the longevity in his intellectual arsenal to sustain nasty thoughts about Lever evading and evacuating the flock - hell, footballers should be free to trade like any other business, forming alliances and commitments 'across a sector or many sectors'. If the Crows' (and Tex's mentality) had infringed in this regard - it would have been 'a restriction in trade' situation and thus, highly illegal. Once Lever had mentioned such an interest in applying his skills to the Dees, there was no way, in law, that Tex's Black Feather friends could interfere.
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