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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. What the XXXXXXXXX do you mean, XXXXXXXXX? XXXXXXXXX difficult XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX to understand. Anyway, XXXXXXXX words are supposed to be interpretive of what some XXXXXX is XXXXXXXX raving on about.
  2. It is difficult to quantify and identify our 'rugged' players, currently. However, just general observation tells us that it is missing. Even Viney has softened, somewhat, but for good reasons - he became a teamwork liability utilising rugged play and was often caught with the ball. That was not progress, at all, but it was inspirational at times. Back to our game against the Eagles: we have three players with concussion (Salem, TSmith, ANB this week) a sign of the Eagles winning strategies (?) - and nearly a fourth (Gawn) after overriding continued bodily interferences and impacts against the rules in the tandem Eagles ruck efforts. He received a deliberate blow from Jetta who was celebrated for his big mark, leaving him (Gawn) on the ground, dazed and in pain; this leg-foot-body blow was step-ladderish and dangerously, wilfully executed. It is amazing that not one free kick and caution emanated from the two umpires onfield who '...saw nothing... once again in the ruck duels. We needed Preuss to assist Gawn and to shelter to some extent those badly laid out. Jones also copped a beauty, likewise Lockhart and Hunt. We are expected to believe (when it suits the AFL) that 'Such is footy, full of hard knocks'. Time for a few shirtfronts to check the validity of the rules....
  3. Damn correct. Identifiable roles for Preuss and Trac, perhaps. May, most certainly on return. There is a very fond series of memories about how effective - albeit unconventional - that Rodney Grinter was when needed and his run-on into the game as if nothing had happened. Uplifting for the Team. In his healthier days - about three years of tough stuff - Ray Biffen would also sort out a few transgressions as part of his game plan. It stomped out nearly all offences against Demon players. He had to wear a back brace as a result of his unquestionable sense of loyalty and commitment to the Team. Neitz would do it, at times, as well but subtlety was his forte and few transgressed in this regard once 'spoken to...' We need a few father figures right now.
  4. Yep, something amiss in the way that incident panned out, isn't there? Free kick, sling to ground for full body weight contact on Smith's head, given goal at a critical moment and ground position rather than an appropriate (and level playing field) bounce, resultant public criticism and outrage of the overt and deliberate aggression to cause injury, subsequent suspension. Four points and a loss of a player in the game. Totally unjustifiable umpiring.
  5. By necessity for the Eagles, it was an intended act at some point of the quarter. McGovern was controlled by an unknown Demon newbie - we cannot have that - and the umpires agreed?
  6. Ironic, so his sacrifice (suspension) as far as the Eagles are concerned, was worth it. He got a Demon player out of the match, effectively, as well. They got the four points as a result of the critical incident.
  7. There is another issue from the WC rucks, playing karate blocks on Gawn's arms, wrists and ribs rather than playing the ball in a tap down. Not one of these infringements was noticed by the snot goblins and thus, not one received a penalty. Gawn appealed once, sadly it was ignored. They could not beat Gawny, so they then attempted to injure him. It occurred in marking contests, as well.
  8. Terrific post from Fanatic Demon. As for Brayshaw, he is out of position. Young Gus is a driver from the centre, can go two ways quite easily and his clearance initiation, and back-up, are elite. He just gets the pill in there or can judge where he needs to be to get a receive, and uses it surprisingly well. Put him out on a flank and he is restricted by the dimensions of that area of the ground. He no longer has his 360-degree options that characterise his game, left or right. Who the Phugg decided he was a winger? Our clearances are no longer dominant without Gus in operation - and notice that the other mids no longer have the Gus-screen when he ain't there? Goodwin has broken a combination play that was invincible.
  9. Until we are ladder leaders, consistently, drawing very large crowds, regularly, and dominating onfield for 100 minutes, no green snot goblin is going to allow us to play football without their little (and costly) power trips punctuating an 'evening-up' for the sake of the spectacle. What the Eagles got away with relative to the Dees in the game last night was mostly unfair and slanted. By three-quarter time, the game should have already been over in the Dees' favour - but the Perth crowd beyed for more and so the umpires gave. Nearly 100% of that crowd left the ground happy with what the AFL had presented to them. There will be no second thoughts.
  10. Of these players, generally agreed. OMac played rather well this week, interrupting many opposition marks and passing well by foot. Frosty was - overall - impressive. Baker is getting there.
  11. Fritsch is a forward. He is not a backman. His turnovers are way too expensive. Very low percentage of effective disposals, I'm afraid. However, in front of the sticks, he can kick 'em. Get him down there, Goodwin.
  12. The severity of what you suggest is fully justified - supporters need to see a change in capability, skills and real footballing intensity. To achieve this, these processes could even go further to up-skill those regulars (the majority of players) who are happy to lag and ascend to a weekly selection at limited cost to their effort.
  13. Leading is the key, not bombs to a static and swamped target. Tom has the mobility in basket loads. Brains need to be switched on - not panic station alerts.
  14. De-listing may be a little premature in that timeframe. Big recovery from injury - but certainly has speed and the other skills including ball-handling can continue to develop. Is known to be able to goal on the run.
  15. Fully agreed. He rucks well, can mark, can clear packs, can shuffle opponents out of the way, can kick goals. He is slow, but there are compensations. He also turned up for work earlier in the year.
  16. Oh, Dear! Not another pathetic week against West Coast.
  17. There can be no other explanation - they're tanking.
  18. That is not positive - Preuss is needed.
  19. It cannot be clearly detected so far this season, but it does seem as if many of our 'drivers' are being given other onfield duties to match the crazy game plan that we exhibit. Game styles of our better players seem to lack that excellent drive that we generated last season - the skills are still there, but the incidence/frequency of these contributions is well down as these players find themselves just out of the action points. It is not a lag due to fitness, it is happening elsewhere on the field. Collectively, we then pounce for congestion as a means of winning the pill.
  20. I like the priority order you suggest for INs and OUTs.
  21. Just played like he needed to play and the timing in the game was perfect.
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