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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Terribly sad, and one with such terrific potential, once. Let's stop the name-calling and redundant criticism of him to allow those about him, and himself, recover and reset his wheels. He did many very good things for us as supporters, remember? AFL pressure is something that I would think few of us could endure, at best.
  2. Oh, Barry...as in Vagg. What a good idea! He's a biggie, ain't he? Great player, Vagg.
  3. Sure is looking stronger and more demonic. Great to see, and let''s hope it comes out on game day.
  4. Was that 'Oscar the Orrible' being out-positioned, again?
  5. Seems to be an element of altruistic superiority amongst some of our forum contributors. Noticed it several times - and it is not even 'black' humour, more like arrogance. Saty writes well and meaningfully. His opinion is respected and contributory.
  6. I got into a Melb-Rich game back in 1960 for free! Tickets were issued at skool as I lived in the Richmond zone in Melb, in Malvern, and we had pies and pasties with heap'sa dead horse on top carried on trays by some of the greats and I remember Jack Dyer farnarkling around spilling soft drinks and cordial as he progressed through the crowd! But, I loved the Demons, even then....so it was a win, win, win and pretty special.
  7. Elegantly posited, Skuit. Can you imagine Leigh Matthews tolerating such prejudice?
  8. Oh, Ron will be happy ... one of our own, at No.31
  9. There is little doubt that he would let us down come the new footy season. Let him recover - on the training and preparation side of things, Viney is a benchmark to all players across all clubs.
  10. If need be - partially 'Yes'. Seen a good deal of footy in my time and strong at analysis. Certain elements of play and execution stick in one's mind as 'above average' or unexpectedly capable - even in a young 'un. Petty displays these characteristics....
  11. Too right, he is quick. Remember his goal from the boundary line? The was no snap towards goal, that was a receive-'pick-up'- goalward glance-body positioning for impact-lightningly fast kick - and then a re-balance all mixed in with an initial shepherd for his teammate who could not acquire the ball in the massing crowd. All from inside a rapidly growing pack of both teammates and opposition players with a tagger on him, as well.
  12. It does look like he is a great recruit for us. Agility is just as important as speed and he has that. Endurance to do it again and again and to recover quickly will be his test the the coming season. Very happy that he was picked up - and it is an indication of how much our recruiting respected the potential of those appearing to join MFC before his selection.
  13. Years ago, I heard Max coming off the ground at half-time, going crook at one of his roving types (un-named lest he be incriminated). He said something stern about the groundsman at the 'G, to his rover. Y'see, the rover had not got a kick before half-time and poor old Maxy had been tapping them down at every bounce and throw-in with effort, determination, corrections and intent but still the little bugger couldn't get a kick. He was saying to him: '...gotta talk to (the Groundsman) for not mowing the oval this week before the game. He left the grass too long for a short-arse like you to be seen all over the place.'
  14. I wonder if many of these players poita mentions above will actually leave or be 'de-listed' as in most analyses, each is valuable and I suspect that they are just evaluating their game and contribution to the team from the perspective of being injured and 'out of play' for varying amounts of time. What this represents to me is a fierce desire to recover, completely and further develop their skills and attributes to play on with a fierce determination. This is the backbone of great sides - this determination and willingness to push further as integral parts of the 'group'. Therefore, I see these players being or becoming the 'essence' of the MFC from whence the history of being part of a great and successful team will come. True Grit, they call it.
  15. A haircut would bring this all to fruition, given that the base model displays so much talent. Might even make him more speedy when he sees where he is going....
  16. The 'inter-Staters' amongst us would just love to know how the team is performing after a couple of sessions have already passed and would love to know how the newbies are received and play/train with the regulars.
  17. The optimism, no matter how irrelevant, is magnificent. How can we idle the minutes with such a gusto? Question: is OMcD a relative of yours?
  18. Ah, the poet arises! What a refreshing spin on the evocation of a love for a game, a team and a discussion point.
  19. Obvious gaps have been manned for development and depth, it seems. Each contribute to a more mobile team and with Goodwin's influences, should display and affect a greater competitive, defensive and attacking playing style.
  20. Agree in general with these summations, Faultydet, except with the Weideman tackle, bodywork or defensive pressure. He has always been a 'skirter', running around as if to pounce but never doing much about it. He does need to build his upper body, considerably and to be able to deliver body contact interferences in order to acquire the ball, a tap-on to advantage or to shield/screen a more agile teammate's pathway forward. Time with Casey will be invaluable to him.
  21. Like this team selection of yours, Clint Bizkit.
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